Riot Games' next champion for League of Legends has been revealed in the form of Lillia, the Bashful Bloom. Lillia will be the 149th champion and the "new jungler to fawn over" teased earlier this year by Riot Reav3.

The reveal confirms earlier leaks revealing Lillia's name, splash art and voice lines. Besides the release of Lillia, skins for other champions will also be released as part of the Spirit Blossom event due on July 22. In Lillia's trailer, figures resembling Kindred and Riven appear, lining up with news earlier this year that Kindred will be receiving a new skin.

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Lillia's passive is Dream-Laden Bough. Lillia's abilities apply Dream Dust, dealing a portion of the target's maximum health as magic damage over a duration.

Lillia's Q is Blooming Blows. Lillia swings her branch in the air and deals magic damage to nearby enemies, dealing true damage to those at the outer edge of the circle. When she successfully lands the attack, Lillia also gets movement speed.

Lillia's W is Watch Out! Eep! Lillia winds up for a huge strike with her branch, dealing magic damage to enemies. Enemies at the center of the impact receive more damage.

Lillia's E is Swirlseed. Lillia lobs a Swirlseed overhead, dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing them for a duration. If Lillia's Swirlseed misses, it'll continue to roll until it hits an enemy or collides with terrain.

Lillia's ultimate is Liting Lullaby. Lillia casts a lullaby over her enemies and those affected by her Dream Dust become increasingly slowed before falling asleep for a duration of time. When awakened by damage, enemies will take additional magic damage.

While Lillia is intended to be a jungler, it will be interesting to see how the player base utilizes her kit. It appears from her passive that she will strongly synergize with Liandry's Torment, but can get shut down by Adaptive Helm. Her kit does appear for her to be close/mid-range with no innate way to sustain a fight for long barring rune choices, which will only come with full information regarding cooldowns and damage numbers.

As planned, Lillia's reveal comes after the reworks of Fiddlesticks and Volibear. With Fiddlesticks' rework managing to modernize his kit yet retain his scary theme and Volibear finally becoming the demigod of thunder he was always meant to be, expectations should be high that Riot will be able to deliver a champion of high visual fidelity and thematic resonance.

League of Legends is available on PC.

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