​​​In LeagueofLegends: WildRift, Tanks are very durable, allowing them to withstand large amounts of damage without dying. They also have multiple crowd control effects, which is extremely useful in disrupting the enemy's attempts at attacking or escaping. These aforementioned qualities allow Tanks to fearlessly lead their team into battle with powerful engage or disengage tools.

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Soaking up damage (players would think they were Supports) allows their team to find more opportunities to deal the needed damage to win team fights and skirmishes. These are the best builds that will help make Tanks as tough as they can be.

10 Nunu & Willump

League of Legends Workshop Nunu Skin
  • Sunfire Cape
  • Deadman’s Plate
  • Mercury Treads Gargoyle Enchant
  • Thornmail
  • Spirit Visage
  • Randuin’s Omen
  • Aftershock Keystone Rune combined with Weakness, Bone Plating, and Wolf Pack runes

This build allows Tanks like Nunu to be able to engage and disengage fights for their team with ease. These items give players multiple forms of bonus Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance, so they can endure dealing with all forms of damage. The Movement Speed bonus from Deadman’s Plate has great synergy with Nunu’s W, making it even easier to land, so players can catch out unsuspecting victims (without needing to use visual tricks).

The bonus Healing from Nunu’s Q works perfectly with Spirit Visage. Players will feel invincible during Nunu’s Ultimate Ability and enemies won’t even want to bother hitting Nunu because of how resilient he will be.

9 Nasus

League of Legends Battlecast Nasus Skin
  • Trinity Force
  • Mercury Treads Teleport
  • Deadman’s Plate
  • Sterak’s Gage
  • Spirit Visage
  • Guardian Angel
  • Grasp of the Undying Keystone Rune combined with Triumph, Bone Plating, and Mastermind runes

After checking out this build, players will assume these items seem a bit more offensive when compared to completely defensive ones. However, when it comes to Nasus, this build makes him as sturdy as most Tanks, while still having threatening damage.

Trinity Force makes Nasus’ Q damage amplified even more and the Ability Haste gives him more uptime on it. Spirit Visage has amazing synergy with Nasus’ Passive Ability, making his Life Steal cpabilities, alongside his survivability, extremely high.

8 Jarvan IV

League of Legends Lunar Beast Jarvan IV Skin
  • Black Cleaver
  • Mercury Treads Gargoyle Enchant
  • Guardian Angel
  • Thornmail
  • Randuin’s Omen
  • Spirit Visage
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune combined with Brutal, Hunter Titan, and Mastermind runes

This build is not only flexible enough to shine against most team compositions, but it also works wonderfully if enemies have multiple physical damage dealers. Jarvan IV can be built in so many ways, but this item build utilizes his mobility and prolonged fighting prowess to its maximum potential.

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Players will be able to feel like a damage threat while remaining sturdy enough to stay in the front line of team fights or can even dive their backline (unlike some other champions). Options and play styles will not be limited with this well-made Tank build.

7 Amumu

League of Legends Infernal Amumu Skin
  • Sunfire Cape
  • Gargoyle Enchant
  • Deadman’s Plate
  • Thornmail
  • Spirit Visage
  • Randuin’s Omen
  • Aftershock Keystone Rune combined with Brutal, Conditioning, and Mastermind runes

This build provides players with tons of Armor, Magic Resistance, Health, sustain, and other special effects that help mitigate damage taken. Enemies will be forced to build Armor Penetration or Ability Power Penetration to deal with Amumu using this build, or he will be nearly invincible.

Being extremely durable allows players enough time to maximize their ability usage to lock down enemies and set up themselves and their allies for success.

6 Singed

League of Legends Augmented Singed Skin
  • Rylai’s Crystal Scepter
  • Mercury Treads Hextech Protobelt Enchant
  • Liandry’s Torment
  • Deadman’s Plate
  • Thornmail
  • Infinity Orb
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune combined with Weakness, Hunter Titan, and Sweet Tooth runes

Although this build is in the best Tank builds list, it’s not as adjustable as the rest and is more catered towards Singed specifically. The slowing effects, combined with the damage over time burn as well as lethal Critical Ability Damage allows players to spread their toxins upon multiple enemies with Singed’s Q.

However, the bonus Health and Armor compliments his Ultimate Ability and play style well enough, so he can be just as disruptive as most Tanks without needing to focus his items solely in a defensive manner.

5 Garen

League of Legends God-King Garen Skin
  • Black Cleaver
  • Mercury Treads Gargoyle Enchant
  • Deadman’s Plate
  • Sterak’s Gage
  • Guardian Angel
  • Spirit Visage
  • Grasp of Undying Keystone Rune, combined with Brutal, Adaptive Carapace, and Sweet Tooth runes

This build is pretty diverse yet works fantastically on Tanks like Garen (especially if players are stuck in Silver). Black Cleaver has an interesting synergy because the effect triggers from Garen’s E ability, allowing players to shred the enemies’ Armor quicker and easier than most champions.

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The bonus Movement Speed from Deadman’s Plate synergizes amazingly with Garen’s Q ability due to the overlapping bonuses of Movement Speed. The bonus HP works well with Garen’s Passive Ability since the healing is percentage-based, the more Health players have, the larger amount of healing will be received, thus making Garen even more formidable.

4 Wukong

League of Legends Radiant Wukong Skin
  • Black Cleaver
  • Mercury Treads Gargoyle Enchant
  • Guardian Angel
  • Sunfire Cape
  • Death’s Dance
  • Sterak’s Gage
  • Conqueror Keystone Rune, combined with Brutal, Adaptive Carapace, and Hunter Genius

This build provides Tanks with semi-offensive capabilities with items that give Attack Damage and Life Steal. Having the durability from the Armor and Magic Resistance allows Wukong to stay in the front line of battle while also providing great dueling potential.

The Black Cleaver has wonderful synergy with Wukong’s Q ability since it also gives Armor Shred capabilities. The player’s physical damage dealing allies will enjoy a huge boost in damage that this build will provide to every Physical Damage dealer on the team.

3 Rammus

League of Legends Ninja Rammus Skin
  • Thornmail
  • Plated-Steelcaps Gargoyle Enchant
  • Deadman’s Plate
  • Guardian Angel
  • Sunfire Cape
  • Randuin’s Omen
  • Aftershock Keystone Rune, combined with Weakness, Adaptive Carapace, and Pathfinder runes

This build is very potent against full Attack Damage Compositions, making Tanks seem even more difficult to take down the longer the game drags on. Rammus is the perfect Tank for this build since his W ability increases Armor and reflects some Physical Damage to enemies.

Enemies will want to avoid attacking players who have this build due to the sheer defensive prowess this build provides (especially with Plated-Steelcaps). Even if players using this build are slain, they can revive using Guardian Angel’s special ability.

2 Dr. Mundo

League of Legends Corporate Mundo Skin
  • Sunfire Cape
  • Gargoyle Enchant
  • Spirit Visage
  • Deadman’s Plate
  • Warmog’s Armor
  • Thornmail
  • Aftershock Keystone Rune combined with Weakness, Conditioning, and Sweet Tooth runes

This build is purely defensive but Dr. Mundo’s high base damage skills will have enemies scratching their heads. Having multiple forms of Armor, Magic Resistance (imagine if we swapped in Force of Nature), and Health makes Tanks like Dr. Mundo extremely difficult to deal with.

Having immunity to Crowd Control through skills lets players go where they please without fear of repercussions, knowing it’ll take multiple foes to slay players. The healing from Dr. Mundo’s Ultimate Abilityhasspectacular synergy with Spirit Visage and even Warmog’s Armor.

1 Xin Zhao

League of Legends Imperial Xin Zhao Skin
  • Black Cleaver
  • Mercury Treads Righteous Glory Enchant
  • Solari Chargeblade
  • Sterak’s Gage
  • Guardian Angel
  • Randuin’s Omen
  • Conqueror Keystone combined with Brutal, Hunter Titan, and Mastermind runes

This build provides more damage than most Tank builds, but it’s only possible due to how well Xin Zhao interacts with these items (even he deserves a Legendary Skin). His Ultimate Ability blocks all incoming projectiles from outside the surrounding radius, allowing him to not only protect himself but his allies as well.

Most huge damage threats use ranged attacks to deal damage, leaving room for Xin Zhao to utilize Critical Chance alongside Attack Damage without losing much durability in the long run.

League of Legends: Wild Rift is currently available on Mobile.

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