League of Legends is one of the most successful games in the world, and the key to its success is the game's fantastic champion design. While some of the roster can be frustrating to play against at times, the overwhelming majority of champions are extremely fun to play and offer unique experiences.

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With new champions being released, and old ones reworked and constantly tweaked, it is hard to permanently occupy the top spots of the most fun champions to play in League of Legends.

8 Sylas

League of Legends Ashen Slayer Sylas

Sylas, who is primarily a mid-laner in League of Legends, arguably has the most fun ultimate in the game as it allows him to steal any enemy ultimate. While these ults are often fun to use by themselves, depending on which he has stolen, combining them with the rest of Sylas' kit makes for a truly unique experience.

Thankfully the rest of Sylas' abilities are just as fun to use, especially his E which has two parts Abscond and Abduct where Sylas dashes in any direction before hurling his chains at a target, stunning them and dashing towards them.

7 Thresh

League of Legends Steel Dragon Thresh Splash Art

Like the souls he collects, Thresh's popularity is eternal. Every aspect of Thresh's kit is fun and engaging, from his hooks and flays to his unique lantern which can save allies or bring in help from afar. The way they can all be used together, however, is what makes Thresh one of the best.

The small changes made to Thresh in 2023 have revitalized the Chain Warden, making successful hooks even more rewarding as the cooldown will nearly be replenished in the late game once he lets his prey go. He is a great champion for beginner supports and experts alike.

6 Zeri

League of Legends Withered Rose Zeri

Out of all the bot laners or ADCs in League of Legends, Zeri is arguably the most unique and also the most fun. This is mostly due to her unique way of auto-attacking which is on her Q - Burst Fire. In fact, Zeri was designed to almost play like a character from shooter games such as Valorant.

Paired with her fantastic mobility she quickly becomes a kiting monster with incredible potential to pop off in teamfights. Her high-adrenaline gameplay is extremely fun especially when mastered.

5 Viego

League of Legends King Viego

Seeing as he has the ability to transform into any champion in the game, it is hard not to include Viego on a list of the most fun champions to play in League of Legends. To do this he has to first kill them so that he can possess their soul.

While Viego can only possess enemy champions for up to 10 seconds at a time, sometimes this is all that is needed, as if he keeps getting kills he can keep switching. There is nothing quite like an entire teamfight where one plays as five different champions.

4 Rakan

League of Legends Broken Covenant Rakan

Rakan has always been one of the most fun supports to play since his release in 2017, but his current strength makes him all the more enjoyable. From five-man knockups, a charm that makes him go speedy, and plenty of dashes, Rakan's kit is packed full of excitement.

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The fact that Xayah is also strong in Season 13 is an added bonus as Rakan is most fun when paired with his lover. The two of them have some unique interactions such as a shared recall which can come in clutch and Rakan can also dash from further away to Xayah.

3 Akali

League of Legends KDA Akali

Ever since her rework in 2018, Akali has been one of the most fun champions to pilot in League of Legends. From her passive to her ultimate, every aspect of Akali's kit is an opportunity to outplay the enemy and feel great while doing so.

Unlike other assassins who prefer to get in, quickly burst someone out, and be on their way, Akali tends to play fights a little differently. With the two parts of her E - Shuriken Flip and Ultimate she can delay her damage and mobility. This is all on top of having access to her W - Twilight Shroud which she can hide in, moving around to reposition before surprising enemies.

2 Aurelion Sol

League of Legends Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol's rework is one of the biggest successes of recent years, transforming his gameplay from niche at best to an example of one of the best power fantasies in the game. Now when players lock in the Star Forger, they will truly feel like a cosmic space dragon whose power is unrivaled in the League of Legends lore.

Over the course of the game, Aurelion Sol's power grows and so do his abilities. For example, his black hole Singularity increases in size, including the center which can execute enemies on low health. Best of all is his ultimate Falling Star which can transcend into the aptly named The Skies Descend, knocking up enemies and emitting an enormous shockwave across the Rift.

1 Lee Sin

League of Legends God Fist Lee Sin

Regardless of the season, Lee Sin is always going to be one of the most fun champions in League of Legends. The tools he has for making plays and outmaneuvering the enemy are the envy of most champions, with two dashes and his ultimate Dragon's Rage which can deliver a carry into his team's hands.

The best thing about Lee Sin is that despite his age, players are still discovering new combos, and his high skill ceiling means that individuals will have more fun the better they get with him.

League of Legends is available on PC and Mac.

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