In the Fall of 2009, Riot Games released League of Legends, and it has since gone on to become one of the most popular games in the world. League now has more than 150 champions—all of whom have their own designated role. But they also have their own unique set of abilities, which can either be melee or magical in nature.

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The Halo series has helped to revolutionize the FPS genre, and every title follows the adventures of a Spartan super-soldier named Master Chief—who wears special armor which augments his enhanced strength, reflexes, durability, and agility. Chief is definitely the strongest of the Spartans, which is why he is more than capable of defeating a handful of League's champions, but there are also champions who are just too powerful for him to take down.

10 Can Beat Him: Malphite

Malphite Coming to Life & Attacking A Garrison

Some players believe that Malphite is a champion who desperately needs a rework, but even those players cannot deny that he is currently one of the game's best top laners. Malphite is basically a living mountain and he actually loves fighting ranged individuals.

This towering force comes with a granite shield that Master Chief will likely not be able to break no matter what weapon he uses, and even if he does break it, his bullets will just tickle Malphite. Chief's armor may be durable, but even Spartan armor cannot withstand Malphite's ultimate—which basically turns him into an 86 ton torpedo.

9 Can't Beat Him: Warwick

Warwick Claiming A Victim In Zaun

Warwick was once an ordinary human, but a series of experiments transformed him into a beast who now hunts the streets of Zaun. His only weapons are his razor sharp teeth and claws, but he also has a roar that instills fear into anyone who hears it.

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Chief may not be able to outrun Warwick, but he can definitely slice straight through him with an energy sword, and seeing as Warwick doesn't wear any armor, bullets will be able to do maximum damage to him.

8 Can Beat Him: Zac

Zac Breaking Out Of The Laboratory

Chief has defeated countless aliens over the years, but that tends to happen when bullets and energy swords actually have an effect on their target. Zac doesn't need to worry about any of that because he is basically a humanoid slime monster, which means that any bullets that Chief fires will simply pass through him.

An energy sword could cut off large chunks of his body, but it wouldn't really matter because even if Zac is cut to ribbons, he can still recombine thanks to his passive, and at that point he just needs to latch onto Chief and smash him into the ground until he stops moving.

7 Can't Beat Him: Veigar

Veigar Calling Down A Magic Missile

As a Yordle, Veigar is adorably small, but he is actually a master of dark sorcery, and his magic power continuously increases as long as he lands a spell on an enemy. Veigar's entire kit revolves around the cage that he creates by twisting space, because it is the best way for him to hit people with his spells.

Thanks to his enhanced speed and reflexes Chief will be able to avoid almost all of Veigar's spells, except for his ultimate which is a lock-on, but as long as Veigar doesn't land his under spells, Chief's armor should protect him from the magic blast.

6 Can Beat Him: Kindred

Kindred 'Reaping A Soul In The Jungle

Even if Chief found a way to destroy every single Champion in Runeterra, he would still have to deal with Kindred, and he has literally no chance of beating them. Kindred is the embodiment of death, which essentially means that they cannot be killed.

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Kindred is capable of reaping actual Gods, so a single Spartan will be no problem for them. The only question though, is if Lamb will take him peacefully, or if Wolf will have to chase after Chief and rip him apart with his sharp fangs.

5 Can't Beat Him: Maokai

Maokai Creating Saplings

There are several champions who dedicate their lives to fighting those who would destroy Runeterra, and Maokai is one of them. Maokai can create saplings that run towards an enemy and explode, while his ultimate summons a moving wall of branches and thorns which root and damage anyone in its path.

Chief can neutralize the Ult by tossing a couple of plasma grenades at it, and as far as Maokai is concerned, Chief can take him down with a flamethrower and a few incendiary grenades because his entire body is made up of very flammable roots and branches.

4 Can Beat Him: Lux

Luix Charging Up Her Ultimate

Luxana Crownguard may look like an innocent teenage girl, but she is actually a powerful mage who should be viewed as one of the game's best supports. Lux is capable of bending light to her will, which may not sound all that impressive, but it is actually quite destructive.

Chief can try shooting her, but all Lux has to do is use her barrier to block the bullets. She also has the ability to bind Chief in place, and if she does that she can use her ultimate to fire a massive laser of light that would easily break through Chief's armor.

3 Can't Beat Him: Tryndamere

An Angry Tryndamere Prepared To Attack

Tryndamere is one of the best lane pushers in the game, but what really makes him annoying is his ultimate-which makes him invulnerable to all forms of damage for several seconds. All Chief has to do is aim for the head and take Trynd down before he can use his ultimate.

The Needler may not be the best Halo weapon, but it would be the perfect one to use against Trynd, because if he uses his ultimate, Chief can fire as many needles into him and just wait, because after a slight delay the needles will all explode.

2 Can Beat Him: Aurelion Sol

Aurelian Sol Forging A Pair Of Stars

According to lore, Aurelion Sol is currently the strongest champion in existence, and that would be because he is an enormous celestial dragon who is capable of creating entire stars in the palms of his hands. Spartan armor may be tough, but it can't defend against the impact of a mini sun, and Sol literally has three constantly orbiting his body, and he can attack with them.

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Chief has dealt with many powerful foes, but none of them ever had the ability to wipe out an entire solar system with a simple finger flick.

1 Can't Beat Him: Garen

Garen Using His E For A Spin Attack

Garen is Lux's older brother, and he also happens to be one of the best beginner-friendly champions because of how simple his kit is. Thanks to his passive, Garen can regain health as long as he is out of combat.

He can also rapidly spin his body like a top and summon a giant blade that can execute his enemy. Unfortunately, Garen is an ordinary human-which means that bullets and grenades will eventually take him down, and if it comes down to a battle of blades, Chief can use an energy sword to slice through Garen's sword and armor with ease.

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