Fiddlesticks has seen a huge surge in popularity thanks to his recent rework in League Of Legends. This terrifying champion now has eerie voice lines and his abilities make him a multiplayer nightmare on the battlefield both in the literal and figurative sense.

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Generally speaking, he’s a brutal jungler thanks to his ambush friendly abilities and can turn the tide of a team fight. If you’re looking to unleash this Ancient Evil on your opponents then here are some popular builds you should consider.

10 Shoot Their Corpse

This build really focuses on making Fiddlestickcs a powerful solo ambush jungler. Bountiful Harvest is the priority skill at first to give great clear time with farming and provide much needed healing later on. The key is to stay hidden and get the automatic Fear passively so Terrify isn’t as much of a priority.

Stalker’s Blade Runic Echoes and Sorcerer’s Shoes are powerful items against any foe. The idea is to farm quickly and cautiously in the early game and then use a combination of Reap, passive Fear, and the ultimate Crowstorm to quickly eliminate enemy Champions before they know you’re around.

9 Scarecrow With No Brain

This build shakes things up and makes Fiddlesticks a mid-lane fighter. His passive Harmless Scarecrow is meant to slow down enemy progression and harass opponents. Luden’s Echo helps your damage in Mid, and Zhonya’s Hourglass will save your life.

Dump points into Reap in early game, a few into Terrify mid-game, and then a bunch into Bountiful Harvest at level 14. The idea is to use your scarecrow wards to keep tabs on enemies to prevent them from getting objectives done and making progress. It’s a bit of a challenge, but with some skill you can keep the enemies guessing and buy valuable time for your teammates to get stuff done.

8 Mid-Game Jungle Support

This build is more about playing mind games with the enemy’s jungler and lending aid to allies when you see opportunities pop up. Bountiful Harvest and Terrify are your go-to moves with Reap being a level 14 focus.

The idea is to use your ability to cause Fear by darting out, hitting an opponent with Terrify and backing off again. This can disrupt enemy attacks and give allies a chance to seize the opportunity or escape. As a jungler with Bountiful Harvest you are farming the opponent’s jungle while they’re distracted.

7 Shock And Awe

This build focuses on being a non-traditional support, consider it a fun experiment that can cause rage quits in standard matches and not something viable for ranking. Your early points are spent on Terrify, then Bountiful harvest at level eight, and a few points sunk into Reap at Level 14.

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Your goal is to aid allies by providing information with your scarecrows and then using Terrify to disrupt enemy attacks. If you can cast Terrify while the timer is ticking you’ll do percentage damage which is great against tanks. Bountiful Harvest lets you stay alive if you take a few hits or fail a fear ambush. Twin Shadows helps with this playstyle.

6 Jungle Clearer

This build has you focus on Jungling almost exclusively. Your goal is to clear the jungle as quickly as possible to level up quickly where you’ll be dangerous in the mid to late-game, you will not hold your own in any fights early-game. Bountiful harvest first, with Terrify at level eight and Reap at level 14. You won’t even touch Crowstorm until level 11. Any item you want is viable for this build and Sudden Impact Rune is great for late-game ambushing.

Just focus on clearing the jungle. The only time you’re really attacking opponents is if you’re level eight-ish or there’s an opportunity you can handle in your weaker state. The faster you clear the stronger and more useful you become.

5 Poke Support

In the early game things are much more difficult as you’re constantly darting out of shadows to poke or occasionally ambush enemies. Once you hit the endgame you become a team fight support brute who can turn the tide of battle.

Flash is great for escape in the beginning and excellent for dropping in on fights with your ultimate. Boots of Mobility are better for supporting and Sorcerer’s Shoes are better for team fighting, so take your pick. In the beginning lean on Reap to do your poking then lean into Terrifying and Crowstorm ultimate to mess up foes in team fights in the late-game.

4 Cut With Fear

This is another Mid Lane build with Fiddlesticks acting as a carry. Your goal is to make enemies rage quit by harassing with scarecrow wards and using Fear to its fullest. If the enemy team can keep a level head you’ll have a harder time.

You should mostly focus on Reap until level nine then alternate points between Terrify, Bountiful Harvest, and Crowstorm. You want to use scarecrows and ambush poking to keep your enemy distracted and slow their lane pushes, then when your teammates are stronger you use your abilities to aid them in battle.

3 Jungle Carry

The primary role in this build is to help your teammates achieve objectives such as tackling turrets or taking dragons. You’ll die a lot, but your efforts will result in a team victory as you roam around the map providing support when not clearing the jungle.

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Liandry’s Torment and Momrellonomicon are great for busting tanks and healing champions. Be prepared for a lot of active play as you ambush a team creeping on your ally, dropping wards where they’re needed, and diving back into the jungle.

2 Dominating Bot

This build is similar to Jungle Carry, but instead has you focus your efforts on holding the Bottom Lane. Summon Aery is the rune you’re building around to harass foes and protect allies. Ability upgrades bounce around between the three, but Bountiful Harvest is your main priority into early and mid-levels with a splash of Terrify and Reap after level 12.

It’s your job to be a poke support by steadily damaging enemies and controlling the crowd while your bottom ally cleans up. Occasionally you’ll venture off to help the Jungler with objectives like the Dragon, but your main priority is to hold the line while teammates make progress on bottom.

1 Reworked Fiddlesticks

Also known as the Jungle Ganker, your job is to get kills and embrace the nature of The Ancient Fear. In the early game you are clearing as quickly as possible to get strong enough to fight the enemy on all lanes from the shadows. Dark Harvest is your ideal keystone.

Bountiful Harvest in early levels for quick clearing, then at level eight transition to Terrify, and then Reap at level 14. Once the jungle is cleared you are ambushing foes using Fear tactics and dominating with Crowstorm.

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