Civilization is the premier turn-based strategy game out there, and it revolves around players choosing a civilization led by a particular leader with their own unique characteristics and perks. These leaders all have something different about them that good players need to utilize for success. Civilization has a track record of changing the leaders in charge of key civilizations between games, save for a few mainstays.

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While barely anything is known about Civilization 7 so far, there were definitely some overpowered leaders in Civilizations 6 & 5 and should they or their civilizations appear in the latest game, they definitely need to be nerfed.

6 Hojo Takimune (Japan)

Hojo Takimune Civ 6

Japan was overpowered in Civilization 6, it was easily the best choice for an aggressive win centered around dominion. Hojo brought with him some special perks which essentially made his units unstoppable. Not only were Hojo’s unique combat units the samurai incredible, they didn’t suffer any combat detriments when losing health.

What made Japan good was the vast array of combat and development perks they had access to, some of the best being; land units receiving +5 combat strength on land tiles next to the coast and naval units receiving +5 combat strength in shallow water. This made it easy for Japan to effortlessly control the seas. Along with this Japan had access to multiple development perks including the unique Electronics Factory which gave a massive production bonus and culture boosts. Hojo was the strongest leader in Civilization 6, should he or a similar archetype reappear, they need to be nerfed.

5 Saladin (Arabia)

Saladin Civ 6

Saladin is one of the most unique leaders in the series. Saladin’s unique traits and perks mean Arabia can hold their own in combat, but more importantly they have ease in spreading religion. Saladin is the best leader in the game for science victories. Coupled with this, he’s strong in culture and religion development as well. The mamluks are no joke either, they’re crafty and useful combat units. Saladin's players, especially in competitive have so many easy paths to victory, it makes the leader a bit overpowered.

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The Sultan has strength in combat too, particularly all military units gain flanking and support bonuses. Being guaranteed a free Great Prophet also allows players to spread religion and military might together rapidly.

4 Alexander (Macedon/Greece)

Alexander Civ 5

Alexander is a Civilization mainstay, whether it be with Macedon or Greece, he’s always one of the best leaders in the game, especially for a dominion victory. One of the best perks Alexander has is that his cities do not incur war-weariness meaning players can easily go for long-drawn-out campaigns. Which is exactly wear Alexander thrives considering the fact that all of Alexander’s units heal when capturing a city with a great wonder. Moreover, his strong unique units, particularly Hetairoi which are strong heavy cavalry units.

In Civilization 5, Alexander was absolutely broken before he got nerfed. Again, he was the best military leader available. Particularly the hoplite upgrades and his special relationships with neutral states. It will be a shock if Alexander doesn’t feature in Civilization 7, but if he does, he needs to be nerfed. Civilization faithful are tired of seeing this leader dominate PVP and PVE.

3 Shaka (Zulu)

Shaka Civ 6

Shaka is another mainstay in the Civilization series and will, in all likelihood feature in the latest game. He is, however due a nerf. In Civ 5 Shaka was known for early game strength and combat power. The two key features were Impi units who could gain an extra attack against melee units, coupled with this were their unique barracks that gave extra experience to early game units. Shaka himself had a unique perk making promotion much quicker for combat units. All this combined meant the Zulu were unbeatable in early game combat, up until the gunpowder era. It was extremely oppressive.

The Civ 6 and Civ 4 iterations are much more balanced, but still strong with the Impi still reigning supreme in the early game. If Shaka is to return, it would be best if these iterations take priority.

2 Tokugawa (Japan)

Tokugawa Civ 6

Japan needs to be nerfed, it stands as one of the best civilizations in both Civ 6 and Civ 4. Tokugawa was again, one of the best combat leaders out there, what made him especially oppressive was his double production speed for Barracks and Drydocks. Coupled with this was the free combat 1 promotion melee and gunpowder units received.

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Japan’s unique Shale Plants, coupled with them starting with Fishing meant that Japan was easily to establish in coastal regions as well. Moreover, their production speed for walls and castles was the fastest in the game, leading to rapid development making Tokugawa a formidable opponent.

1 Elizabeth 1 (England)

Elizabeth 1 Civ 5

Elizabeth is a mainstay in the series, aside from the latest entry. She stands out as the most stable leader in the series, powerful in every iteration but never game breaking. Elizabeth’s biggest strength is her naval might.

The Ship of the Line trait means England has the undisputed best navy from the Iron Age all the way through the Renaissance Era and the Industrial Revolution. These naval units have extra vision and significant combat strength. The sun never sets perk grants all naval units increased movement, making naval combat and exploration extremely easy.

Civilization 7 is currently in development.

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