Layers of Fear (2023) gives players a variety of secrets and environments to discover, combining the two previous installments and DLC into one massive package. In the Actor's Story, players get to explore an abandoned ship filled with theater stages, props, and creepy mannequins as they uncover the story of the playable character.

Throughout the story, players will discover projectors that can be interacted with, oftentimes simply to show a creepy video or even play a cutscene (when interacting with the main projector in the cabin), but some of the projectors players encounter are puzzles that will need to be solved in order to progress forward. One of the more common types of projector puzzles players will solve in Layers of Fear (2023) create a door that players can progress through, and while a majority of the puzzles simply require finding the correct slide with the door forward, the projector puzzle players find after visiting the radio room will require a bit more work.

RELATED: Layers of Fear (2023): Complete Achievement/Trophy List

The Second Photo Slide Door

layers of fear - photo door - projector room

After players get past the electric gate and collect the strange box in the radio room, players can head back to the main hall and find a new door open on the left. Inside the room will be a projector, and players will have to cycle through the slides in the correct order to materialize a door, similar to the first projector puzzle.

Players will first want to pull the slides out until the projector shows the image of an empty door frame - stop interacting with the projector to materialize the frame.

layers of fear - photo door - empty frame

Next, pull the slides out until the projector shows the image of a door and release the projector to manifest the door.

layers of fear - photo door - door

The third part of the door is the handle - players will again shift the slides until the image of multiple door handles shows. If players follow the correct order, a functional door will now be available against the projector screen. Players will also want to use the projector to find the image filled with keys - this slide will materialize a table just to the left of where the door is spawning with a key on top. Players will need this key to unlock the door and can spawn the table and key at any point; it is only important the three slides related to the door are shown in the correct sequence. With the key in hand, players can unlock the door and progress forward.

Layers of Fear (2023) is available now on PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series S|X.

MORE:Layers of Fear (2023): How to Get and Use the Lantern