The Last of Us Part 1 released recently, and as a remake of a highly popular game, comparisons between it, its original 2013 version, and its 2014 counterpart are inevitable. From a consumer perspective, fans can now get their hands on it to experience whether it is a worthwhile endeavor for themselves. While gameplay may not have changed as much as fans had hoped, The Last of Us Part 1 is surely a superior effort.

Indeed, The Last of Us Part 1’s most explicit improvement is its visuals. This was always evident from its initial announcement trailer, as well as the brief glimpses that leaked thereafter and the subsequent trailers Naughty Dog released to highlight a few of the changes players will notice in the remake. The Last of Us Part 1 is generally much more impressive than the original with regard to graphical fidelity, but there are several particular areas in which the remake’s visuals are most stunning.

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The Last of Us' Cinematic and Emotional Moments Are Complemented Further


Reworked facial animations truly propel The Last of Us’ original cutscenes forward with even greater performances rendered on PS5. That is not to say that the original game’s facial animations were unable to excel with their performances, because they were. But with regard to The Last of Us Part 1 having an upscaled fidelity, performances are surely a monumental takeaway from the remake. For example, Joel clutching a dying Sarah or a traumatized Ellie is as devastating as it was in the original game, but the performances are accentuated.

David’s sinister “tiny pieces” line and Joel’s incensed “I believe him” line are examples of when dialogue packs a harder punch with characters’ facial animations aligning closer to their actors’ performances, which are tremendous to watch in cinematic and emotional cutscenes. Subtle nuances are now apparent in characters’ performances that may not have been portrayed beforehand, and details such as streaming tears or reactionary winces are clearly depicted. Even apart from the main characters, the overhaul on NPCs is staggering as only a few are reminiscent of their previous character models, taking on completely new appearances in the remake. However, there are two other features related to The Last of Us Part 1’s visual improvements that are even more outstanding than its character models.

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The Last of Us Part 1’s Environments and Workbenches Make the Largest Impressions


It is easy to appreciate character model fidelity in cutscenes that the player cannot interact with. Rather, moment-to-moment gameplay demonstrates how phenomenal The Last of UsPart 1’s environment art is. Exploration is born anew as players can enjoy traversing The Last of Us’ linear levels with a current-gen coat of paint. This recaptures the essence of The Last of Us in an enlivened state that only a current-gen remaster or remake could achieve, and it is succinct in how incredible the game’s new lighting is.

Daylight pours through dilapidated buildings, illuminating infectious spores and particle effects are clear and crisp, and rain and water effects are now wonderfully realistic. The Last of Us Part 1, therefore, has a heightened atmosphere due to how it may be envisioned on PS5, and if it was not clear that the remake has a superior visual quality in character models alone, it is highly evident when players examine any environment around them.

Further, intricate detailing is on display on each workbench. The remake adopts The Last of Us 2’s workbenches and features the same magnified look at pistols, rifles, and the like while players upgrade them.

Joel is then seen fashioning mod attachments and reassembling firearms atop each workbench table. These details are a fantastic celebration of The Last of Us Part 1’s graphical fidelity, and alongside environment art and character models, the remake’s visual improvements are fairly astounding.

The Last of Us Part 1 is available now on PS5. A PC version is currently in development.

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