The release of The Last of Us Part 1 nears, and many gamers will once again enjoy one of gaming's most iconic stories. Thanks to the plenty of visual, audio, gameplay, and accessibility upgrades Naughty Dog has included, Joel and Ellie's adventure will be presented better than ever while remaining faithful to the original. Some upgrades will also make use of the DualSense controller, ensuring the experience is one that players can feel in their hands.

Part of what makes The Last of Us so great is its varied cast of characters. With The Last of Us Part 1, players will meet many memorable characters again, including Marlene who does not appear on-screen for much time but has a monumental impact on the entire franchise's events. Marlene is a Firefly, and she plays an important role in the lives of both Joel and Ellie. She often finds herself in difficult situations that force her to make complex moral choices.

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Marlene and the Fireflies

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Marlene is a leader of the Fireflies, which is a faction established following the terrible outbreak that turns most of the population into flesh-eating monsters. Unlike most, the Fireflies have not lost hope, and they still strive to find a cure for the infection and rescue humankind from what appears to be its inevitable doom. The Fireflies also stand against any other factions and groups that attempt to establish military rule over the dystopian remains of society.

The Fireflies serve as a symbol of hope for many survivors. However, some people grow disenchanted with the Fireflies and begin to question whether the faction’s intentions are truly pure. This includes Tommy who is a member of the Fireflies at one point but eventually leaves. It is clear that Marlene still holds hope, and she believes that the Fireflies will guide humanity to a brighter future.

Marlene and Ellie

The Last of Us Part 1 Ellie and Joel cover art

Not much is known about Ellie’s mother, except that her name is Anna and that she dies shortly after Ellie's birth. Anna and Marlene are close friends, which is why she entrusts Marlene to take care of Ellie. Attempting to keep her promise to Anna, Marlene takes Ellie to boarding school where she hopes she will remain safe. Being naturally adventurous and rebellious, Ellie and her friend Riley get themselves into trouble, and they are both bitten by Infected. In theory, this should spell death for them. However, although Riley succumbs to the infection, Ellie discovers that she is immune, making her very special.

Marlene promised Anna that she would take care of Ellie, and she does for most of Ellie’s life. Although Ellie is more than willing to jump into the Fireflies’ military activities, Marlene refuses because she does not want any harm to come to her. However, upon discovering that Ellie has immunity, she realizes that it is vital that she be sent to Doctor Jerry Anderson, a Firefly surgeon with the knowledge to make a cure. To do this, Marlene solicits the help of Joel, a weapons smuggler she trusts to deliver Ellie safely. Joel is fit for the job thanks to his penchant for violence which makes him effective against any dangers they may come across.

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For much of the franchise, Marlene serves as a maternal figure to Ellie. This is something that Ellie desperately needs, even if she loathes how overprotective Marlene can be. Marlene's duty of care towards Ellie is tested when she discovers what it will take to achieve the Fireflies' ultimate goal and save humanity.

Marlene and Joel

the last of us ps5 joel

Marlene meets Joel and Tess through their weapons smuggling. In exchange for guns, Joel agrees to transport Ellie to Doctor Jerry Anderson. The journey turns out to be extremely dangerous, and it results in Tess' death. However, it also causes Ellie and Joel to bond, and Joel begins to treat Ellie like his own daughter. He teaches Ellie how to survive, which comes in handy when Joel is injured and Ellie is forced to take of him and protect them. By working together, they finally make it to the doctor, and for a moment it seems that humanity has a shot at survival.

At this late stage, Dr. Anderson reveals to Marlene that making the cure would involve killing Ellie. Marlene is horrified by this, and she struggles with the dilemma greatly. However, she eventually agrees that it must be done, though she insists that Joel must know. Marlene tells Joel, triggering a fatal turn of events. Joel massacres the Fireflies to save Ellie, killing Dr. Anderson in the process. He has the chance to spare Marlene, but he kills her too, fearing she would only follow them. With that, it appears that humanity is truly doomed, and the last light of hope has been extinguished.

Both Joel and Marlene are Ellie's parental figures, and they strive to protect her at all costs. However, they take drastically different approaches to her immunity. While Marlene is willing to sacrifice Ellie's life for the sake of humanity, Joel is unwilling to let go of her. It is easy to argue that Joel does so for selfish reasons and that it is commendable that Marlene can put her priorities aside for the sake of higher causes. However, Joel's unfailing commitment to Ellie is also admirable.

Marlene is an enigmatic figure, and there is still plenty that is unknown about her, including how she joined the Fireflies. However, it is evident that she is a pivotal figure in Ellie's life, and without her, Ellie would likely find herself in far more trouble. Begrudgingly, she ends up choosing to sacrifice Ellie's life for the sake of humanity, a choice Ellie would have likely approved of, though it never comes to fruition after Joel decides to become Marlene's worst enemy.

The Last of Us Part 1 is scheduled to release on September 2, 2022, on PS5, with a PC port also in development.

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