After the heart-wrenching story of The Last of Us Part 2, Naughty Dog has its work cut out for it in crafting a follow-up that can live up to its predecessor's expectations. Although the game was controversial for several reasons, the addition of Abby in the unique role of both an antagonist and secondary playable character added depth to the story and gave players another perspective to experience the game. As bizarre as it may sound, this role has given Abby the potential to become the Shadow to Ellie's Sonic in future entries in The Last of Us series.

The Last of Us Part 2 did a great job of furthering the morally gray area explored in the first game, and this theme was supported by the way the game showed that Abby and Ellie are two sides of the same coin. Although things are more complicated for Abby than simply being an "edgy" version of Ellie, their relationship and rivalry with one another closely mirrors that of Sonic and Shadow in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. With the way their relationship is presented in The Last of Us Part 2, the series has a foundation to explore and develop their connection like that of the two hedgehogs in the next title.

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Abby and Ellie's Rivalry Could Follow the Same Route as Shadow and Sonic's

Abby vs Ellie CROPPED

Shadow the Hedgehog first appeared in 2001's Sonic Adventure 2 on the Sega Dreamcast, but has since become a staple character in the franchise's roster. He plays the role of antagonist in the game, working with Dr. Eggman and acting as a foil for Sonic with the ability to match his speed and skill. Although he has the reputation of being just like Sonic, only dark and brooding, Shadow has a more complex character underneath that has led him to aid Sonic as an ally on occasion.

Sonic and Shadow's history together is complicated and the side they fight for changes from game to game. The relationship they share is surprisingly similar to Abby and Ellie's in The Last of Us Part 2 where Abby is initially painted as the villain of the game, with Ellie bent on hunting her down for revenge. However, as the story progresses, the player gets to see Abby's side of events, putting her in a different, more sympathetic light. While the game ends with a bitter brawl between Abby and Ellie, they ultimately go their separate ways with an understated sense of pity for one another.

This ambiguous ending leaves the door open for Abby to return to the franchise in future titles, perhaps even as an unexpected ally to Ellie. Depending on the direction the next Last of Us game takes, Ellie will likely need new allies and Abby is too developed of a character to only make an appearance in one game. Similarly to Shadow, it would be smart of Naughty Dog to give Abby her own agenda that happens to line up with Ellie's and tell the story of how the two are able to come to respect one another despite having an unsavory history.

Just like how Shadow starred in his own spin-off game Shadow the Hedgehog, Abby is a compelling enough character to warrant a solo game as well. Despite receiving a divided reception when first introduced, Abby represents the perfect anti-hero for The Last of Us as a character whose own goals interfere with those of protagonist Ellie but is ultimately redeemable and sympathetic. Just as Shadow and Sonic have developed a classic frenemy rivalry, Ellie and Abby could be gaming's next iconic pair of counterparts.

The Last of Us Part 2 is available now for PS4.

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