For the most part, The Last Of Us and The Last Of Us Part II are serious and depressing games. Things can get really heavy and emotional that even the games' most dedicated fans have a hard time loving these critically acclaimed games. Sometimes, memes are the only way!  There are many creative The Last Of Us Part II fans who cannot help but create memes to help themselves come to terms with the games' harsher moments. Case in point, Abby.

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Despite her initially polarizing reception, Abby is one of the main characters in this new game and she is slowing receiving more and more recognition. Since the details of Abby's character are still so new, all of the memes about Abby are rather redundant. However, true fans cannot resist turning the main qualities of Abby into jokes. Below are some of the funniest Abby memes that fans are creating so far. Spoilers ahead, so proceed with caution.

10 Abby Is Hella Buff

Abby has many skills as a fighter because she fights with the Fireflies at a very young age. In addition, she develops a very muscular figure due to all of the combat that she faces. It goes without saying that she is a very strong person, quite possibly one of the strongest not just in the game's world. Fans know this not only because the game said so but because it wouldn't stop talking about it.

Through the early trailers and promotional material, players got to see Abby's arms and abs in almost every scene she's in. This was taken to new heights when the actual game came out, where she apparently got buffer than before. Fans like to poke fun at how the game never fails to remind players that Abby is muscular. After playing through The Last Of Us Part II, players likely get the idea that Abby is strong.

9 Casting The HBO Show

Casting characters for video games is very important. The characters' look has to match the game's overall mood and really tie the scenery together. Fans love to make fun of how the fancasting of Joel and Ellie for the upcoming HBO show are very accurate. That is to say, Joel looks like a regular guy and Ellie looks like a young girl. However, fans lose it when the casting gets to Abby.

It's no secret that Abby is tough and intimidating. Arguably, she is too tough-looking! As a result, fans joke that her actor should be the strongest man in the world, and they can think of no better fit than the Big Show himself.

8 Remorseless Murder

One of the main points of contention with The Last Of Us Part II is when Abby kills Joel. Fans make light of this situation because they need some way to cope with losing the beloved hero of the previous game. As a means of coping, fans joke about how Abby does not have much remorse when it comes to killing Joel. She smashes his head in with a golf club, for goodness' sake!

The way she kills him is so excessively violent that some felt that the only way to get over it was to laugh at how little remorse Abby has - especially since she could've not done it. After all, no one forced her to kill Joel with a nine iron. In other words, she has no problem killing people in extremely brutal ways to the point of self-parody.

7 Why So Serious, Abby?

Abby is such a serious character that sometimes, laughing at her is not enough. It's not that fans hate her for being serious, but there are times when her edgy nature feels like a parody of anti-heroes. Instead of taking her seriously as the game wants, some fans laugh at this very idea.

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Memes take all emotion and all seriousness out of whatever it is they are making fun of. Therefore, it is funny to think about how Abby is too serious of a character. Consequently, it's humorous that not wanting to meme Abby only emphasizes her over-the-top seriousness even more.

6 Abby's Masculinity

Some argue that Abby is so physically intimidating that she looks like a man. The memes fans created surrounding this idea laugh at how extreme they feel her toughness is. Players get that Abby is very strong and has some skills, but the game needs to dial it down a little.

In other words, the game causes players to forget that Abby is a girl because she is very masculine. However, fans laugh at this concern and acknowledge the fact that Abby is masculine and she probably does not care.

5 The Real Horror

The Last Of Us is a rather scary game in a lot of ways. However, Abby makes The Last Of Us Part II that much scarier because she is a scary person in general. Fans joke about how the game is so intense and intimidating because Abby is in it. Not only is Abby capable of some terrifying brutality, but she is one of the main playable characters.

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Every scene Abby is in is intense and frightening for different reasons. Players always feel relieved that they do not have to fight Abby in real life. Fans don't want to feel scared, so they laugh about it instead.

4 Family Resemblances

There is an undeniable resemblance between Ellie and Abby, so of course fans ran with it. Both Ellie and Abby have similar faces and hairstyles; it's as if the game developers only figured out one look for what girls should look like in this post-apocalypse or they only had one rigging model for female protagonists.

The similarities got to the point where giddy fans would exaggerate the girls' resemblance by jokingly clarifying that Abby is not Ellie's mother. Come to think of it, Abby as Ellie's mother would be a crazy plot twist. Also, the two would work really well together as a team. The game would not be fair if this was the case, though.

3 The Real Protagonist

Even though Abby is a major character in The Last Of Us Part II, Ellie will always be the protagonist. However, Abby creates so much mayhem that it's hard to write her off. Truth be told, she does not really care about defeating the militia and curing the infected. Rather, what she really cares about is defeating Ellie so she can be the main protagonist instead. At least this is what fans are joking about.

Abby focuses so intensely on killing Ellie and everyone around her that she must be jealous or something. Abby and Ellie sort of have a sisterly competition going on. They look alike and they are the only two girls in the game that kick some serious butt. They must be sisters, right?

2 Now I Am Become Abby, Destroyer Of Worlds

Abby causes a lot of pain and damage throughout the game. Players felt more than just frustration towards her because of how many important characters she kills. Sometimes, she's just the worst. Fans take this concept and joke about how when she introduces herself, she must say that she destroys worlds.

In other words, she defeats so many people she is essentially destroying the world around her. Players likely feel that Abby is destroying their worlds after watching her take down so many people in the game.

1 Joel's Real Fear

Joel is at the brunt of all of Abby's anger and vengeance. Poor guy. He didn't really mean to kill her father, right? Either way, fans joke about how, if Joel knew about Abby, he wouldn't have killed her father. He would think about how one of the men he kills could potentially be Abby's father and how traumatizing that would be for her.

Players can laugh at how in both media and real life, most men tend to fear fathers and not daughters. However, if Abby is the daughter in question then she is worth fearing.

NEXT: The Last Of Us Part II: The 10 Biggest Plot Holes