The Last of Us Part II ramps up the storyline from its self-contained plot in 2013, which works both for and against the game overall when looking at this new installment. Many fans of the PlayStation exclusive franchise were excited to continue their journey with Joel and Ellie, though many were disheartened to see that this wasn't the case throughout the game's campaign.

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The story of The Last of Us Part II is full of twists and turns, some of which are making fans scratch their heads considering not all of the plot makes sense. Here are five reasons The Last of Us Part II doesn't make sense, and five ways it does. Warning! Huge spoilers ahead.

10 Doesn't: Joel Would Never Tell His Real Name To A Group Of Strangers

Fans of The Last of Us well understood that Joel's death could be imminent in part 2, with or without looking at huge plot leaks before the game's release. It was the way in which Joel went out that has gamers outraged, considering the entire scene doesn't feel organic. Joel and Tommy were veteran survivors in the zombie apocalypse, so it felt strange when they both introduced themselves to a group of armed strangers using their real names, ultimately resulting in Joel's death.

9 Does: Dina Leaving Ellie

Dina and Ellie

Before Ellie goes on her final revenge rampage, she and Dina get settled down at a beautiful farmhouse together with Jessie's baby boy. Ellie can't get sleep with Abby still alive, so she packs up her things and leaves Dina and the baby. Dina is not happy with this decision at all, yet many gamers were surprised to see the farmhouse empty upon Ellie's return. This makes sense, considering we don't even know how long Ellie was gone for in her search for Abby in Santa Barbara.

8 Doesn't: Ellie Kills Everyone But The One Person She Was Chasing After

Abby The Last of Us Part II

Ellie's revenge story against Abby was a blood-filled one to say the least, yet despite killing dozens of people and leaving her new family at the farmhouse, Ellie couldn't find the strength to finish Abby.

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This is fairly hard to believe, especially after getting to know Ellie as a character, because we have seen the things she has done over her life time. Sparing Abby after what she did to Joel would have never been in the cards, which is why people aren't satisfied with the game's ending.

7 Does: Tommy's Character Is Done Justice

Tommy and Joel

Something The Last of Us Part II got completely right was how ruthless they made Tommy. Despite not seeing much of his journey, Ellie follows his tracks in Seattle as they both look for Abby. Tommy's wake is full of bodies and messages that help Ellie get a sense of where he is heading. There is even a point in which you fight Tommy as Abby, where Tommy uses clickers against you, kills your good friend Manny, and has you beat in a hand to hand fight until Lev saves you.

6 Doesn't: Abby's Group Sparing Both Ellie And Tommy

Ellie The Last of Us Part 2

The scene in the basement where Joel is killed could have went a lot differently if things were more realistic. Ellie is crying that she is going to find and kill them all, while Tommy is most likely scanning the room remembering their faces.

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Owen is also willing to take a bullet from Manny to save Ellie, which just doesn't make much sense. Both Ellie and Tommy eventually come back and kill mostly all of them, which is why they never would have let them go in the first place.

5 Does: The Intense War Between The Scars And The Wolves

Ellie held hostage by Wolves

Different factions have always been apart of The Last of Us storytelling. Part 1 was about the mysterious Fireflies, while the second game includes a raging conflict between both the new Scars and Wolves factions. Many items are scattered around Seattle, that help the player get a better sense of the background of the war between the factions. Both sides believe the other broke a truce treaty between them, that leads to an all-out war near the end of the game which really helps the gameplay shine.

4 Doesn't: Abby Wouldn't Have Survived The Final Fight

Abby laying on the ground

Something else that forces gamers to suspend their beliefs again for the ending, is how Abby even survives the fight. She and Lev have been slaves for a long enough time that Abby has lost basically all of her muscle mass and most of her hair. Ellie slashes her with her knife about a dozen times and then she holds Abby under water for about 40 seconds before letting go. We know Abby is strong willed, but th story just didn't make much sense.

3 Does: Further Evolved Zombie Mutations

Rat King in the Last of Us Part 2

Years have passed since the original game, so it makes sense that some infected have mutated even more over time. The classic Runners and Clickers are still present in The Last of Us Part II, however more infected types are introduced throughout the game such as the Stalkers, Shamblers, and the Rat King, which looks to be a Bloater infused with some Clickers.

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The longer a person stays infected in this world the more dangerous they become, which is why having different types of infected work so well in the sequel game.

2 Doesn't: Way Too Many Escapes From Capture

Ellie is captured by Rattlers

Escaping from captivity is always an intense moment in gaming, but The Last of Us Part II got carried away with this cliche and overused it. Escaping from the enemy is something that happens a handful of time throughout the plot, as it seems that each character gets this opportunity more than once which is just completely far-fetched. The only real scene that seems believable regarding being at the mercy of the enemy in a captive state, is that of what happened to Joel sadly.

1 Does: Abby's Actions Can Be Justified

Abby and her father

Abby had a serious personal connection to Joel's rampage at the Firefly hospital at the end of the first game, as her father was the doctor who Joel killed in order to save Ellie. Joel would have made some serious enemies after what he did, so it makes sense that people would be out looking for him even years later. Fans still aren't sold on liking Abby, but the game still does a good job of giving you a completely different perspective about the game's story.

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