Few (if any) other games have delivered a story with the impact of The Last Of Us. That entire game is emotional gut-punch followed by emotional roundhouse kick into an emotional right hook, and it is absolutely awe-inspiring to experience. And so, with the recent delay of The Last Of Us Part II, many are looking around for another game that can deliver anything similar for the wait.

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This list includes games that may or may not have similar gameplay styles, but all do include a story worth experiencing, along with a world that's easy to get lost in. Hopefully, these can keep you occupied long enough for The Last Of Us Part II to come:


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One of the most recent releases on this list, Control has a bit of everything: creative and fun gameplay that always feels smooth, an interesting story that keeps pulling you along, but most of all, Control has one of the richest and most interesting game-worlds to date.

Every single time you find a new bit of lore to read (which is, like, a lot), you're going to be excited. This game just refuses to fall flat at any opportunity, and the result is a tightly-packed experience full of moments you aren't likely to forget for a long, long time.


days gone 2 tease

If zombies are your thing, then Days Gone is your game. This is another game that delivers on multiple levels and, by the time it's over, is definitely going to leave you wanting more.

The story is chock-full of really cool character moments, and while it's a big, sprawling open-world game, it gives a lot of truly intimate moments with the main character, Deacon. This game is truly a journey, and it's absolutely one worth going on.

8 GOD OF WAR (2018)

God of War Kratos fighting

Speaking of intimate character moments, this whole game plays like an intimate character moment. God Of War is a truly special game that knocks it out of the park in every department. There are a crazy amount of cool areas to explore, the combat is fun and visceral, and the story is something to be treasured.

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If you're specifically looking for a story to hit in those same feels as The Last Of Us, you really can't go wrong with God Of War.


bioshock infinite columbia on the ground wallpaper

The entire Bioshock series is now available on basically every current-gen console, and they've been remastered for good reason: they are incredible games full of thought-provoking worlds and interesting concepts.

The Bioshock series was at the top of the world for quite a while when it came to world-building and telling a story through the environment, and there are still lessons to be learned from each and every entry into the series.


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There is no game like Death Stranding, and that's a good thing. Death Stranding is (and this cannot be stressed enough) absolutely not going to be for everyone.

It is a very, very slow game that forces you to play at its pace, and that can either be a relaxing experience or a frustrating experience, depending on the person. But if you're in the mood to plop down in front of a screen and just be in a different world for a while, experiencing a story that unfolds along with you, it can be a really special experience.


The most recent game on this list (or the oldest, depending on how you want to look at it), the Final Fantasy 7 Remake has been a long time coming. There are few games that hit such a chord with so many different people as Final Fantasy 7, for a multitude of reasons.

Some of that is nostalgia, sure, but people are so nostalgic about it because it changed so many people's thoughts on what a game could accomplish. The gameplay is sublime, the story is full of characters that feel like friends, and the soundtrack is perfection. This game has it all, and it will keep you occupied for a long time to come.


The Evil Within

Both The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2 deliver intense and atmospheric gameplay that harkens back to the older days of the horror genre while avoiding that dated feeling. Both of these games have a serviceable story, but what really makes them shine are the decisions and stress that the gameplay forces upon you as it unfolds.

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Much like The Last Of Us, ammo/weapons are limited, so difficult decisions need to be made in just about any engagement. And making the wrong decision, well... That'll lead to an early grave.


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Also developed by Naughty Dog, the Uncharted series, especially the fourth installment, have some really well-told stories. These range from the more fun, adventure-focused stories of the first three, to the bit more personal and poignant of the fourth.

These all have some gameplay elements that will be a bit familiar for those that played The Last Of Us, while keeping a more arcadey feel as opposed to the grittier, down-and-dirty gameplay of TLOU.


A bit more of a mix between Uncharted and TLOU, the newest Tomb Raider series delivers some really fun gameplay moments intermixed with great environments and fantastic story moments.

Fans of the original Tomb Raider games will feel right at home here, but because the newest series acts as a reboot, new fans can jump right in without missing a beat. The gameplay here is a nice mix of both aforementioned Naughty Dog titles, but still retains some unique elements all it's own, too.


the last of us ellie

This may seem like a cop-out, but there's nothing wrong with going back to the well before the next installment of the story releases.

There really isn't anything that hits quite like The Last Of Us, and for many, it's been long enough since they've played the original that coming back isn't going to feel stale at all; it's going to feel like coming home. (If home was full of people who wanted to kill you. Also zombies.)

NEXT: 10 Overlooked Games Of The PlayStation 4/Xbox One Generation