With the cancelation of the standalone The Last of Us Factions game comes a lot of disappointment. However, this doesn't mean that the franchise can't continue to extend its tendrils into different mediums and genres. One of the platforms it hasn't touched is the mobile scene, and it holds plenty of potential.

The Last of Us Factions could make the transition to mobile by borrowing a certain aspect of the multiplayer mode from Naughty Dog's first The Last of Us game. When not out warring against other factions, players could care for survivors in camp. This mini-game is ripe for a mobile version with an addictive gameplay loop.

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Caring for Survivors in The Last of Us Factions

Factions takes the tactical gameplay of The Last of Us and applies it to the multiplayer space, pitting players against players. It takes strategy and good use of resources for a player's faction to come out on top. The gameplay is high-action and its popularity is a testament to how well-balanced the gameplay was.

Factions isn't just about outsmarting opponents. Players are also tasked with growing their clan and ensuring their health by collecting supplies. The bigger the clan grows, the better the chances of survival. It is a small part of the overall game, though it still could be used to make a mobile game that might fill a gap that the cancelled game left for The Last of Us fans.

Can You Still Play The Last of Us Factions?

The game is still accessible on PS4 via The Last of Us Remastered. However, the game is not as lively as it once was. Unfortunately, The Last of Us Part 1 on PS5 does not feature a multiplayer component, which is bad news for fans who also have to deal with the cancelation of the standalone The Last of Us multiplayer game which was poised to be as expansive as the single-player game.

How The Last of Us Factions Could Translate Into a Mobile Game

Pokemon GO showed how addictive it can be to divide players into teams and have them battling it out via augmented reality. The Last of Us could easily replicate this with Factions. An AR mobile game could have players collecting supplies in the real world to take care of their clan while dodging clickers and engaging in AR battles against other players.

Things could be taken further, with new types of Infected introduced and elements that expand the world of The Last of Us. It wouldn't be a replacement for the standalone Factions game, but it could be a different kind of success story. After Pokemon GO, other franchises have proven how effective AR mobile games can be when designed well, including Pikmin Finder.

What Is Naughty Dog Up to Now?

There are several rumors surrounding what the next game from Naughty Dog will be, though there has been no official news. Fortunately, fans aren't left high and dry, as there is The Last of Us TV series with the second season set to release in 2025.

From comic books, to television, to video games, The Last of Us has shown itself to be a franchise that easily translates to multiple platforms. The mobile gaming scene can be the next challenge for Naughty Dog, and if it is implemented correctly, it could be incredibly lucrative. The best thing is that the studio would not need to start from scratch, as there are already gameplay elements to make use of from Factions.