June 19th, 2020 saw the arrival of Naughty Dog's The Last of Us Part II, the long-awaited sequel to the developer's 2013 classic. The amount of detail packed into the world is awe-inspiring, making the seven-year gap between entries worthwhile. There's a lot to love about Ellie and Joel's new journey, but the game is far from perfect.

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For all the things Naughty Dog did right with The Last of Us Part II, a couple of facets fall short. At the end of the day, however, none of the negative aspects diminish the game's quality too heavily. This list contains no direct story spoilers, so it is safe reading for those who have yet to play or finish the recently-released opus.

10 Love: Performances

the last of us 2 ellie

Every actor is giving one hundred percent in The Last of Us Part II. Naughty Dog's games have always included top-notch performances, but this recent effort exceeds the developer's prior efforts two-fold. If most television shows and movies had dramatic moments executed even half as well as The Last of Us Part II, Oscar and Emmy season would be a difficult time of the year for choosing winners.

9 Don't Love: Button Prompts

Last of us 2 Ellie using bow on WLF

Fortunately, quick time events do not exist in the traditional sense, but button prompts and button-mashing during cutscenes still happens at certain points. Having to button mash the Square button while struggling with an enemy for a knife does not heighten tension or add to the immersion. They would be just as dramatic if they were regular cutscenes.

8 Love: Graphics

Ellie in ruins

The developer's last title was Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and the standalone expansion, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Both were the best looking PlayStation 4 games back in 2016 and 2017 and it was difficult to imagine the console running a prettier title. Naughty Dog outdid themselves once again, however, as The Last of Us Part II is one of the most impressive looking things ever put on a video game console.

7 Don't Love: Accidentally Passing Points Of No Return

While far from an open-world adventure, exploration is still a large part of the gameplay. Gamers are highly encouraged to look through every nook and cranny of the environment before moving on. On occasion, players will accidentally progress to the next area before finishing their search for supplies. It is a small complaint, but one that can make upcoming bouts harder. Unfortunately, it is difficult to imagine a solution to this issue.

6 Love: Story

the last of us part ii

The first game's narrative could be wrapped up in a couple of sentences, despite how excellently it is executed. The sequel is more complex with more development and wild twists.

Related: 10 Important Things You Didn't Know About Joel In The Last Of Us Part II

Anybody who avoided spoilers is in for a treat. It is easily one of the darkest stories told in gaming, and it is well put together. Even if one did sadly happen upon spoilers, watching the drama unfold is still a magnificent experience.

5 Don't Love: Collectibles

Last of us 2 Coin

Many of the collectibles add to the story, as they are usually letters written by other survivors giving players insight into the world. However, some of them are completely inconsequential. Ellie picks up trading cards based on a fictional franchise, and later on state coins become another collectible for players to find. For anyone going for the platinum trophy, finding all of these will prove quite a nuisance.

4 Love: Scope

last of us Part II combat sneaking

This can be a negative aspect if the player does not know what they are signing up for. The Last of Us Part II takes anywhere between twenty and twenty five hours to complete, making it one of the biggest linear action/adventure games ever made. Without knowing its approximate length, it can feel like it is endlessly dragging on. However, one can appreciate the size and scope of the title if they realize just how epic this journey is.

3 Don't Love: Difficulty

last of us 2 how to reload

Maybe it is due to people's experience with the first game already sharpening their skills, but this recent title is rather easy. Normal mode is an absolute cakewalk, offering the player plenty of supplies to craft items. Ultimately, any player with prior experience in the series or competence in gaming should play on hard mode. Fortunately, the difficulty is completely customizable and there are no trophies for beating the game on higher difficulties, so gamers are not penalized for changing the difficulty in the middle of the campaign.

2 Love: Accessibility Options

The last of us part 2 high contrast mode

The game features a slew of accessibility options to ensure the widest audience possible can play it. Some gamers may not appreciate its importance and may even wonder if the effort a developer has to put into these options is worth it, but they are vital to the medium and should be the norm for every title. The accessibility options are so in-depth, a sightless gamer recently completed the entire campaign. A disability should not restrict someone from enjoying one of the world's most popular art forms.

1 Don't Love: Hide And Seek Boss Battle


One boss battle in the second half mirrors the bout with David from the first game. The player has to sneak around the enemy and only successfully strikes the target from the back. Trying for a forward assault results in death. It feels uninspired and reminds the gamer they are playing a video game where so much of the journey successfully immerses the player in this brutal post-apocalyptic world.

Next: 10 Pro Tips For The Last Of Us 2 You Need To Know