On June 19, Naughty Dog released the long-awaited sequel in its survival thriller series, The Last of Us Part 2. The game boasts an expansive world, which allows players to feel as if they are actually exploring the overgrown city of Seattle. This semi-open world style of gameplay differs from previous Naughty Dog games, as it does not clearly tell players where to go, but rather forces them to explore the world as completely as possible. Doing this will often result in the discovery of unique Easter Eggs within the game, and has also prompted fans to compare the game's map to real world locations.

Because a large majority of the game takes place in an overgrown Seattle, Washington, one player has taken it upon themselves to compare real-world Seattle to its overgrown counterpart in The Last of Us 2. Although Naughty Dog is not the first to replicate maps of modern cities, the video from ElAnalistaDeBits shows how accurate it has been. Throughout the game's 25 hour playtime, players are able to explore much of downtown Seattle, including the Seattle Courthouse. Although many of the in-game locations are overgrown or falling apart, many fans who are familiar with Seattle will recognize the city's iconic locations. The accuracy of the map is also referenced in-game, as Ellie finds and uses a tourist map to mark her location as the game progresses. This implies, to those unfamiliar with the streets of Seattle, that most locations are not only structurally accurate, but also on the same street as they are in reality.

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One such location is Seattle's central library; its unique glass structure makes it stand out in the game as well as reality. As shown, the actual building is located on 5th Avenue, and the buildings themselves are almost identical. Other than the obvious differences of overgrown brush, some fans have even commented on ElAnalistaDeBits' video that The Last of Us 2's version looks more realistic than pictures, thanks to the game's extraordinary graphics. Pair the in-game graphics with a decent set of headphones, and the game becomes even more immersive, putting players directly into Ellie's shoes and contemplating every action. Naughty Dog originally claimed that this game would be its most immersive yet, and it clearly delivered.

Despite the recent unfavorable user reviews that The Last of Us 2 has been receiving, the game is still attracting countless fans, and this comparison video will undoubtedly draw more to play the new game. Regardless of users' familiarity with Seattle, this apocalyptic open world will engage them in the world, cautiously listening and peeking around corners for the next clicker or runner. Naughty Dog's new game has given fans a peek into what the future of console gaming will hold, as the PlayStation 5's immersive controls and graphics have promised to redefine horror thrillers such as The Last of Us.

The Last of Us Part 2 is out now, exclusively for PlayStation 4.

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