
  • The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered for PlayStation 5 offers improved graphics, faster loading times, and better framerates.
  • The remastered version includes 'The Lost Levels' for players to explore unfinished content and hear from developers.
  • The game features intense boss fights with challenging attack patterns and requires strategic combat skills to overcome.

The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered is the most recent, highly anticipated Naughty Dog release. It updates several aspects of the game and incorporates entirely new content. The remaster caters to the PS5 system, which means better framerates, quicker loading times, and, of course, even more spectacular graphics. The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered also includes 'The Lost Levels,' which allow players to explore unfinished levels that were cut early on in the game's development and hear some context from developers explaining their choices.

13 Games More Brutal And Uncomfortable Than The Last Of Us 2

The Last Of Us 2 takes the dark brutality of the first game even further. However, there are some games out there that are even more brutal.

One of the biggest additions, though, is No Return, which is a roguelike survival mode that allows players to continually make their way through hordes while playing different, previously unavailable characters. No Return is relatively forgiving since it allows players to return to a workshop in between levels to upgrade their weapons and skills, but if they die, they'll have to begin the entire run again. Each level of this new mode ends with a boss fight, and even though most of them are from the original game, they're as terrifying as ever. Difficulty can be subjective since some players might have an affinity for hand-to-hand combat, while others prefer taking shots from a distance. However, with the range of bosses throughout the game, The Last of Us 2 Remastered has some seriously difficult antagonists for players to take down.

The following article contains spoilers for The Last of Us Part 2's plot and characters.

6 Ellie vs. Abby

A Brutal and Emotional Confrontation

Ellie vs Abby final fight in epilogue scene

Ellie vs. Abby is technically the last boss fight in the game, and it sees Ellie give up everything she's worked so hard for in a bid to finally kill Abby. By this stage, players will likely be feeling incredibly tense and emotionally exhausted, which mirrors exactly how both Ellie and Abby are feeling. At this point in the narrative, Abby has no interest in killing Ellie, and eventually, players will come to see that Ellie cannot bring herself to do to Lev what Abby did to Joel.

6 Great Video Game Villains That Players Didn't Want to Kill

The villainous acts of these video game characters, paired with their personalities and reasonings, make them hard to kill.

For all these reasons, this boss fight is mainly story-driven, but players will still have to utilize their dodging and close combat skills to take Abby down. This fight is designed to only go one way, and the hardest part is how brutal and harrowing it is. It's easily the most evocative fight in the game and has a more unpredictable rhythm than other boss fights, which truly makes it feel like a fight for survival.

5 Abby vs. Tommy

Difficult to Avoid Hits and Lots of Components to Consider

The Last of Us 2 Remastered's Abby running with Manny to take down sniper Tommy

Chapter 8 (Day 3 of Abby's section of the game) will see Abby and Manny encounter a mysterious sniper set up on a bridge that stands between them and their destination. This sniper, as many players may guess straight away, is actually Tommy, who is particularly skilled with the weapon. This boss fight is unique since there's no way to really fight back, and Abby's combat skills are totally useless.

The best way to beat Tommy is to remain patient and consistent, moving between cover carefully. Tommy's main goal is to draw infected towards Abby, but he will obviously shoot her if she's in plain sight. To combat this, players should take down the infected, remember to pick up loot, and keep moving forward. Abby is not supposed to kill Tommy here, so rushing this section doesn't benefit anyone.

4 The Arcade Bloater

A Solitary Fight in a Small Area

The Last of Us 2 Remastered's Arcade Bloater fight

The Arcade Bloater is the culmination of everything players learned in their first encounter with Joel, but now they have to do it alone. Not only is this a heartwrenching narrative point, but it's also a much more challenging fight from a gameplay standpoint. Players are in a relatively small area, particularly since the Bloater can and will destroy the environment with its charging attack, which limits Ellie's cover.

To beat the Arcade Bloater, players should enforce what they learned the first time. To the best of her ability, Ellie should stay out of sight and use cover/smoke bombs to avoid being seen. Since the Arcade Bloater is large and moves a lot, laying trip mines is a great way to damage it. Once again, players should be mindful of ammo and try to take headshots for maximum damage. Ellie can try to brute force the battle, but she will eventually run out of places to hide. She will find herself with very little time to reload or heal since the Bloater will usually be right behind her.

3 The Final Scar

A Savage Melee Battle with Challenging Attack Patterns

The Last of Us 2 Remastered's The Final Scar as Abby and Lev are escaping the island

After an intense rescue mission and the loss of Yara, when Abby and Lev are so close to escaping the island, players will encounter an incredibly violent and angry Scar. This guy is no joke and will be wielding a very dangerous sledgehammer. The most important aspect of this fight is timing because his attack patterns are not the same every time.

Story-Heavy Games To Play If You Like The Last Of Us Part 2

Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us Part 2 is one of the most story-heavy games around, and these other games will scratch a similar itch.

Fighting this guy will require players to pay attention. Abby needs to dodge when he swings and then land some punches. The more damage players do, the more swings The Final Scar will take, meaning Abby will have to dodge more than once as the fight progresses. After such an intense chapter, players will likely be adrenaline-fueled and frantic, but noticing this enemy's movements will help tremendously with knowing when to dodge and when to strike.

2 The Rat King

A Truly Terrifying and Unique Monster with Multiple Phases

The Last of Us 2 Remastered's Rat King clambering through a hospital door

Abby's Day 2 in Seattle is quite easily one of the most frightening chapters in The Last of Us 2, mainly because of the hospital section. Players will venture into a sealed-off section of the hospital that's been untouched since the infection first swept the world. This entire area is incredibly foreboding and creepy, with a brilliantly terrifying atmosphere and the distinct feeling that something awful is lurking just around the corner.

That awful thing will turn out to be The Rat King, a huge, nightmarish creature made up of infected that have all clumped together. The Rat King is also No Return's final unlockable boss, which further proves how genuinely scary this fight is. In the game proper, the first portion of this fight is to just run away. The second phase is to fight, which will include using the flamethrower and every weapon Abby has on her. Players should use the flamethrower sensibly, mainly when The Rat King gets too close or when Abby needs a moment to get herself together. One of the most important things to remember is to keep moving. The area is big and specifically designed for Abby to duck and weave through because The Rat King is always chasing her and can smash through certain barriers to reach her. If The Rat King gets too close, it's game over.

Phase three will see The Rat King split apart, releasing some Stalkers. Players will want to get the Stalkers out of the way quickly so they don't surprise Abby while she's focusing on The Rat King. Eventually, with enough fire, the awful creature will go down, and players will be able to progress.

1 Abby vs. Ellie

An Emotionally Conflicting Battle Against a Sneaky Ellie

The Last of Us 2 Remastered's Abby vs Ellie fight

The final boss fight of the Seattle section pits players against Ellie, which is very conflicting. Here, players will find that all the gameplay elements they relied on when playing as Ellie are suddenly being used against them, but any knowledge of her abilities will still come in handy. Ellie is stealthy, so trying to run at her is no use. Instead, Abby needs to creep up behind her to stand a chance.

The most important tactic in this fight is to use listen mode. Ellie will sneak around, planting trap mines and paying very close attention to Abby's movements. The challenge here comes from Ellie's survival skills, meaning that she'll hear Abby if she runs or knocks anything in the environment. Throwing bottles will lure Ellie in that direction, and Abby will have to strike Ellie a few times in order to progress the story.

last of us 2 box art
The Last of Us Part 2

June 19, 2020
Naughty Dog
Action , Adventure