The Rat King is a fearsome foe that players will encounter during the Ground Zero section of The Last of Us 2's second Seattle Day 2 chapter. Indeed, this monstrosity is ready to tear Abby limb from limb, and some players may find it quite challenging to take it down. For those fans that may be struggling with the Rat King in TLoU2, this guide is here to provide some recommendations.

To start, the most important thing to do during the fight with The Last of Us 2's Rat King is to maintain a good amount of space, as getting caught by it is certain death. As such, players should be moving frequently during this battle, using walls and barriers to slow the Rat King down, and only look to fire a few shots when they have adequate distance from the boss.

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Additionally, fans should utilize Pipe Bombs against the Rat King, as they will temporarily stun it. This can be very helpful for stopping a charge attack, and players can also take this opportunity to put a great deal of damage on the foe. The Flamethrower in The Last of Us 2 is particularly strong here, though a Double Barrel Shotgun with Incendiary Shells or a Hunting Pistol are also perfectly serviceable.

At a certain point, the Rat King in TLoU2 will split into two parts, a Bloater and a Stalker, and players should stick to the strategy of maintaining space and getting shots off with the aforementioned weapons safely. To note, all efforts should be focused on the Bloater section of the Rat King at this point, as taking it down will give Abby some respite before she must tackle the Stalker portion.

During this combat break, players should make sure to craft any offensive items that they can and generally prepare for the fight with the Stalker. This last battle is triggered by proceeding through the area, and fans can simply unload their Shotgun into the Stalker until it is dead. At that point players will have finally killed this gross enemy in The Last of Us 2 once and for all and will be ready to continue with their journey.

The Last of Us 2 is out now for PS4.

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