After the first Last of Us game released to rave reviews from critics, Naughty Dog followed it up with the standalone DLC The Last of Us: Left Behind, which was also met with critical acclaim. The Last of Us: Left Behind served as a prequel to the original game, explaining more of Ellie's backstory, and some fans have been anticipating something similar for The Last of Us 2. Unfortunately for those holding out hope for The Last of Us 2 DLC, they should probably lower their expectations.

Bloomberg's Jason Schreier recently spoke on the MinnMax Show, where he talked about The Last of Us 2 DLC. According to Schreier, Naughty Dog's staff is split between working on The Last of Us 2 multiplayer mode and The Last of Us PS5 remake. Schreier believes that Naughty Dog was considering The Last of Us 2 DLC at one point in time and that it may still happen at one point, but for now, the studio is working on other projects.

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While some fans may be disappointed to learn that The Last of Us 2 apparently has no DLC in the works, this isn't the first time that this has been said. Last year, Naughty Dog's Neil Druckmann stated that the studio had no plans to make The Last of Us 2 DLC.

The Last of Us 2 story DLC may not be in development, but it does seem as though fans of the franchise have plenty to look forward to in the coming years. As mentioned previously, a Last of Us 2 multiplayer mode is rumored to be in development alongside a Last of Us PS5 remake. Some fans have questioned the relevancy of a Last of Us PS5 remake, but perhaps it will help Naughty Dog get a PS5 game out faster while it works on its next big project.

And while a Last of Us PS5 remake may seem pointless to some fans, there are some other reasons why Naughty Dog might pursue such a project. There are some story inconsistencies between Last of Us and Last of Us 2, particularly when it comes to the ending of the first game, and so a remake would give Naughty Dog the opportunity to address those issues. Then again, it's possible that the supposed Last of Us PS5 remake is merely a better-looking version of the original game, but fans will just have to stay tuned to find out more.

With The Last of Us 2 having released just last year, it might still be some time before fans learn about Naughty Dog's next project, however.

The Last of Us 2 is out now for PS4.

MORE: Naughty Dog's Future Sounds Defined By The Last of Us

Source: GamesRadar