Farming for gear lies at the heart of every ARPG, and Last Epoch is no exception. Despite the game's stellar crafting system, players will still need to sink in plenty of time if they want to get Unique and Set items to drop, and even more so if they want to make Legendary gear of their own.

Last Epoch: Siege Golem Locations

If you want to complete as many Prophecies as possible, you should learn how to find Siege Golems, tough enemies in Last Epoch.

Thankfully, it's possible to target farm specific gear. This method won't be available until later on, though you don't necessarily need to beat Last Epoch's lengthy story mode to get to it. If you're itching to get that perfect piece of loot for your build, here's how you can work for it.

How to Target Farm Gear

Warpath Paladin in Last Epoch

To target farm gear, you need to dive into the Monolith of Fates, the procedurally-generated endgame of Last Epoch. Inside the Monolith are timelines, which represent alternate realities based on the campaign's events. Gameplay-wise, these set the main theme or biome of Echoes, or the maps that you actually have to grind. This is a high-level activity, so be sure to bring well-built character before attempting it.

Timelines have unique quests, enemy types, and even map tiles, but the thing you'll want to pay attention to here are the rewards. Each timeline has its own set of rewards, and you can farm for them by selecting Echoes that drop specific equipment. The whole target farming process can be summarized in the following steps:

  1. Pick a Monolith timeline.
  2. Grind Echoes until the timeline stabilizes.
  3. Run the timeline again, or pick a different one.

Before starting a timeline, it's important to know which ones drop what type of loot. For example, if you want to farm for Unique bows, do the Stolen Lance and Black Sun monoliths since all Unique and Set items that drop there are bows and quivers.

Corruption and Empowered Monoliths

The Monolith of Fates map in Last Epoch

As you progress through a timeline, you may encounter an Echo with a Shade of Orobyss. Completing this Echo will increase the timeline's Corruption meter, increasing the difficulty of all encounters but also improving the quality of rewards. To better target farm gear, you should aim to get as much Corruption as possible without making things too overbearing for your character.

Later on, you can unlock Empowered Monoliths in Last Epoch for even greater rewards and challenges. These are harder versions of regular monoliths that start with 100 Corruption. They also have no Corruption cap, which means you can push your character even further to get a better chance at scoring loot.

last epoch
Last Epoch

February 21, 2024
Eleventh Hour Games
Action RPG