Even though Last Epoch is designed for solo play, you can also clear dungeons with friends. This is especially convenient for farming various rare loot, but if you get an item that is better suited to your teammates, then it makes more sense for you to give it to them.

The Gifting feature has several limitations that may confuse players at first glance. However, the process is actually quite simple, and you just need to play with friends to give each other items. Here's everything gamers need to know about giving items to friends in Last Epoch.

Last Epoch: How to Target Farm

Struggling to find that last piece of gear for your build? Here's how you can target farm loot in Last Epoch.

How to Gift Items in Last Epoch

To gift items in Last Epoch, you must open your Inventory by pressing the 'I' button. Then, click on the Gifting button to open the Gift Inventory and the list of friends in your Party. Now, all you have to do is drag the desired item from your Inventory to your Gift Inventory and select the friend you want to give it to.

It is worth noting that this will only work for items that were picked up while playing with a friend. If your teammate was absent at that time, then you will need to use the Resonance feature.

Last Epoch: Aliments Explained

Aliments are Status Effects in Last Epoch that can be applied to both enemies and you. Here's all you need to know about them.

What Is Resonance in Last Epoch?

Last Epoch: character

Resonance is a special currency that is tied to certain players with whom you play. The more you defeat enemies and progress together, the more Resonance you can get. It's important to note that Resonance is divided into two types, which are necessary for donating different items:

  • Golden Resonance - Needed to gift Normal, Magic, Rare, Set, Unique items with no Legendary Potential, and Idols.
  • Obsidian Resonance - Needed to gift Exalted Items, Unique items with Legendary Potential, and Legendary Items.

Of course, they are quite hard to earn, especially Obsidian. It seems like they only drop from enemies that give you EXP, but if you play with your party often enough, you will eventually start amassing a decent amount.

That's all you need to know about giving items to friends in Last Epoch. If you play together regularly, you should have no problems when exchanging loot, but if you pick up an item while playing solo, you will have to spend Resonance to gift it.

last epoch
Last Epoch

February 21, 2024
Eleventh Hour Games
Action RPG