The Druid mastery class for Primalists in Last Epoch focuses heavily on shapeshifting. Each of its three forms offer completely distinct playstyles, catering to players who want to achieve different things with the builds they want to make and the fantasies they want to fulfill.

Last Epoch: Best Sentinel Build

Here's what the strongest builds for the strength-based Sentinel class look like in Last Epoch.

This guide is for a Lightning Werebear Druid that pivots straight from one of Last Epoch's best early game Primalist builds. It's designed to bulldoze through content with a storm-calling Rampage and demolish targets with big, lightning-infused bear claws. Here's how to set it up.

Last Epoch Lightning Werebear Druid Build

Druid in Werebear form in Last Epoch

This build relies on Werebear form to deal the brunt of its damage, though players should still be able to duke it out in their regular Human form as well. It uses a combination of Strength and Attunement to maximize its hybrid damage output. Meanwhile, item stats and passives provide the majority of the build's damage resistance, while Summon Spriggan handles healing and crowd control.

Werebear Form naturally inherits the specialization skills of Swipe and War Cry. Once you get Skull Crusher in the Werebear Form specialization tree, Maul will also inherit Fury Leap's passives. This means every point spent on this build will always be beneficial to you, regardless of what form you're in.




Way of the Hunt (5/5)

Swipe deals more damage and leeches health on hit

Aspect of the Panther (5/5)

Swipe gains Panther stacks on hit, granting bonus Global Damage per stack

Storm Claw (1/1)

Swipe deals more Lightning damage. Every 3 seconds, your next Swipe deals additional Lightning damage over a wider area. This bonus damage does not scale with Physical damage increases.

Umjol's Guidance (5/5)

Swipe has a chance to Shock on hit, and its damage is converted to Lightning.

Storm Scour (1/1)

Swipe gains additional Lightning Penetration based on your Attunement.

Feline Hunter (1/1)

Swipe grants additional global attack and cast speed when Aspect of the Panther stacks are active.

Lion's Strength (2/2)

Gain additional maximum Panther stacks and increase global melee damage per stack.

Maxing out Umjol's Guidance completely removes Swipe's Physical tag, which means anything that affects Physical damage will no longer affect the skill. As you're leveling up your Primalist, make sure to collect gear that scales with Elemental or Lightning Damage for this inevitable transition.

Fury Leap



Warrior's Entrance (5/5)

On landing, gain global melee and spell damage.

Frenzied Onslaught (1/1)

Gain Frenzy when you land, increasing your attack and cast speed.

Panther Strike (4/4)

Fury Leap gains increased cooldown recovery speed and damage.

Crater (3/4)

Fury Leap deals damage over a larger area; reduces the skill's mana cost.

Lagon's Wrath (1/1)

Fury Leap creates Storm Bolts while leaping.

Storm Bringer (1/1)

Storm Bolts appear more frequently.

Rejuvenating Storms (1/1)

Gain additional spell damage per point of Attunement. Storm Bolts have a chance to reset Fury Leap's cooldown.

Fury Leap is your main traversal skill outside of Werebear's Rampage, and it'll help you take enemies down more quickly while in Human form. It's great for jumping from pack to pack, and it buffs Swipe by giving you Frenzy, granting greatly increased attack speed that stacks with Berserk and Aspect of the Panther.

Werebear Form



Rip and Tear (2/5)

Maul and Rampage deal more damage.

Army Sunderer (2/5)

Maul and Rampage shreds enemy armor.

Insatiable (4/4)

Maul and Rampage have increased base critical strike chance, and you gain increased global critical strike chance while in Werebear form.

Bringer of Storms (1/1)

Maul and Rampage are converted to Lightning skills. Armor Shred and Bleed chances for these skills are converted to Shock chance.

Crackling Assault (5/5)

Cast Storm Bolts while Rampaging.

Unending Storm (1/1)

Rampage movement speed is slower but consumes no Rage. Gain increased Lightning Damage while Rampaging.

Invigoration (1/5)

Regain health and Rage on kill or when you hit a rare or boss enemy.

Bloodthirst (3/5)

Your hits in Werebear Form have a chance to cause enemies to Bleed.

Skull Crusher (1/1)

Maul inherits Fury Leap's specialization tree.

This setup is all about barreling through hordes of enemies with Rampage while calling down lightning strikes as you run. Prioritize getting the Bringer of Storms line of passives for an easier experience leveling up, then get to Skull Crusher as soon as possible so all of Fury Leap's specialization passives apply to Maul.

Last Epoch: Best Early Game Mage Build

This Mage leveling build for Last Epoch leverages the power of lightning for smooth map clearing while preparing for steady late-game scaling.

War Cry



Juggernaut (1/1)

You are invulnerable for 1 second after using War Cry.

Berserker (1/1)

Gain Berserk for 1 second after using War Cry, granting you additional melee damage. Every melee attack you hit while Berserk is active grants an additional stack and refreshes the buff's duration.

Brutality (5/5)

Increases Berserk's maximum duration and number of stacks.

Fury Strikes (3/3)

Berserk now grants bonus attack speed per stack.

Breath of Eterra

War Cry now restores your health.

Purging Shout

War Cry cleanses negative ailments on you.

Use War Cry when fighting elites or bosses. The damage provided by Berserk is significant, and you can gain and refresh its stacks even while in Werebear Form. However, stacks will not refresh while Rampaging unless you are physically hitting enemies with the charge.

Summon Spriggan



Aura of Life (3/3)

Spriggan's Healing Aura and Rejuvenating Wind restores more health.

Aura of Kinship (2/3)

Healing Aura grants additional Spell Damage

Aura of Retribution (4/4)

Healing Aura also grants increased base critical strike chance and crit avoidance.

Arboreal Vitality (5/5)

Spriggan gains more health.

Creeping Roots (1/1)

Spriggan can now cast Ensnaring Roots, dealing physical damage and rooting enemies it hits.

Protective Roots (1/1)

Spriggan prioritizes casting Ensnaring Roots on enemies close to you instead of itself.

Garden of Nourishment (1/4)

Ensnaring Roots heals allies it hits.

Spriggans are great at keeping you alive while providing a number of useful buffs. You don't necessarily need to focus on improving your Spriggan's stats, but make sure it's always active so you can enjoy all the bonuses it provides.

Passive Skills

Druid passive skills in Last Epoch

Primalist Tree

Druid Tree

Primal Strength

Chitinous Plating

Harmony of Blades (optional)

Spirit Warden

Hunter's Restoration

Primordial Resonance

Survival of the Pack

Focused Wrath

Tempest Bond

Wind in the Leaves

Aspects of Might

Primal Shifter

Tiger Spirit

These passives provide general offensive and defensive bonuses that become more effective while you're in Werebear form. Investing at least five points into each of these skills is enough to provide tangible results. Harmony of Blades is an optional skill for those who want to dual wield in Last Epoch — feel free to spec into something else if you prefer using 2H weapons.

The Tempest Bond passive grants massively increased Physical and Elemental Damage as long as you have a pet active, and it's part of the reason why Summon Spriggan is a part of the build. Always keep your Spriggan alive so Tempest Bond is active.

Gear and Stat Priorities

Stats for Druid build in Last Epoch

Lightning Werebear Gear and Stats

Main Stats



  • Strength
  • Attunement
  • Vitality
  • Lightning Damage
  • Melee Lightning Damage
  • Elemental Damage
  • Melee Critical Strike Chance
  • Critical Strike Multiplier
  • Chance to Shock
  • Armor
  • Resistances
  • Health
  • Life Leech on hit/kill

Strength should still be prioritized over Attunement as more skills benefit from it. Most of your damage will still come from stacking Lightning modifiers, critical hits, and Shock procs.

You won't need to target farm Last Epoch's uniques or set items for this build, but anything that grants bonuses to Lightning Damage or Werebear Form will help greatly. Such items include:

  • Battlemage's Endeavour (2H Sword)
  • Last Bear's set
  • Kermode's Cage (Body Armor)
  • Swaddling of the Erased (Gloves)
  • Tempest Maw (1H Axe)
last epoch
Last Epoch

February 21, 2024
Eleventh Hour Games
Action RPG