At the beginning of Kuroko's Basketball, we're introduced to our lovable main character, Tetsuya Kuroko. There's nothing particularly noteworthy about him, so much so that he barely has a presence. Moreover, his behavioral tendencies are of that of a kuudere, but unlike most other characters that share that trope, he manages to reinvent stoicism into something much cuter. And after his first (albeit awkward) meeting with Momoi, that wholesomeness comes to light in their interactions.

Whether Kuroko feels the same way towards her is up to speculation, but official art and his manners may suggest a mutual interest. Regardless, they still have a wholesome dynamic that deserves to be explored.

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Puppy Love

Kuroko comforting Momoi

For sure, both Kuroko and Momoi are cute just as individual characters. The former is the shortest of the male cast and Momoi manages to sit just a few inches lower than him - they're both so small! Their hair colors also contrast with one another - like cotton candy, so visually they do look good together.

Upon our initial introduction to Momoi, it's revealed that her attraction to Kuroko began when he gave her a winning popsicle stick. Not wanting to waste the reward, he gave it to another person, Momoi in a kind gesture. It's a simple meeting but the fact that it made her instantly attracted to him in a way, it mirrors that of a child giving something to their first crush. It can be argued that Kuroko had just approached her because she was there, but it's still cute to see the similarities.

All The Hugs

Momoi hugging Kuroko

Kuroko has his moments where he hates physical touch, such as whenever Murasaki tries to pat his head. But Momoi can jump on him with no resistance, which makes for a funny scene. During the Winter Cup arc, there's a scene where Kuroko is talking to his former teammate, Aomine. Almost out of nowhere, Momoi literally tackles the former and knocks him down. It's not the most comfortable position for him, but the sight still gives the viewer a laugh.

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Additionally, in her introduction scene, she gives Kuroko a big back hug while all his peers glare at him in jealousy. It's at that moment when Momoi declares herself his girlfriend, soon which after, he denies. It's easy to write off her interactions as mere fangirling, but lest we forget, he bears a strong resemblance to a stray dog who he adopts. And what do we want to do when we see a cute dog? Hug it.

Quality Time

Kuroko walking with Momoi

A relationship doesn't necessarily have to be romantic to be cute - just their time alone together is wholesome in itself. Whenever he has the chance, Kuroko is willing to walk Momoi home and listen to her. One such instance is when Kuroko asks to show her one of his new techniques, and they go to the nearby park to practice. It's an opportunity to bond, and he's sharing his passion with her - it's little moments like these that makes watching their relationship so endearing.

In a flashback shortly before the Generation of Miracles' last game, Momoi confides in Kuroko about the mental decline each member was undergoing. It was only the two of them that wanted everything to go back to the way it was, after all. Kuroko consoled her during that time, ensuring that she wouldn't have to shoulder the burden he had.

It's Just Cute

Momoi excited to see Kuroko

Let's not look at this the wrong way, Kuroko and Momoi have a unique dynamic, but this isn't meant to be an argument on whether the two are canon or not. Young love and having your very first crush is a special time in your life. And these two kids are no exception.

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