The following content contains spoilers from Konosuba: An Explosion On This Wonderful World! Season 1, episode 2, currently streaming on Crunchyroll. The Crimson Demon Clan may look to be overflowing with epic heroes and invincible adventurers, but surprisingly, their little town has a high population of NEETs. As a result, anyone with a menial profession has their status elevated to an unbelievable level, whereby the town's "celebrities" are no more than average tradesmen.

Konosuba: An Explosion On This Wonderful World! Season 1, episode 2 debuts some of the Crimson Demon's top dogs, including Chekera, Shikobei, Chakamiya, and Torosuke (well, for those who haven't watched Legend of the Crimson Demons yet.) This fantastic foursome really makes a scene by swooping in to "save the day," ensuring to leave quite an impression on fans and townsfolk alike.

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The Arch Mages of Mass Destruction

Konosuba: An Explosion On This Wonderful World! Crimson Demon Arch Wizards Chekera, Shikobei, Chakamiya, and Torosuke Season 1 episode 2

Chekera, The Fashionista

As the sole proprietor of the most popular (and only) clothing shop in town, Chekera services all the Crimson Demons' wardrobe needs. This glorified tailor is allegedly a talented mage who tends to favor shooting what looks to be purple plasma pulses from his hands. His Elvis Presley attire and accompanying hairstyle make him look more like a Vegas impersonator, especially with that bare, hairy belly out on full display. The King of Rock and Roll is the perfect idol to emulate, as his memorable style and stage presence will forever go down in history.

However, the fact that Chekera looks nothing more than a cheap knockoff is a testament to his absurd Chuunibyou characteristics (in a sense of "you get what you pay for.") In contrast, he ensures to make use of top-notch equipment that has been approved by his forefathers, as depicted in KonoSuba, Legend of the Crimson Demons. Chekera is quite proud of his rust-resistant clothing line, perfect for hanging laundry, and just happens to shoot planet-wrecking bullets, too. Whether the stylist is aware of the bonus feature of the Railgun (TBD) or not is unclear, but, by all appearances, he is oblivious.

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Shikobei, The Fisherman

The Earth Shaker aficionado is ironically a man of the sea (but who says things have to make sense in KonoSuba?) Shikobei's ultimate goal in life is to capture a colossal kraken one day, even if the likelihood of such a feat is improbable, seeing as the only visible water source near the Crimson Demon Villiage is a small, landlocked lake. To add more absurdity to the mix, even though fishermen are stereotypically featured wearing hats, Shikobei's attire resembles that of a pilot more than a seafarer. At least he carries a fishing pole around on occasion, even using it for spellcasting for that added flair, setting things straight for potentially confused onlookers.

Konosuba: An Explosion On This Wonderful World! Crimson Demon Arch Wizards Chekera, Shikobei, Chakamiya, and Torosuke Season 1 episode 2 Explosion

Chakamiya and Torosuke, The Baker and Barista

This self-declared "Master of Yeast" dresses like a stereotypical chef, with a handle-bar mustache and everything! The town's best baker likes to meddle with magical thunderstorms during combat but, despite his best efforts, he doesn't produce quite the same effect as Chōjirō Sasakibe (Bleach) or the formidable Nine (My Hero Academia.) Nevertheless, the pastry enthusiast's power level is on par with his Crimson Demon comrades (although whether that is much of a flex is debatable!), enhanced even further by his intimidating Marco Pierre White vibes.

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The Crimson Demon coffee expert appears to be a fan of wind magic (excuse the pun) and is the ultimate gentleman, through and through, as long as one doesn't look past surface value, that is. Torosuke's butler-esque attire would make even DC's iconic Alfred Pennyworth proud, while he can strike a dashing pose without spilling a spot of tea (putting My Hero Academia's Gentle Criminal to shame.) One could consider Torosuke to be the Starbucks of the village; he may not have a conglomeration of coffeehouses, but his brew is the only one Crimson Demons are drinking! Not much is apparent regarding his general persona, other than being a professional (showman) with a knack for (fan)service.

The Crimson Demons' Self-Destruction

Konosuba: An Explosion On This Wonderful World! Crimson Demon Arch Wizards The Headmaster and Pucchin Season 1 episode 2 Explosion

The "Lord of the Red Prison's" ornamental gargoyles have somehow been freed from their petrification and are seeking revenge on the Crimson Demon Village, causing mass destruction in their wake. Typical to their Chuunibyou nature, Chakamiya and his comrades are more concerned with making a good impression and leaving the ladies in awe than anything else, and constantly peek over their shoulders to check that Megumin and her class are watching.

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The Arch Wizards are somewhat useful when initially entering the battlefield and manage to take a few monstrosities out of commission before the adrenaline and bloodlust completely overwhelm their sense. The combat-crazed narcissists maniacally cackle as they throw spells around like confetti, completely obliterating the village they are supposedly trying to save. In typical KonoSuba fashion, these so-called heroes create more problems than solutions, while their trigger-happy escapades end up leveling the entire village (with Pucchin and the Headmaster as the major instigators.)

After all, is said and done and the dust settles, the Red Prison Principal wastes no time in pointing the finger at the Dark Lord, shifting all the blame off of himself and his fellow archmages. Way to call attention to oneself and claim the spotlight, while simultaneously negating any responsibility; this man's got skills! Meanwhile, the poor townsfolk had to labor through the night to rebuild their treasured village, and now the Crimson Demons have openly declared war, throwing any prospects of peace out the window. True, the barrier was weakening anyway, but self-destruction is surely unavoidable? Okay, be honest, more like inevitable!

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