The following content contains spoilers from KonoSuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! episode 5, currently streaming on Crunchyroll. KonoSuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! delivers a climatic episode 5 that is life-changing for Megumin and Yunyun alike. These girls have both officially become Wizards, and Megumin has even managed to see her Explosion Magic dreams come true! Yunyun gets her chuunibyou on with some memorable spellcasting, and yet, somehow, Komekko still dominates the spotlight with her dazzling potential.

This bold youngster has all the makings of her own spin-off series and may be giving Megumin some competition in the not-so-distant future! Attentive viewers aren't the only ones taking note of Komekko's hidden talents, as she has amassed quite a potent assortment of KonoSuba allies, who are not delusional about this little girl's greatness.

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Komekko's Contribution

Konosuba Komekko the Strongest Crimson Demon Komekko's contribution Konosuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! episode 5

Komekko initially comes across as the side character brimming with comic relief; however, episodes 4 and 5 of KonoSuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! suggests otherwise. As it turns out, Komekko has had her hands on some of the biggest plot points of the series; it just took a while to notice! Following in her sister's footsteps, Komekko stumbles across the infamous Crimson Demon puzzle while scavenging for food and has little problem solving it. Little does she know, her meddling has caused the seal encasing the Tomb of the Dark Lord to be weakened, releasing countless monstrosities into the world.

Not only is the Dark Lord's most violent counterpart now free to roam the land, but Komekko has captured it and taken it home! And thus, Megumin's fitting familiar is hand-delivered to her door, becoming the catalyst for their iconic relationship. Meanwhile, Komekko's bond with Lord Hohst (spellings may vary) is also noteworthy, considering the notorious demon is hellbent on causing more chaos by freeing his master. Having another Devil King General running around might not bode well for the Crimson Demons (seeing that they had no real reason to imprison the Dark Lord, other than to increase the town's coolness factor.)

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Komekko's adventures also lead to Yunyun and Megumin's magical upgrades, and, while things work out as intended for the Explosion Magic aficionado, Yunyun's choices are more impulsive. If given the chance, she might've selected a higher grade of magic to specialize in. However, due to circumstances, she uses her precious Skill Points to learn Intermediate Magic, which gets the job done, but she has so much more potential! Now Yunyun has to level up the hard way, by grinding enough monsters (and fans are well aware of how she feels about killing these "helpless critters!")

Komekko's Courage

Konosuba Komekko the Strongest Crimson Demon Komekko's courage Konosuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! episode 5

Komekko has evidently taken the chuunibyou mentality to heart, adopting a fearless, no-nonsense attitude befitting of the most overpowered heroines. And at the tender age of four! This brave kid risks her life for the sake of supper (or to save a beloved family pet, depending on how one looks at it) and brazenly confronts a hoard of massive monsters, singlehandedly, as far as she can tell.

"She's picking a fight with a pack of monsters! And she's not even a little afraid! If anything, they seem scared of her!

It seems my little sister may, in fact, be a big deal."

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Komekko instinctively knows how to exude the most threatening aura she can, assuming an intimidating position while letting a ferocious growl loose. Even Megumin is impressed! Komekko certainly has the right attitude down to a tee, she is highly intelligent (solving the supposedly complex puzzle with ease) and is a charmer of note. Now just imagine what she will be capable of after graduating from Red Prison will all that magic potential in tow. Komekko already told Megumin that she needn't worry about becoming the strongest; her little sis has things covered! Komekko might be closer to speaking the truth than she realizes, but only time will tell.

Komekko's Companions

Konosuba Komekko the Strongest Crimson Demon Komekko's Companions Konosuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! episode 5

Komekko's fearlessness may stem from the ignorance of childhood, like so many kids who believe themselves invincible. Alternatively, her trust in her allies is unwavering. Essentially, Komekko is untouchable so long as one of her powerful supporters is around, with so many candidates to choose from! Her neighbor, Bukkororii is hardly reliable; however, he will come to Komekko's aid if she happens to cross paths with Soketto while in need. Yunyun has already proven to be a potent bodyguard who is more than willing to jump to Komekko's defense, while Megumin's loyalty is incontestable.

If, perchance, none of the Crimson Demons are around, Komekko can always rely on her other demonic allies. Lord Hohst certainly has a soft spot for the girl and has already declared to become Komekko's familiar in the future (once his contract with Wolbach is over.) That's a Devil King General-leveled demon, declaring to serve and protect this seemingly unremarkable girl. Hohst is clearly aware of how much potential she possesses! Furthermore, even though Chomusuke is not exactly running at full power, this kitty does have its fire-breathing perks. The Goddess of Violence may overlook the whole attempted-cat-consumption fiasco to fight for Komekko, who is still Megumin's blood at the end of the day. The "Crimson Demon's foremost lovable sister" could quite easily rally an army around her if she puts her mind to it, defeating any foe before her without even lifting a hand!

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