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  • KonoSuba is a hilarious and goofy parody of isekai and fantasy anime, with a dysfunctional yet strong-willed main character party.
  • Fans have long-awaited the continuation of KonoSuba , with new adventures picking up where the movie left off, featuring important and ranked characters.
  • From Darkness the tank to Aqua the Water Goddess, each unique and powerful character brings a mix of strengths and weaknesses to the party.

Among the many isekai anime that have come out over the years, KonoSuba holds a special place in many anime fans' hearts. As an affectionate parody of both isekai anime and fantasy anime, Kazuma and his party are hilarious and goofy beyond belief.

KonoSuba: 8 Things You Might Not Know About Megumin

Megumin is a fan-favorite character in Konosuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World, and here are some interesting facts about the character.

Despite its parodic nature, the characters of KonoSuba do occasionally get into dangerous situations. While the members of Kazuma Sato's party are dysfunctional in many ways, they do have strengths that allow them to successfully complete quests and drive off threats to the city they live in. Which are KonoSuba's most powerful main characters?

Updated Jun 8th, 2024, by Danny Guan: After seven years of waiting, KonoSuba fans are finally able to watch a continuation to the incredibly popular isekai comedy series. The new series picks up almost immediately where it left off after the movie, and it wastes no time in gaining speed again. While fans of the series have certainly been waiting with bated breath for it to return, more casual fans may need a quick reminder of who in the cast to look out for. Here are some more of KonoSuba's major and important characters, ranked by their strengths, included in this list's latest update.

8 Darkness

The Hardy Crusader Who Seeks Punishment

Darkness head shot

As a Crusader, Darkness' most valuable asset is her incredible endurance. She can take hits from monsters without injury, and even when having Kazuma drain energy from her, she is none the worse for wear. She is even able to survive magic like Megumin's Explosion, and has a skill to attract the attention of enemies to her. She also has a high Strength stat, which allows her to deal considerable damage with a single blow. With the addition of her adamantite armor, Darkness is able to fulfill the role of the tank in the main characters' party fairly well, protecting them from the attacks of enemies.

However, Darkness is not without her drawbacks. Despite having a high Strength stat, her accuracy is abysmal, to the point where she will miss enemies standing right in front of her. In addition, she has learned no offensive skills pertaining to her class, meaning that her offensive potential is essentially nonexistent. Still, she is able to serve her main function as a tank, so Darkness is not completely useless in battle. Having said that, Kazuma generally considers her to be his least useful party member, and there are many situations where Darkness is simply not helpful.

7 Vanir

The Devilish Trickster With A Pantry Of Parlor Tricks


Vanir is a former commander of the Devil King's Army, as well as a Duke of Hell. Despite these imposing titles, he is a goofy, prank-loving jester that prefers to spend his time on all sorts of bizarre money-making ventures. Even so, he is more than capable of putting up a fight in battle if he needs to, and his title of Duke of Hell is well-earned.

Vanir's body is actually not real, being made entirely of earth. His real body is the mask he "wears", and even if that gets destroyed, he has multiple lives to rely on in a pinch. He has various abilities, including the ability to read minds, possess those wearing his mask, and divine the future. While Vanir's powers are not fully explored, it seems most of his specialties lie outside of combat. Even so, he can certainly hold his own in a fight, whether he needs to use guile, trickery, or even physical power to achieve victory.

6 Kazuma Sato

A Surprisingly Crafty Jack Of All Trades

Kazuma Sato head shot

The reincarnated Kazuma Sato has quite a bizarre base build. With incredibly low stats in everything except Intelligence and Luck, Kazuma is basically locked out of ever becoming a mighty warrior or righteous paladin. In addition, Kazuma was given the Adventurer class, a basic, low-level class with very little prestige. It isn't a stretch to say that Kazuma lost the lottery when it came to his basic abilities.

Konosuba: 10 Worst Mistakes Made By Kazuma’s Party

Kazuma's party have made their fair share of mistakes throughout Konosuba. These decisions came back to bite them.

However, Kazuma is not without his strengths. He has incredibly high Intelligence and Luck, allowing him to make plans that tend to work out in his favor. Because of this, Kazuma generally serves as the leader or strategist of his party, working to make sure that his party will survive any situation. In addition, the Adventurer class has a unique perk: it is able to learn skills and spells from any class. This allows Kazuma to have an incredible amount of versatility, learning thief skills, magic spells, and even skills only usable by Undead creatures. While none of these skills are really able to turn Kazuma into a mighty powerhouse, he is able to use his skills as an Adventurer to turn a bad situation to his advantage.

5 Iris

An Adorable Yet Powerful Princess

KonoSuba S3 E2 Princess Iris Stylish-Sword Belzerg

Iris Stylish-Sword Belzerg is the First Princess of the Kingdom of Belzerg, making her one of the most important people in the world of KonoSuba. Constantly putting on the face of a quiet and unemotional child, Iris is actually a very energetic and friendly person who warms up to Kazuma when he stays at her castle. While her role in the series is limited due to being stuck in the capital, Iris remains a fairly important character in the KonoSuba series, especially in later arcs.

While Iris has yet to lift a finger in battle during the events of the anime, the light novels reveal that she is in fact quite powerful. Though she is of small stature, her bloodline grants her immense power, and her abilities have only increased due to the strict training and cultivation offered her by her royal lineage. She is a skilled swordfighter, and she can use a holy sword passed down in her family to enhance her powerful combat skills and help her achieve victory in battle.

4 Yunyun

A Socially Clumsy Master Of Magic


Megumin's self-proclaimed rival, the awkward and lonely Yunyun might seem like an airheaded ditz, but she is one of the more skilled spellcasters among the Crimson Demons. As the chief's daughter, she has a lot of expectations to live up to. Unfortunately, she is easily misled and often forgotten by others. Her desire for friendship is endearing character, but it gets her no sympathy from Megumin, whom she interacts the most with. While she is generally not considered a part of Kazuma's party, she accompanies them on many adventures and plays a big role in An Explosion on this Wonderful World!

Yunyun is the exact opposite of Megumin, who is a one-shot wonder. She has mastery over a variety of spells, all the way up to the advanced level. This makes her far more versatile, even if she can't cast spells as powerful as Megumin's Explosion. Yunyun can cast offensive spells using various elements and even telepor. While it's more of a joke than a special ability, Yunyun can also disappear from others' perspectives if she is hiding behind anything, due to her nature as an awkward loner.

3 Wiz

The Perpetually Poor Shopkeeper

wiz konosuba

The beautiful and voluptuous owner of Axel's infamous Magic Item Shop, Wiz is actually an undead lich and one of the Devil King's generals, in charge of the barrier protecting his castle. Before she became an undead, she was a powerful mage and adventurer known as the Ice Witch, and has mastery over a variety of powerful spells. Wiz has a massive amount of mana, allowing her to cast magic like Explosion multiple times without fainting. Despite her incredible power, she rarely gets involved in battles, though she is a frequent supporter to Kazuma and his party.

Konosuba: 5 Ways It Does Isekai Right

KonoSuba isn't afraid to make fun of itself, making it the perfect escape for anyone craving a hilarious and refreshing take on the isekai trope.

As a lich, Wiz has unique abilities due to being undead. She can drain mana from those she touches, replenishing her already massive mana reserves, and inflict negative effects just by touch. She is unaffected by physical attacks and can even control and communicate with other undead, having frequently sent spirits to the afterlife before. Despite this, Wiz also has a lot of weaknesses that are characteristic of undead, being particularly vulnerable to holy magic like Aqua's. Nevertheless, the combination of her undead abilities and her magical knowledge make her an undeniable ally to Kazuma and his party.

2 Aqua

The Water Goddess, Trapped In Purgatory

KonoSuba Aqua in tears after being sent to another world

For many fans of KonoSuba, Aqua's most distinguishing trait is her highly obnoxious personality. She is very overbearing and prideful while also being short-sighted and gullible. She is quick to tear up or get angry, and she is literally incapable of telling lies. It's easy to forget that she is an actual goddess, especially when she lacks any refinement or elegance.

Still, her powers as a Goddess are real. As her believers are fanatical and numerous, Aqua has a massive pool of mana that is likely infinite. Her class of Archpriest grants her a variety of spells meant to both support the party and destroy undead creatures in addition to her own spells as the Goddess of Water. However, due to her holy nature as an Archpriest, her spells are only ever effective against demons and the undead, and have no effect on normal monsters. Still, she is invaluable when she is fighting undead, and still has a variety of support abilities when facing other creatures. Aqua isn't the most helpful member of the main characters' party, but she does have a variety of skills that are extremely helpful when the occasion calls for it.

1 Megumin

The Ever-Advancing Master Of Explosions

Megumin casting Explosion

As a member of the Crimson Demon Clan, Megumin has both high Intelligence and mana reserves, making her an incredibly capable mage. Likewise, her class as an Arch Wizard is perfect proof that Megumin is a mighty spellcaster who should be capable of mastering a large variety of spells. Should be, because Megumin isn't actually interested in learning anything except the Explosion spell, the strongest spell in the Detonation series. This is despite the fact that the spell drains her of all of her mana, leaving her immobile and paralyzed after casting a single spell.

Nevertheless, Megumin and her Explosion is easily the most powerful force in the main characters' party. Many of the party's plans involve buying enough time for Megumin to fire off her Explosion spell for the final blow. In addition, Megumin has spent all of her skill points on improving Explosion, meaning that she can cast it faster and without chanting an incantation. Despite only having one shot before passing out, Megumin is easily the most powerful damage dealer, and an essential member of the party when dealing with massive threats. If she put her energy into learning other spells, she would definitely be a force to be reckoned with.