The KonoSuba anime series portrays the life of Kazuma Satou, a recluse who finds himself reincarnated in a fantasy world. On his demon-slaying quest, Kazuma forms a party with the goddess Aqua, the masochistic crusader Darkness, and Megumin, an explosion-obsessed archwizard.

In KonoSuba, as a character, Megumin's tendencies and uniqueness make her well-loved by fans. To this extent, many depictions of Megumin in the form of memes have taken the internet by storm. From her iconic catchphrases to her hilarious reactions, Megumin memes are very relatable and have captured the hearts of fans.

10 Bored Megumin

Megumin bored

The Arch Wizard in KonoSuba is a force to be reckoned with. However, even Megumin occasionally experiences bouts of boredom. With nothing to use her signature explosive magic on, she grows restless when there is nothing in need of an explosion or anything exciting to occupy her time.

Many KonoSuba fans have found the Bored Megumin meme highly relatable. Whether it is due to a lack of motivation, or plain old boredom, Megumin resonates with the boredom her fans face. With the bored Megumin meme capturing the universal experience of boredom, fans have found it highly intriguing.

9 Mischievous Grin

Megumin evil smirk

Whether it be participating in childish antics with Aqua or needlessly blowing up planes, there is no shortage of the amount of mischievousness Megumin has up her sleeve. Although many KonoSuba fans are familiar with Megumin’s mischievousness, not many are familiar with her overly mischievous face. The Mischievous Megumin Grin captures her character in a moment of gleeful mischief as she grins widely while about to let loose some chaos.

RELATED: KonoSuba: Things You Might Not Know About Megumin

The Mischievous Megumin Grin is highly relatable for fans, as humans often let loose a little. To this extent, humans could engage in pranks or simply revel in a moment of mischief while exploring their playful side.

8 What Can I Say?

Megumin shrug

As a main character of the KonoSuba series, Megumin has a dedicated following, as fans love her and her over-the-top explosions. However, some other KonoSuba fans or anime watchers may say that said fans have an unhealthy obsession with her. Well, what better way to confidently and nonchalantly accept their claim that Megumin is simply one of a kind?

Imitating her confident pose helps solidify the number one explosive Arch Wizard in KonoSuba in her fans' hearts. With great confidence and a nonchalant attitude, few fans would allow Megumin’s place to be shaken in their hearts.

7 On And Off

Megumin elated

In terms of intelligence, Megumin could be considered unrivaled within her party, as her intelligence stats are the highest. However, with her delusional tendencies, Megumin’s intelligence is sometimes hindered by her own actions. Whether it is overanalyzing a skill or paying too much attention to detail at the wrong time, Megumin’s brainpower often backfires.

Furthermore, she refuses to learn any other skills apart from Explosion, even with its obvious limitations. Although Megumin’s intelligence could dwindle in times of great peril, when it comes to her many antics, the fiery Arch Wizard has no shortage of creative ideas. And this serves as a relatable point for fans, making the scenario immortalized as a meme.

6 What Elasticity!

Megumin slapping Yun Yun

Megumin is not the bustiest of the female KonoSuba characters. However, the same cannot be said for her former classmate Yun Yun. In school, Megumin often bullied Yun Yun, and the duo shared a sense of rivalry. As Yun Yun had a more buxom body than Megumin, Megumin often slapped her chest while exclaiming about their bounciness and elasticity.

This made the phrase "What elasticity!" immensely popular in the anime community in that it was made into a meme even though the movie it was portrayed in was released many years ago.

5 Time For An Explosion!

Megumin and time

Few anime characters are as explosive as Megumin. With her signature explosion chant and her unwavering dedication to the art of casting explosions, few things get Megumin more pumped up than when it is time to let loose.

RELATED: KonoSuba: Every Main Character's Age, Height, & Birthday

With Megumin’s fiery personality and unique explosiveness, her phrase "time for an explosion" signifies when she lets loose. As such, many Megumin fans use the phrase to express various things. Such things could be celebrating a big win, blowing off steam after a devastating day, or channeling Megumin’s explosive spirit into their lives.

4 Deflected Explosion!

Megumin sad

With Megumin’s sheer explosive ability, few characters can match her in power output. However, what happens when Megumin faces the wrath of her power? Characters like Grogu from the Star Wars series could certainly make this happen with their force-deflection abilities. As Megumin goes limp and is spent after casting explosion, she would be at the mercy of her own abilities if they were deflected at her.

Despite the hilariousness of the meme, it is highly relatable to fans. Whether it is a moment of unexpected failure or a position where the best efforts yield the worst results, fans can find solace in Megumin’s one-trick pony drawback and laugh alongside it.

3 After Coming To A Realization

scared Megumin

Megumin's anxiety is a source of some of KonoSuba’s most humorous moments. While her quirky behavior can be entertaining, how she looks when she's hit with a sudden realization and succumbs to her fears is hilarious. Her face becomes a mixture of terror and sweat as her anxiety takes over, and it's a scene that's all too relatable.

This is particularly relatable to students when it’s test day, and they forgot to review their readings and jottings. As the meme is so relatable, it has become a way that students use to express moments of great academic danger that others can understand.

2 Watching KonoSuba Because Of Megumin

Excited Megumin

Megumin’s personality is multifaceted. She could be boring and straightforward one moment and lively and hyper-excited the next. Well, fans of the KonoSuba anime series have found a way to depict her multifaceted characteristics as a meme that Megumin fans can relate to.

According to Megumin fans, those who only watch KonoSuba based on someone else's suggestion are boring. However, if someone watches the anime series specifically to appreciate the explosive Arch Wizard's fascination with explosions, they are regarded as people with refined tastes.

1 Thanks Dad!

Megumin thumbs up

When Megumin casts Explosion using all she has, she promptly becomes useless after using the spell as she becomes drained. Coupled with the fact that she only upgrades her explosion output and nothing else, she becomes a liability to the team after one round of a massive explosion.

Despite this drawback, Megumin feels satisfied with herself after the explosion. She revels in the sheer power output of her spell as she lies down on the ground, drained and unable to move. While feeling admiration for the result of her hard work and constant training, feeling satisfied is well justified. Furthermore, it is something that fans can relate to after seeing their hard work bear fruit.

MORE: The KonoSuba Effect - How Comedy Became Inseparable From Isekai