The following contains spoilers for Episode 7 of Komi Can’t Communicate Season 2, “The Big Misunderstanding,” now streaming on Netflix.

Winter break has come to an end and Komi and the gang finally return to school, and Komi has come prepared with a love letter in toe. There appears to be some tension between Tadano and Komi, overflowing from their awkward encounter during the holidays and pushing the poor pair to their limit of emotional stress.

Komi catches a break as the highly anticipated handsome protagonist takes the spotlight in his debut episode. Naruse reminds viewers that he is the best thing since sliced bread before making his move on his perfect partner, the Class Goddess. Needless to say, Komi spends much of this episode running away, until she works up the courage to speak (without a phone) for the first time in Komi Can't Communicate.

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"It's Just a Misunderstanding"

Komi Cant Communicate Its Just a Misunderstanding Komi and Tadano Season 2 Episode 7

It's the first day back at school, and Komi has been losing sleep ruminating over the awkward incident where Najimi caught her holding Tadano's hand in Season 2 Episode 6 of Komi Can't Communicate. She elects to write Najimi a letter to explain away the affectionate touch and resolves to deliver it the next day. Thankfully, the social butterfly assists by grabbing the envelope from Komi's hands before running off, absolutely elated to have received a "love letter" from the Class Goddess herself. Tadano has some emotional turmoil of his own, as he cannot clearly remember the events of the previous day due to the delirium brought on by his cold. Equally as embarrassed as Komi, Tadano cannot work out if Komi was actually at his house or if the whole event was simply a figment of his imagination.

Tadano bumps into Komi and the two size each other up, in possibly the most awkward interaction between these two. Komi and Tadano try to assess how best to approach the situation, and Tadano's attempt of subtle questioning backfires. When he asks Komi if she knows what happened the day before, Komi immediately assumes that Tadano is referring to the hand-holding, and flees in embarrassment. He tracks Najimi down to interrogate them about the previous day's events and is met with the strange explanation that Komi was just trying to read his pulse. Although still very confused, Tadano is relieved to discover that at least Komi's visit was a real memory.

"It's Just a Narcissist"

Komi Cant Communicate Its Just a Narcissist Naruse Shisuto and Tadano Season 2 Episode 7

It is the moment that everyone has been waiting for as fans struggle to go on with their lives without the influence of the great and majestic handsome protagonist of Komi Can't Communicate. As the self-proclaimed star of the show, Naruse Shisuto is the best thing since sliced bread, showing off his superiority by enjoying Western music such as Justice Bieber and having his own personal narrator in the form of Komitani Chuusaku. The narcissist is uncharacteristically insightful when he theorizes that Komi may have a communication disorder, but dismisses the idea due to her elevated beauty (similar to his own.) Naruse decides that it is about time that he and Komi became friends, and so he and his ego venture off to make the first move.

RELATED: Get To Know The Boys of Komi Can't Communicate

With such an extensive fanbase, it is practically impossible to get close to the Class Goddess, and Naruse is trampled out of the way. Feeling overwhelmed by his failure, the narcissist escapes to the bathroom where he can refuel his energy reserves by gazing at his reflection in the mirror, but in his haste, he drops a handkerchief. The ever-kind Komi retrieves the cloth and returns it to its owner, a gesture that used to hold great significance back in the day. Naruse is now convinced that Komi has approved of their friendship and advances to request her phone number but Komi gets overwhelmed and runs away. (Un)fortunately for Tadano, Komi's loss is his gain, and he gets the honors of becoming Naruse's new friend instead.

"It's Just a Field Trip"

Komi Cant Communicate Its Just a Field Trip Season 2 Episode 7 Komi speaks to Tadano

The class begins their preparations for the school trip to Kyoto and Komi, Tadano and Najimi discuss what they are looking forward to the most. Komi, however, is more distant than usual and seems to be in her own world, lost in thought, but joins in the conversation long enough to tell them that this would be her second visit to Kyoto, but in an unbelievable turn of events, it appears that Komi has lied!

Whilst walking home with Tadano, Komi confesses her dishonesty and gives viewers a rare glimpse into her past life before high school. If fans thought that Komi is anxious and awkward now, well it's nothing compared to a young Komi! Living out the age-old fear of getting picked last for a group for the school trip, her classmates play rock-paper-scissors to see who would get the shy girl. Komi found this whole situation to be so intimidating that she couldn't even look at her new teammates, and was therefore unable to assess whether or not they were happy with including Komi in their group. Terrified that she had angered her classmates, Komi elected to stay at home and missed her chance to visit Kyoto.

As horrid as this story is, it is wonderful to hear it being told in Komi's own voice, as the conversation starts as a phone call to Tadano shortly after the two friends had gone their separate ways. As the story gets more intense, Tadano slowly makes his way toward the young girl, and the pair are basically standing side by side while they chat. Komi surprises everyone by hanging up the phone but continuing the conversation, speaking to Tadano directly for the first time in Komi Can't Communicate - and the crowd goes wild!

Needless to say, Komi has no issues getting chosen for a group for this year's school trip, as everyone clambers to be by her side. In another bout of firsts, the episode ends in a real cliffhanger as the teacher announces that groups will be decided by drawing lots to keep things fair, and fans have to wait an entire week to find out who will be partnered off with the Class Goddess!

From Anxious Wreck to Class Goddess

Komi Cant Communicate Past and Present Season 2 Episode 7

As Komi makes strides in her personal development, it may be easy to forget how severe her social anxiety truly is. Not long ago, Komi was so intimidated by people that she could not even bring herself to look directly at anyone's face, but she has progressed so much that she can speak, and now also without the barrier of the phone. Komi's whole life seems to have changed thanks to the introduction of the notebook because before she started writing down her thoughts, the raven-haired beauty had not yet discovered a way to express herself. With no means of communication and no Tadano to act as an interpreter, Komi was extremely isolated and gravely misunderstood, but now she has a selection of friends that is constantly growing and a fantastic reputation to boot.

MORE: Komi Can't Communicate: 9 Things The Anime Changes From The Manga