This Netflix Anime tells the sweet tale of a girl named Komi Shouko, who is struggling with extreme social anxiety. Komi's fear renders her virtually mute and she relies on her good friend Tadano Hitohito to alleviate the communication barrier as he teaches her the best ways to tackle her issues.

In a very male-orientated episode, Tadano gets the spotlight as his own social skills are put to the test in Season 2 episode 3 of Komi Can't Communicate.

RELATED: Komi Can’t Communicate Season 2, Episode 1 Review “Winter Arrives”

"It's Just A Feeling"

Komi Cant Communicate It's Just A Feeling Ren, Nakanaka, Tadano and Komi Season 2 episode 3

Omoharu Nakanaka has picked up that Tadano is a particularly perceptive person, but, she assumes that Tadano is obviously a mind-reader. Anxious to learn his skills, Nakanaka asks for some lessons, and Ren Yamai overhears and invites herself along. The trio tap into their inner stalkers and observe Komi from afar, each taking turns to guess what the Class Goddess is thinking. The egocentric girls miss the mark every time, whereas Tadano proves once again that his empathy has no limits by accurately predicting Komi's inner anxiety (as far as fans can tell).

The contrasting differences between Ren and Nakanaka are emphasized by their opposing views about what goes on in Komi's head, and it seems that round two of the long-standing catfight is soon approaching. Fortunately, Komi walks over and busts the peeping Toms before conflict arises, and the group is too stunned to react. Unaware of the situation, Komi asks to join in, diffusing all the tension in the process.

"Its Just a Fantasy"

Komi Cant Communicate It's Just A Fantasy Shinobino, Sonoda, and Chiarai Season 2 episode 3

It seems that Shinobino, Sonoda, and Chiarai have not had enough of their dating game, as the fantasies continue from Season 2 episode 2. Sonoda Taisei starts off as the imaginary boyfriend of Nene Onemine, and the couple bond over a relaxing picnic. After wiping crumbs from his face, the boys agree that she would be a comforting and supportive girlfriend, with strong Big Sister qualities. Otori Kaede is up next, and Shinobino Mono steps into a scenario where he returns home from work, distraught about his unfortunate day. Otori provides ample hugs and cuddles, providing enough contact with her bosom to wash any troubles away.

The first time around, the boys were all too intimidated to even picture themselves alone with Komi, and Tadano was left alone to romanticize a scenario. A great deal of thought and preparation has since gone into the imaginary date with Komi, and Chiarai Shigeo feels confident that he has come up with a solution. In a dramatic twist of 'fate', Komi becomes a skilled swordsman as the scene is set in a historical action-packed period piece. Komi elegantly threatens the enemy, as she declares war on anyone who opposes her husband, sending out strong Kill Bill vibes in the process.

The boys' final fantasy girlfriend rankings are:

  1. Nakanaka
  2. Otori
  3. Komi
  4. Najimi
  5. Agari
  6. Onemine
  7. Ren Yamai
  8. Makeru
  9. Inaka

"It's Just A Lunch Break"

Komi Cant Communicate It's Just A Lunch Break Tadano and Katai Season 2 episode 3

Katai Makoto is eager to bond with his new friend Tadano and decides that eating lunch together would provide the perfect opportunity. Initially quite confident, Katai approaches Tadano to extend the invite, but loses his nerve halfway. Fumbling over his words, Katai unintentionally threatens Tadano by stating that they should "take this outside." Tadano accurately reads the situation (again) and decides to join his friend for lunch, leaving Komi feeling abandoned and worried for his safety. Keeping a close eye on the boys, Komi observes from a distance, and Katai believes that the Master of Communication is assessing his social skills.

RELATED: Komi Can't Communicate: Season 2 Episode 2 "Typhoon" - Review

Wanting to make her proud, Katai refers to his "51 Hostess Tips On How To Approach People" guidebook, and awkwardly makes a move on Tadano. Katai starts to emphasize the 'date' part of their lunch date by hand-feeding Tadano, sitting uncomfortably close, and making inappropriate physical contact. Komi has no idea how to process their behavior, and Katai and the Goddess are once again locked in the grips of each other's social anxiety. Thankfully, Tadano diffuses the situation before things get out of control, and reassures Katai that he should be true to himself. He asks Komi to join in on the meal, offering an opening for Komi and Katai to become friends.

It's Just a Roast Sweet Potato"

Komi Cant Communicate Its Just Roast Sweet Potato Season 2 episode 3

Whist relaxing at home one night, Komi hears the Roast Potato Truck (which is kind of like an ice-cream truck, with added carbs). After reassuring the driver that she is not a ghost, Komi misses the opportunity to order some potatoes thanks to her social anxiety and is forced to chase down the vehicle. The two play cat and mouse for quite some time, as each time the driver stops, Komi panics and cannot place her order. Finally taking the initiative, the man begins preparing her potatoes anyway, and Komi is so delighted that she orders five. Not sure what to do with all the food, Komi walks off (supposedly in the direction of Tadano's house.)

For some reason, it seems that Tadano has blocked out his memories of the Culture Festival in Season 1 episode 12, as his recollection of the event is rather fuzzy. He comes to the stark realization that the whole school has now seen him dressed in a French maid's outfit, and he is absolutely mortified. Thinking back on the day, Tadano can no longer deny his feelings for Komi and decides to take a walk to clear his head.

Tadano conveniently bumps into Komi with her bag of potatoes, and he is caught in an internal debate about what the most appropriate course of action should be. He could take advantage of the fortunate timing and use this as an opportunity to spend time with Komi, however, it would be more respectable if plans were made in advance. Deciding to take the gentlemanly approach, Tadano proposes that the pair hang out sometime during the Winter break, and receives a roast potato for his efforts.

Komi and Katai- Friends or Rivals?

Komi Cant Communicate Komi and Katai Makoto Season 2

As the most similar characters in Komi Can't Communicate, fans assume that Katai and Komi would hit it off straight away. Where Katai has the utmost admiration for Komi, the supposed Master of Communication, he is still too intimidated to initiate conversation, or even make direct eye contact. Komi, on the other hand, is just as terrified of Katai as the rest of the class, however, it is her other emotions that may cause a rift between these two.

Considering that Tadano was the first friend for both Komi and Katai means that his friendship is of great importance to them, however, it appears that Komi is not eager to share her companion. She comes across as quite jealous of Katai's new friendship, as Komi now has to compete for Tadano's attention (and, after that strange lunch date, possibly his affections too).

MORE: The Aggressively Lesbian Undertones in Komi Can't Communicate