Najimi from Komi Can't Communicate is arguably one of the most respectful representations of the non-binary community. Tadano Hitohito and Osana Najimi are students at the Itan Private High School, where they help their friend Komi Shoko to overcome her extreme social anxiety and make 100 friends in the process. Tadano appears to be quite introverted, acting as Komi's translator, but quickly learns that his social skills are not much better than Komi's. He enlists the help of his popular and outgoing middle-school friend, but is bewildered to see Najimi wearing a skirt.

Najimi plays a crucial role in Komi's development, often taking the awkward girl out of her comfort zone and putting her up to tasks that require the shy girl to apply her communication skills better. Although Najimi's gender is not directly labeled in Komi Can't Communicate, most fans assume that they are non-binary due to their chosen pronouns and combination of a feminine and masculine wardrobe. There may, however, be an element of mistranslation, because in the Japanese version, Najimi requests the use of "-chan" alongside their name, which is a feminine identifier. Most fans can agree, however, that this androgynous character has gone through a transition and has done a respectable job in representing the LGBTQ+ community.

RELATED: X-Gender: A Closer Look at Your Favorite Non-Binary Anime Characters

"It's Just the Pool"

Najimi Episode 7

After an awkward discussion between Tadano and Najimi, a common ground is found between the two, and Tadano realizes that not much has actually changed regarding their friendship. By the time episode 7 rolls around, the group of kids takes a trip to the pool, and Najimi's gender is addressed once more, providing a reaction from both sides of the coin. Again, Tadano seems to be the only one perturbed by the idea of non-binary, as he is rattled by the thought of Najimi changing into her swimsuit alongside the other girls in the group.

Without taking any offense, Najimi laughs the comment off and points out the unisex bathrooms. Up next is the big reveal, and once again, Komi Can't Communicate does the non-binary community proud. As the boys stand and assess the bevy of beauties around them, Najimi emerges in her swimsuit and received a unanimous award of 10/10 from the randy rascals. Himiko is next to come out and is rated just as well as Najimi. In fact, they are all considered to be beautiful in their own way, with only Komi in the lead having earned a "hundred-million" points.

"It's Just a Country Kid"

Najimi and Tadano Episode 9

Hands down the best line in support of trans acceptance appears in episode 9, where Omoharu Nakanaka hosts a gaming session at her house. Komi is first to turn up, but Omoharu is appalled at the arrival of her new guests, Najimi and Tadano, as this was supposed to be for girls only.

With no mention whatsoever made to Najimi, Tadano is singled out as the intruder, the only boy, the one who does not fit. The mere fact that Najimi was assigned male at birth simply does not factor into the equation, as they have now chosen a different identity. Begrudgingly, Tadano is allowed to stay, thanks to Najimi's encouraging words promoting his value as an additional player.

"It's Just the Culture Festival"

Najimi and Tadano episode 11 and 12

The storyline comes full circle in the final episode when Najimi manages to convince their uptight friend to don a French maid's uniform, pigtails and all, for the Culture Festival. Tadano is visibly uneasy in his feminine outfit, although he also doesn't remove it at the first opportunity he gets, but continues to walk through the Festival after the maid café had closed.

RELATED: How Komi Can't Communicate Tackles Social Anxiety

Most noticeably, however, is the reaction of his classmates, as Tadano was not once ridiculed. Najimi was overjoyed at the feminine outfit, and even Komi claimed he looked "cute" and was in no way put off by Tadano's appearance. The rest of the students just carried on as if nothing out of the ordinary was taking place - another win for LGBTQ+ representation. Society should not get an opinion on how individuals dress or choose to identify themselves.

Tadano and Najimi

Najimi Osana - Non-binary Anime Character

Tadano seems to be the only person who is surprised by Najimi's transition, and this could be for several reasons. It is possible that Tadano simply didn't pay close attention to his friend, and had not noticed that they were not completely comfortable in the "male form." However, Najimi could have kept their concerns about gender identification a closely guarded secret - although being enigmatic and discreet is not really their style.

The students had also just come back from their holiday season which, in Japan, usually last about 6 weeks. Being the social butterfly that they are, Najimi undoubtedly visited many of their friends after the transition was made and was therefore provided the opportunity to introduce themselves with their new pronouns. Tadano is a more awkward, unpopular kid who was unlikely to participate in many social events, so his first time seeing Najimi in a girl's school uniform came as quite a shock upon returning to school.

The Drama Queen

Najimi Non-Binary LGBTQ+ Representative

Despite how well Najimi's gender identification is represented, her character still holds some typically trans stereotypes. As with many LGBTQ+ characters, Najimi has a flair for the dramatic and offers a significant amount of comic relief. Trans character designs have all too often been misused as a prop to add more humor to the plot, something (not someone) ridiculous for fans to mock or single out.

However, considering how ludicrous Himiko Agari, Omoharu Nakanaka, and Yadano Makeru are, it is clear that Najimi's non-binary identity is not being sensationalized for laughs. Their over-the-top dramatic energy is merely part of their personality and probably has more to do with Najimi's unstable childhood than their gender status. Everyone can't help but love this feisty pink-haired socialite. Season 2 of Komi Can't Communicate will air on 6 April 2022 on Netflix.

MORE: Second Season of Komi Can't Communicate to Premiere April 6