Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe is a remake of the original 2011 Wii platformer called Kirby's Return to Dream Land. One of Kirby's abilities allows him to inhale enemies and gain their powers, called copy abilities. Along with the normal copy abilities, this pink puff can also get super copy abilities, which are significantly more powerful attacks gained by eating special enemies. With the three new abilities in the remake of Return, there are 25 regular copy abilities and five super copy abilities available for players to try out against all the enemies and bosses of this family-friendly world.

Copy Abilities in Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe


In the version of Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe for the Nintendo Switch, there are three new copy abilities and 22 old copy abilities that were also in the original. All the available copy abilities in Deluxe are:

RELATED: Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe: All Energy Spheres in World 1

  • Sand Copy Ability (new) - Sand is the ability to move and change sand levels, like the many scorching levels in World 2 Raisin Ruins.
  • Festival Copy Ability (new) - Festival is another new ability; it was originally introduced in Kirby Star Allies.
  • Mecha Copy Ability (new) - This is a little robot that Kirby can change into, giving him rockets and the ability to fly.
  • Beam
  • Bomb
  • Crash
  • Cutter
  • Fire
  • Hammer
  • Hi-Jump
  • Ice
  • Leaf
  • Mike
  • Needle
  • Ninja
  • Parasol
  • Sleep
  • Spark
  • Spear
  • Stone
  • Sword
  • Tornado
  • Water
  • Whip
  • Wing

Super Abilities in Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe

There are a grand total of five super-powerful enemies that Kirby can inhale in order to get super abilities in Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe. These powers cannot be brought to new levels or through star portals, and they have a limited number of uses. These five abilities are:

Ultra Sword


The Ultra Sword is given by eating the Super Blade Knight. This world-destroying power gives Kirby a massive array of swords, each with a huge reach. Whether he's swinging a gigantic scimitar, a large wand, or even a cleaver of epic proportions, Kirby can clear out just about the whole screen with every hit.

Monster Flame


Once Kirby inhales a Super Hot Head, he will gain Monster Flame. This power conjures a screen-sized fire dragon that flies from one end to the other, destroying everything in its path. It's one of the more interesting of Kirby's copy abilities.

Flare Beam


The Flare Beam is the amped-up version of the Beam power. It turns the simple Beam's whip-like magic into a ball that can be moved around the screen for a time, destroying everything it touches. It is gained by eating a Super Waddle Doo.

Snow Bowl


The Snow Bowl is gained through the Super Chilly, a giant version of the Chilly snowman. This turns Kirby into a giant, frozen Katamari ball that picks up enemies and throws them against the screen.

Grand Hammer


Super Bonkers give a super copy ability called the Grand Hammer, and it is just as smashing as it sounds. This massive hammer will crush everything in Kirby's path.

Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe is available for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Kirby's Return to Dream Land Deluxe: How Long to Beat?