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Upon exploring the levels in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, many players will notice that Star Coins are practically everywhere. Previous Kirby games such as Kirby: Squeak Squad didn't have in-game collectible currencies, making Kirby and the Forgotten Land a unique case. It isn't until Kirby's rescued over 60 Waddle Dees that these Star Coins can be spent to buy upgrades in Waddle Dee Town.

The good news is that Star Coins can be found just about anywhere. The bad news is collecting them in thousands can be tricky, and Kirby will be spending well over a thousand Star Coins just to upgrade his Copy Abilities. Kirby and the Forgotten Land offers many ways to farm Star Coins with some methods better than others.

RELATED: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: How Ability Upgrades Work

Play in Wild Mode

kirby and the forgotten land difficulty

Upon starting a new file in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, players will be able to choose the game's difficulty. Spring-Breeze Mode gives Kirby more HP and is for beginner players or those who just want a relaxing playthrough. Wild Mode is Forgotten Land's Normal/Hard mode with more Star Coins given as in-game rewards at the cost of Kirby battling tougher enemies and bosses.

If players want to get the most Star Coins, then they'll need to play in Wild Mode. However, the Difficulty level can be changed at any time. This means players can switch back to Spring-Breeze Mode after playing a Treasure Road in Wild Mode if they're worried about difficult bosses. To switch between Spring-Breeze and Wild Mode, go into the Menu with (+) and select Change Mode.

Completing levels in Wild Mode will reward players with 10 extra Star Coins.

Treasure Roads, Levels, and Bosses

kirby and the forgotten land star coins

As Kirby unlocks more Copy Abilities, more Treasure Roads will become available in the overworld. Each Treasure Road has a Target Time. Meeting Target Times gives an additional 50 Star Coins

After Kirby rescues the Hidden Waddle Dees in a level, he'll find cages of Star Coins in place of the Hidden Waddle Dees should he replay that level. When exploring levels, look for shining spots/circles. Interacting with these will usually open up a path of coins that lead to green (+5) or red (+10) Star Coins.

Explore every corner before entering another area in the level. Paths leading to Star Coin piles can be triggered by hitting a switch or following a secret path.

Finally, battling bosses a second time will replace the Golden Waddle Dee cages with Golden Star Coin cages (this applies to regular levels too). Since some Boss Missions are harder than others, players will most likely refight a Boss more than once to free the Mission Waddle Dees.

Star Coins in Waddle Dee Town

kirby and the forgotten land

While there are hidden Star Coins around Waddle Dee Town, there are surefire ways to get them once Kirby has rescued over 60 Waddle Dees.


After defeating Clawroline, the Colosseum will appear in Waddle Dee Town. This pits Kirby against 6-12 bosses in a row (depending on the tournament) with Star Coins and Rare Stone(s) as a reward upon completion.

  • Meta Knight Cup: 500 Star Coins and one Rare Stone (6 fights)
  • Ultimate Cup: 1,500 Star Coins and one Rare Stone (12 fights)
  • Ultimate Cup Z: 2,500 Star Coins and three Rare Stones (12 fights)

These tournaments can take a while, but fortunately, there are two other methods of getting Star Coins in Waddle Dee Town.

Waddle Dee-liveries

After freeing 50 Waddle Dees, a post office called Waddle Dee-liveries will open up in Waddle Dee Town. Speak to the Delivery Waddle Dee and enter Present Codes to get Coins, Rare Stones, or buff items. Delivery Dee will give the first Present Code (FIRSTPASSWORD) which rewards a modest 500 Coins.

There are other Present Codes to use, but some to note are:

  1. KIRBYSTORY (300 Coins)
  2. CLEARDEMO (300 Coins)
  3. THANKYOUKIRBY (1,000 Coins and 1 Rare Stone)

Players should keep in mind that Present Codescan only be used once per File.

RELATED: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Abandoned Beach - Waddle Dee Locations and Missions Guide

Flash Fishing

After getting 155 Waddle Dees, Kirby will be able to play the Flash Fishing minigame at the pond just outside his house. This game simply requires quickly hitting the A, X, Y, or B buttons in the given order. The more consecutive catches Kirby reels in, the more likely he'll land the large, golden fish.

Each time Kirby catches a fish, he'll earn coins based on its size. An 8,000lb+ fish will give Kirby a blue Star Coin (30 coins), but catching the 10,000 golden fish will reward Kirby with 500 Star Coins.

The Flash Fishing minigame is a quick way to get 500 Coins in one sitting. Note that the Meta Knight Cup gives 500 Coins as a reward for 6 consecutive battles, meaning between the two of them, Flash Fishing may be the better option depending on how quickly players want to collect Star Coins.

Where to Use Star Coins

kirby and the forgotten land blueprint

Players can spend Star Coins at the Waddle Dee's Weapon Shop to use Blueprints or Power-Up a Copy Ability. The better the Blueprint/Power-Up, the more Star Coins Kirby will have to pay.

Once Kirby gets 60 Waddle Dees, players will unlock the Waddle Dee Cafe. Here, they can purchase health-restoring items that they can either eat at the cafe, or take To-Go. The most expensive item here is the Maxim Tomato (100 Coins).

At 145 Rescued Waddle Dees, Kirby will be able to purchase temporary buffs at the Item Shop. Excluding the Life-Up, buffs can be stacked up to 999 seconds as long as Kirby has enough Star Coins.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is available now on Nintendo Switch.