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Kirby embarks on another adventure in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Kirby's first fully 3D adventure. Currently, a Nintendo Switch-exclusive, Kirby and the Forgotten Land combines the platforming gameplay of previous games with a faster-paced action combat system. Like most Kirby games, Kirby retains his ability to copy enemies, but the full 3D gameplay means Kirby has a lot more freedom than he did in the 2D world.

Dodging is a common mechanic used to avoid enemy attacks, and it's been added to Kirby and the Forgotten Land. By inputting the correct commands, Kirby will roll out of the way of his enemies. Fans of the Super Smash Bros. series may notice similarities in Kirby's dodge animation carried over into Kirby and the Forgotten Land. This game takes it a step further by implementing a "Perfect Dodge," which requires precise timing in order to be executed. When used right, dodging will give Kirby the advantage in battle against common baddies and challenging bosses.

RELATED: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Welcome to Wondaria - Waddle Dee Locations and Missions Guide

How to Dodge

kirby and the forgotten land (1)

Kirby and the Forgotten Land has two types of Dodges: Regular and Perfect Dodge.

A Regular Dodge can be initiated anywhere and even be used when an enemy isn't nearby. However, there's no point in randomly dodging unless gamers like to see Kirby do cartwheels.

On the other hand, a Perfect Dodge will briefly slow down time for the enemy if it succeeds. Perfect Dodges can only work in combat. Once time is slowed down, Kirby can then counter the enemy.

To dodge in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, simply hold down the L, R, ZL, or ZR button to block. Then tilt the control stick in the direction Kirby needs to dodge. Doing so will have Kirby roll/cartwheel out of the way.

How to Perfect Dodge and Counter

kirby and the forgotten land awoofy

As mentioned, a Perfect Dodge will only work if an enemy is charging at Kirby. Players will know they've done a Perfect Dodge when Kirby's surroundings slow down. Kirby himself will be able to move normally.

To do a Perfect Dodge, block with any of the Switch's shoulder buttons (i.e: L, ZL, R, ZR), and tilt the control stick right before Kirby gets hit. Once time is slowed down, press the B-button to counterstrike the enemy.

Perfect dodging is recommended when challenging bosses with missions that require Kirby not to fly.

Abilities with Special Counters

kirby and the forgotten land ice kirby

When Kirby doesn't have a copy ability, he will inhale the enemy instead as his Perfect Dodge Counter. Each of Kirby's copy abilities have different counters. This includes the abilities gained through blueprints. For example, Kirby's regular Sword ability will use a different counterattack than Kirby's Meta Knight Sword ability.

Copy Abilities such as the Gigant Sword don't have a counter. This includes all the Ice Copy Abilities. However, players can still execute a Perfect Dodge when blocking with the Ice Ability.

Hold down any of the block buttons, and then tilt the control stick right before the enemy hits. This will cause Kirby to roll out of the way and slow time for the enemy. Unfortunately, Kirby won't be able to counter with B-button if he's Perfect Dodging as Ice Kirby.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is available now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Complete Guide to Waddle Dees, Missions, Bosses, & More