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To wrap up the the third "world" in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, the iconic pink puffball will have to face off against one of his long-time rivals, King Dedede. The large penguin has been featured in the Super Smash Bros. series as a fighter, and, of course, has been known to be one of the boss fights throughout many of Kirby's adventures.

For the players out there that are attempting to get 100% completion for Kirby and the Forgotten Land, they'll need to do much more than just beat King Dedede to complete all missions for the "An Unexpected Beast King" stage.

RELATED: Kirby and the Forgotten Land is More Accessible than it Seems

An Unexpected Beast King Missions

an unexpected beast king kirby forgotten land 4
  • Clear the Stage
  • Swallow King Dedede's Hammer
  • Clear without guarding
  • Clear within 1:30
  • Clear without taking any damage

The mission that many Kirby fans will probably have the most trouble with is the one that requires Kirby to be unscathed during the fight. For this mission, we recommend players trying out a long-range weapon, like the Ranger Copy Ability. Being able to shoot King Dedede from a distance will make it easy to dodge most of his close-range hammer attacks. Players will, of course, still need to dodge at the appropriate times with the shoulder/trigger buttons.

And for the "Swallow King Dedede's Hammer" mission, players need to get his health down past the middle mark, and he will fall to the ground, with his hammer able to be inhaled by Kirby. Players will need to discard their current copy ability first before taking Dedede's. It's also worth noting that players don't need to keep the hammer ability equipped for the rest of the battle.

How to Beat King Dedede

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In the first phase, King Dedede will choose from an assortment of moves. As soon as the fight starts, players should take out the dog enemies first. Dedede will start attacking with his hammer, but as long as players keep some distance, they can easily avoid it. He will also do some jumping attacks that let out a yellow shockwave that can damage Kirby.

Players should either dodge through it and then counterattack Dedede, or just hover over them. When he gets desperate, he'll also pull off a move where he charges at Kirby, and this has a pretty long range. Dodging it before he gets up close to Kirby will be the best way to avoid damage.

In the second phase of the fight, Dedede will drop his hammer and pick up a broken pillar that he will now use as his weapon of choice. He'll jump high up in the air, and will slam the pillar down. Players should be able to easily avoid it by moving left/right, but make sure to get away from the cracks that the weapon's attack leaves on the floor. After a moment, the cracks will glow and damage Kirby if he's standing on it.

Other than that major move, Dedede will just start to swing the pillar around. Since it's fairly large, its attack range is long, but again, dodging is key here. Attack Dedede when he's open, and the fight should quickly come to an end.

Homing Bomb Blueprint

After beating Dedede, players will be rewarded with the Homing Bomb Blueprint, which can upgrade the Bomb Copy Ability if players take it back to Waddle Dee Town.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is available for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Complete Guide to Waddle Dees, Missions, Bosses, & More