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In Kirby and the Forgotten Land, each stage will give completionists a lot to look forward to. There are hidden Waddle Dees to find, toy capsules to collect, and unique missions to complete. This guide will go over the Through the Tunnel stage in Kirby and the Forgotten Land and show players where to find all of its secrets.

Lantern Switch #1

One of the missions in Kirby and the Forgotten Land's Through the Tunnel stage requires players to find four Lantern Switches, and light them up with fire.

lantern switch 1 through the tunnel

The first can be found at the beginning of the stage. As soon as players walk into the tunnel and encounter the first fire enemy, they should suck it up to get its power, and light up the lantern that's on the right side behind some construction signs. If players have gone up the ladder into a pipe, they've gone too far.

RELATED: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Downtown Grassland - Waddle Dee Locations and Missions Guide

Find the Secret Room/ Waddle Dee #1

Some time after walking through the pipe, players will see a circular object that Kirby can use Mouthful mode on. Opening it up will reveal a switch. Jump on it to activate it, and a secret room will open on the nearby wall to the left.

through the tunnel kirby forgotten land 1

Going inside this room will complete the Find the Secret Room mission, and players can also find the first hidden Waddle Dee.

Lantern Switch #2

After crossing a long bridge with an enemy on it, players will go through a door to reach the next area. The lantern switch will be at the beginning of the next room on the left side near some equipment.

kirby forgotten land lantern switch 2

Capsule #1

Shortly after the previous lantern, players will spot a locked yellow gate with a star on it. Use Kirby's floating power to go above the door to find a switch. Players can use the boxes on the wall to climb on the roof.

kirby and the forgotten land through the tunnel capsule 1

Lantern Switch #3

This lantern switch can be easily located as it's right in front of the yellow door with a star on it. Make sure to have the fire power equipped, though, or else players can't light it.

lantern switch 3 kirby forgotten land through the tunnel

Lantern Switch #4

After traversing platforms that are moving up and down, players will see a group of spiky monsters. The lantern will be in the middle of the group before the next doorway.

kirby and the forgotten land through the tunnel lantern

Waddle Dee #2

After lighting the fourth lantern switch, don't go into the door. Instead, climb up the box to the right attached to the wall to reach a higher area with coins. Follow the path, and then blow up the bomb at the end to reveal the second hidden Waddle Dee (and a tasty Rice Ball for health).

kirby and the forgotten land through the tunnel hidden waddle dee 1Waddle Dee #3

Go through the door after getting Waddle Dee #2, and players will spot a long rope that can be burned with the fire ability. Burn the end of it, run to the end of the path, and jump inside the cannon. If players get there before the rope ends, they'll shoot up into an area with the hidden Waddle Dee.

kirby and the forgotten land through the tunnel

Capsule #2

After using Kirby's Mouthful mode to become Stairs Mouth, proceed through the section until players see a platform with a bomb on it. Place the stairs near the platform, spit it out, and then climb up to blow up the bomb with the fire copy ability.

kirby and the forgotten land through the tunnel capsule 2

Wanted Poster

Shortly after the second capsule location, keep using the Stairs Mouth, and players will see a small poster of Kirby with a purple x crossed over him. Place the stairs by it, spit it out, and then climb up to attack the poster.

kirby and the forgotten land through the tunnel wanted poster

Waddle Dee #4

There will be another cannon at the end of the Stairs Mouth section. Burn the rope, and climb inside the cannon to be shot into a higher area where the last Waddle Dee awaits players.

kirby and the forgotten land through the tunnel waddle dee

Capsule #3

Before collecting the final Waddle Dees at the end of the stage, there's a patch of grass to the left of them that can be burned with the fire copy ability. A chest will appear when the grass is burned, with a capsule inside it.

kirby and the forgotten land through the tunnel capsule 3

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is out now for the Nintendo Switch.

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