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In The Tropical Terror stage in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, players won't need to find any hidden Waddle Dees. Instead, this level acts as the second main boss fight in Kirby's story, with several boss-related missions to test players' skill levels. This guide will go over all the missions that players can do to unlock extra rewards and work towards 100%ing the game.

Here's what players need to know about Kirby and the Forgotten Land's TheTropical Terror level.

RELATED: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Every Copy Ability, Ranked

The Tropical Terror Missions

  • Clear the stage
  • Destroy Tropic Woods' Roots
  • Clear without using a Copy Ability
  • Clear within 2:00
  • Clear without taking damage

Completing all the missions for The Tropical Terror stage is possible to do in one run, but it might make it easier for players to try it in two separate attempts.

Beating the boss in under two minutes without taking damage is easier with a Copy Ability, so we recommend using a power for one round and then going the no-copy ability route for the second round to finish that specific mission. It'll also be easier to break one of the boss' roots with a Copy Ability. Of course, if players are confident in their Kirby and the Forgotten Land skills, they can try to do everything in one shot.

How to Beat Tropic Woods

tropic woods boss 1

Right when the fight begins, Tropic Woods will start to drop these huge yellow coconuts that get stuck in the ground. Inhale them and then shoot them back at Tropic to deal some damage. Kirby can even suck up multiple at a time for extra power. After that, Tropic Woods will start to shoot clouds of smoke at Kirby. Players should either jump over them or use one of the triggers/bumpers to dodge with Kirby. Suck up the stars left behind and shoot them at the boss to hurt it.

If any players are on Wild Mode , it might be best to switch it back to Spring-Breeze mode if there's trouble with the no-damage or the under two-minute run.

Once Tropic Woods gets to half health, it'll blow Kirby away to the back of the arena, and it will shoot a bunch of clouds. Again, try dodging to make sure Kirby doesn't get hurt, especially if players are working on the no-damage run. They'll also start to put up barriers in front of them, so just make sure to aim at the unprotected parts of the tree to damage it. It will start to bust its roots through the ground. Players can simply avoid them, or destroy them to complete one of the missions. It's easier to break it with a Copy Ability, but it's not necessary.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is available for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Complete Guide to Waddle Dees, Missions, Bosses, & More