Kirby and the Forgotten Land is Kirby's first fully 3D game, which means that HAL Laboratory had to think about how to adapt numerous elements of the series. While this can be seen through many aspects such as how the game tackles copy abilities and boss battles, one element truly makes the world of the Forgotten Land stand out from the previous locales in the series. Kirby and the Forgotten Land uses theits rich, spacious world to tell little stories that add up into something much bigger.

It's a widely known idea that the best stories "show, don't tell" what the audience needs critical information. Environmental storytelling is one way to infer something in the story without using words or text. For a series like Kirby, which rarely ever uses proper voice acting, this is essential. However, Kirby and the Forgotten Land uses it far more than many players may realize.

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Kirby and the Forgotten Land's Use of Enemies


The way the game places its enemies ends up looking like cute details, but it actually says a fair bit about the world at large. During the A Trip to Alivel Mall stage, Kirby can encounter Awoofies walking around and sitting in seats in the remains of the food court with food nearby; just having fun hanging out with a nice meal. There are several other incidents players can find as they go through Kirby and the Forgotten Land, such as enemies waiting in line for rides in Wondaria Remains. This helps make the world of the game feel alive.

The game very subtly alludes to King Dedede playing a role in the Beast Pack as well. Even though players know King Dedede Beast Pack through trailers, the game hints at just why he's with them. Almost as soon as players begin saving Waddle Dees, wanted posters of Kirby appear in levels. Posters for Elfilin follow shortly thereafter, but the majority of the posters are about Kirby for almost the entire game. Even as King Dedede remained under the control of ID-F86, his rivalry for Kirby appears to remain above all else.

The Hidden Lore of the Forgotten Land


There are more than just careful item and enemy placements that say a lot about Kirby and the Forgotten Land's world. The land seems to have shifted since the people who once lived on the planet left it behind. While Natural Plains and Everbay Coast look rather nice, once players reach Orignull Wasteland, it won't take long for players to realize that it seems that the Wastes used to be more of the plains and coast that drifted away.

Originull Wasteland greets players with abandoned ships, a stray beach ball, and an abandoned resort hotel that could fit well on the other side of Everbay Coast's flooded industrial developments. The second half of Alivel Mall can be found here as well, and the game makes a point that this was where the Beast Pack began. They had made their own primitive society in the Redgar Forbidden Lands using fire, sticks, and stone among abandoned skyscrapers, not unlike Natural Plains. This makes it clear to many players that the Forgotten Land was once more whole in the past.

Even the smaller details of the game say something about the game's overall plot. As players find things such as enemies sleeping in a secret cave to find warmth or waiting in line for rides at a theme park, it ends up being evidence from the beginning that the Beast Pack aren't inherently bad. These enemies are merely trying to enjoy themselves as their leader is being controlled by Elfilin's other half. However, until that truth is revealed, these look like just cute moments to bring the world more depth.

Kirby has always been a series that leaves its lore in places where fans can pick up on the deeper meaning of its titles if they want, but can also skip that if they don't have an interest. For those who are interested, all they have to do is find it. In most Kirby games, the more detailed parts are usually hidden in the pause screen, but in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, it's found almost everywhere. These details are what make the world of the Forgotten Land feel real, and it helps build attachment and intrigue to the world that Kirby got thrown into.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is available now on Nintendo Switch.

MORE: After Kirby and the Forgotten Land, Elfilin Should Become a Recurring Character