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Over the years, the Kirby games opened up to multiplayer mode, but most of the time, multiplayer was only available outside story mode. This has been changed with games like Kirby's Return to Dream Land, and most recently, Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Kirby has a few notable allies who have helped him on more than one occasion. In Kirby and the Forgotten Land, the story can be played in multiplayer mode, but Player 2 won't be controlling Meta Knight or King Dedede. Instead, Player 2 will be controlling Bandana Waddle Dee.

Bandana Waddle Dee (coined "Bandana Dee" by the fandom) first appeared as early as Kirby Super Star, but it wasn't until after Kirby Mass Attack that he started appearing more frequently. By Kirby's Return to Dream Land, he was made playable for multiplayer mode. Bandana Dee's gameplay in Forgotten Land has been upgraded so that he can assist Kirby to the fullest during his adventure.

7 Complete Challenging Levels with Bandana Dee

kirby and the forgotten land bandana dee

Some missions in Kirby and the Forgotten Land can be difficult. Bringing along a second player may make things easier. Bandana Dee can fight alongside Kirby against hordes of monsters and minibosses. This can be especially helpful when completing missions that require Kirby not to take damage.

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Bandana Dee also has his own separate health bar, meaning he could serve as a decoy for a miniboss while Kirby dishes out damage — or vice versa. Take him along for these tougher fights.

6 Have Bandana Dee Rescue Other Waddle Dees

kirby and the forgotten land bandana dee

Bandana Dee can pick up capsules and interact with Hidden Waddle Dees in each level. Players can save Kirby some time by using Bandana Dee to gather treasures instead.

Anything Bandana Dee collects will save to the Save File, and count towards the Figure Collection even if players revert to Solo Mode. It's also important to note that Bandana Dee can end the level by interacting with the Golden Cage of Waddle Dees.

5 Don't Wander Too Far From The Screen

kirby and the forgotten land bandana dee

Since there's no split-screen in Kirby and the Forgotten Land, both players use the same camera. Unfortunately for Player 2, the camera only focuses on Kirby. This means it's possible for Bandana Dee to not be visible on the screen if he's not keeping up with Kirby, so be sure to stay close.

RELATED: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Moonlight Canyon Missions Guide

On the plus side, Bandana Dee will be warped to Kirby's side if Player 1 wanders too far ahead. Levels that require Kirby to outrun a boulder or cross a road before it collapses will find this ability useful if Player 2 gets stuck.

4 Share Food with Kirby

kirby and the forgotten land bandana dee

By going up to Kirby, Bandana Dee can transfer food if Kirby's health is below 100%. For this to happen, make sure Bandana Dee's health isn't full, and have him run into a food item. He'll automatically pick it up, which players can then give to Kirby simply by walking up to him.

Bandana Dee and Kirby will exchange a high-five, and Kirby will regain some health. Likewise, Kirby can do the same for Bandana Dee. Bandana Dee can't, however, use the "to go" items bought from the store in Waddle Dee Town.

3 Use All of Bandana Dee's Combos

kirby and the forgotten land bandana waddle dee

Unlike Kirby, Bandana Dee can't copy his enemies. He fights with a spear and if the player taps the B-button, he'll execute a 3-hit combo. He's also capable of dodging enemies and can perform Perfect Dodges if timed right.

RELATED: Kirby and the Forgotten Land: Every Copy Ability, Ranked

By holding down the B-button, Bandana Dee will spin his spear overhead and stay airborne for a brief amount of time. During this, he can move around/fly, and spears will rain down from beneath him. Anyone who touches Bandana Dee while he's flying will take damage (excluding Kirby, of course). If players hold down the B button while Bandana Dee is in the air, he'll drive his spear into the ground. Bandana Dee can also throw his spear similar to how Kirby will throw bombs. Charging with the B-button while he's aiming will cause him to launch three spears instead of one.

2 Fight Bosses

kirby and the forgotten land bandana dee gorimondo

Just like regular levels, players can bring Bandana Dee with them to Boss Fights. Bandana Dee is a swift fighter and has some moves that can hit from a distance (such as his 3-hit combo finisher and spear tossing).

All bosses have a health bar which takes quite some time to go down if Kirby is fighting alone without any Copy Abilities or buffs. With Bandana Dee, the boss should be easier to defeat. However, it may be difficult to clear one of the Boss Missions with two players.

1 Ride Car Mouth Kirby with Bandana Waddle Dee

kirby and the forgotten land bandana dee car mouth kirby

Like the Copy Abilities, Bandana Dee can't use Mouthful Mode either. Chances are when Mouthful Mode is required, Kirby will be taking the lead. However, as Car Mouth Kirby, Bandana Dee can jump on the back of the car and ride with Kirby.

Tapping the B-button allows Bandana Dee to toss endless spears at the enemy until Kirby exits the car with the Y-button. It's likely that Player 1 will be mowing down enemies before Bandana Dee's spears can even touch the enemy, but it's the thought that counts.

Kirby and the Forgotten Land is available now on Nintendo Switch.