Kirby 64, the 2d Kirby with 3d graphics originally for Nintendo 64, recently released on Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack. It does a lot differently from other Kirby games, but is fondly regarded by many. Its most memorable feature is its ability combo system, in which Kirby can combine two separate stolen powers into a single, typically much stronger ability. With 35 total options, much of the fun of Kirby 64 is discovering what all the combinations do.

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Of course, since there are so many possible combinations, there are some great options and some that aren't so great. On the lower end of the scale are ability combos that are dull, unwieldy, or actively harmful to the player. It's a shame to put a combo together, possibly requiring two powers from very different areas, and discover it makes a poor ability. Experimentation is recommended, but for the player who wants to avoid the worst of them, here are the ten worst power combos in Kirby 64, ordered from best to worst. For clarity, a power combo is made up of two combined powers. Single powers are not included in this list; since they're so easy to get, it's reasonable for them to be weaker than combos.

10 Needle + Needle: Sharp Objects

Kirby 64 Needle Clutter Sharp Objects

With this combo, pressing the attack button makes Kirby sprout a variety of sharp objects, a different one in each direction. To be clear, this ability isn't terrible: it's quick, a decent size, and keeps enemies away. It's just lacking compared to other abilities with better speed, range, and/or utility.

It also can't be canceled early, so using it in the wrong place is dangerous. It's a shame, because the random objects look is pretty fun. Fortunately, the ability still exists today as "Clutter Needle," an upgrade to Needle in Kirby and the Forgotten Land.

9 Stone + Stone: Big Stone

Kirby 64 Big Stone

Single Stone turns Kirby into a little statue that can walk around and detonate, and double Stone turns him into a large statue with a bigger detonation radius. This ability is alright, since it can be used as a mid-sized explosion at will, and also allows Kirby to walk through enemies with near invulnerability.

Generally, though, it's a hassle compared to more direct attacks. Stone Kirby can't jump, and will roll down even slight slopes, making it near impossible to move through levels while using it.

8 Ice + Ice: Snowball

Kirby 64 Snowball

Kirby turns into a little snowball and starts rolling forward, gradually gaining size, engulfing and destroying any enemy he comes into contact with. Unlike Stone Kirby, this ball can travel up slopes, but it doesn't stop moving until the ability is canceled.

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This makes it very easy to fall into hazards, especially when traveling quickly forward and obscuring much of the screen. It also takes a little while to build up size, so it's hard to use it to hit anything that's not directly in front of the player.

7 Ice + Stone: Curling Stone

Kirby 64 Curling Stone

This odd form appears to be neither ice nor stone, which confused some people playing the game for the first time. It's fitting, however: Curling is a sport played by sliding a "stone" across an icy surface. Sadly, it's not especially valuable here.

Dash-type abilities that rely on sending Kirby forward into enemies are inferior to regular projectiles because of the potential for platforming accidents. In addition, the curling stone is affected by slopes and even regular friction, so it's not even a reliable dash.

6 Cutter + Ice: Ice Skates

Screenshot (28) Cropped

This placement is pretty sad. Kirby looks extremely stylish with his skates, traveling quickly forward and freezing enemies with an icy spinning jump. The trouble with abilities that take skill to use is that they are often inferior to abilities that take little skill but achieve the same, or better, results.

Since this combo's main attack is a jump with limited air control, every attack has to be deliberate to avoid a fall. It doesn't even damage enemies during the ground skating, meaning a head-on collision will hurt Kirby. There's just no point, although it would make a stylish challenge run.

5 Bomb + Ice: Snowman

Kirby 64 Snowman Bomb

With this combo, Kirby transforms into a snowman with a fuse. It'll explode after a while, or on collision with an enemy. It's a decent attack at a glance, but quickly becomes a hassle to use. In snowman form, Kirby can jump but not fly, and he can't cancel the ability once he's in it.

Using it in a bad spot forces the player to wait out the detonation timer, which is a little longer than it should be. There are better, more flexible options.

4 Burn + Ice: Melting Ice

Kirby 64 Melting Ice

The two most disparate elements combine to make a mediocre combo ability. Pressing the attack button makes Kirby freeze into a block of ice, then immediately melt. The steam travels a short distance up to damage enemies, and that's that. It's a tiny attack that locks Kirby in place for a moment on activation. Its only upside is its speed.

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With five entries in the bottom ten, Ice is definitely the worst ability in the game for combos. Even its best combo, Ice + Electric, is valuable for its healing rather than its actual combat effectiveness. Players might consider bringing non-ice abilities into Shiver Star.

3 Bomb + Spark: Lightbulb

Kirby 64 Lightbulb

Similar to Snowman, this gives Kirby an explosive alternate form. It's easier to use than Snowman, since releasing the attack button will cancel the move, but in exchange, it doesn't have an explosion on contact, instead relying on simple contact damage.

It does explode after the button is held down for a time, but the player has to wait it out: unlike Snowman, there's no way to trigger the blast early. It's a very short-range, fussy ability that's generally not worth it, although it's required for one puzzle involving a dark room.

2 Burn + Spark: Ignition

Kirby 64 Burning Ignition

Kirby rubs his head until sparks fly, and he ignites himself like a match. It's funny, disturbing, and also not a good combo. While on fire, Kirby is forced to run around.

He deals contact damage, but can be tough to control. It also takes a couple seconds to start the fire, making this a risky dash-type ability with a slow activation. It's good for a laugh but not much else.

1 Bomb + Stone: Dynamite

Kirby 64 Dynamite Hard Hat

In theory, this is a great combo. Kirby throws a bundle of dynamite in an arc, which detonates on contact with an enemy or after the fuse runs out. The detonation area is massive, nearly full-screen, which would be great if not for one fatal flaw: the blast also damages Kirby.

A lesser-known aspect of this combo is Kirby's hardhat. Holding down while the dynamite is out has Kirby put on a helmet, which is good safety practice and also prevents the self-damage from the dynamite. Unfortunately, that's not enough to save the combo. Kirby has to be on the ground to put on the hat, making it risky to use in the air, and if it doesn't hit an enemy directly, he has to crouch and wait for the bomb to detonate, and its fuse is about as long as Snowman's (which is long). This combo is slow and dangerous and should be avoided, at least until the one challenge that requires its use.

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards is available as part of Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack.

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