The news that Kingdom Hearts Union X is shutting down comes as fairly mixed news to fans of the series, both as an indication of finally closing the book on this section of the story, as well as the end of the franchise's most substantial multiplayer content. For players that have continued to support the game up until Square Enix announced the server shutdown, raid bosses like the Savage Spider will be hugely missed.

These types of battles are a staple for mobile titles like Kingdom Hearts Union X, where players can call out to their friends lists or clans in order to collectively take down powerful bosses. However, from both a gameplay and multiplayer perspective of the mobile game, these were some of the most exciting moments outside of unlocking new chunks of the ongoing narrative.

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In the case of the Savage Spider specifically, this boss isn't exactly the end-all be-all of raid bosses, but instead it represents a whole host of enemies that most players couldn't take down completely on there own. These fights were often one of few times in the entire series where Kingdom Hearts embraced multiplayer, not only letting players show off their own decks and customizations, but help each other in-game. Then there's the way that these bosses have been reworked for limited time events and holidays when some of the most memorable variants would appear.

Kingdom Hearts Union X's Raid Bosses

darkside raid boss

The Savage Spider is one of the earliest examples of Kingdom Hearts Union X's unique raid bosses, though some older Kingdom Hearts Heartless like Guard Armor do make appearances as the same type of encounter. Much like the rest of the game, these fights can be either the best parts of the game, or the most frustrating, especially as friends might start dropping off from the game over time. This is because as is often the case with mobile titles, being able to beat some of these raid bosses is somewhat determined by how much money a player is willing to spend.

Fighting any Heartless like the Savage Spider requires either dozens of players working together, or to spend money on premium rewards that can make getting powerful cards easier. Most players can often go a round or two with these bosses, though they start to become fairly unwieldy at higher levels, where the average player spending little to no money on the game can't do enough damage to make any impact in these fights. Those that dedicated some extra time and money to these, however, become an unstoppable force in raids thanks to their higher powered decks letting them burn through massive waves of Heartless on their own.

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Event Variants

savage spider variants

One of the most notable ways that bosses like Savage Spider could really stand out is through the in-game events and holiday specials that brought decorated versions of the raids, along with limited rewards. It is another case of rewarding players that put more money into the game, but for those that made the investment, these would act as a periodic way to doll out low-cost prizes. So, for those players, the opportunity to face off against Valentine's Day or Christmas themed Heartless is an interesting reward for the investment.

The Savage Spider itself only had a few variants, mostly only changing colors for the Venomous or Malicious versions of the raid boss. Other Heartless like the Guard Armor and Fortress Crab would get some interesting variations on their designs, like the Sinister Sweets and Crabby Cake respectively. For the community that enjoyed jumping into Kingdom Hearts Union X's story and gameplay, these types of rotating events were exactly what these players loved to jump into and test out exactly how strong they had become.

Kingdom Hearts Union X is available now on Mobile and PC.

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