Sora, the main protagonist of the Disney and Square Enix crossover sensationKingdom Hearts, is a hero of many talents. A chosen wielder of the iconic Keyblade and bearer of a strong-willed heart, the character has journeyed through a multitude of different worlds meeting many friends along the way. Sora's iconic phrase "My friends are my power!" has taken formation throughout the series as he and an ensemble of characters have battled together, spawning a variety of mesmerizing team attacks.

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The Kingdom Hearts series is filled with many team-ups of pure spectacle, so ranking Sora's ten best ones isn't an easy task. Luckily, we've managed to do so keeping power, style, lore, and epic-ness in mind!

10 Trinity Limit (Kingdom Hearts)

"Trinity Limit" is a team attack first introduced and used by Sora during his debut adventureHarnessing the power of their trio based friendship, Sora executes an acrobatic display of magical prowess with help from his companions, Donald and Goofy. A break-dance like summon of bright light pillars, this attack heavily damages enemies and is responsible for vanquishing many of Sora's first game foes. Being the Kingdom Hearts original "team attack", the limit is a staple move of the franchise and one of Sora's first powerful techniques in the series.

9 Red Rocket

"Red Rocket" is the blazing hot limit attack Sora uses when teaming up with Mulan and Mushu the dragon in Kingdom Hearts 2  (and Kingdom Hearts 2.5). Using their combined swordsmanship skills in tandem with Mushu's devastating fire breath, Sora and Mulan wreak havoc on all enemies in their vicinity with precise burning strikes.

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This move is particularly epic because of the way Mulan yells, "For China!" and Mushu declares, "I'll handle this", upon the selection of the move. Together with the in-game battle theme music, this makes the attack a very memorable one, especially because it is done in a never before seen world and is one of the first team attacks introduced using KH2 mechanics.

8 Speedster

Perhaps one of Sora's most agile attacks yet, "Speedster" is an attack that Sora performs with Aladdin during Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts 2.5. In this move, Sora and Aladdin ferociously slice and dice foes at lighting speed, but it's the end of the barrage that makes this attack standout. As the limit wraps up, the two fighters acrobatically switch positions they're fighting in by skillfully pushing off of each other's feet mid somersault! Exclamation marks flash all over the battlefield, and there's rarely any enemies left after that.

7 Rocket Ruckus

Sora's definitely got a friend in Woody and Buzz Lightyear in Kingdom Hearts 3The first Pixar characters ever to be introduced into the Kingdom Hearts franchise, it's only right that the team-up between the series hero and these two beloved toys be iconic.

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The "Rocket Ruckus" team attack allows Sora, Woody, and Buzz to ride together on the firecracker rocket-ship from the first Toy Story film! This team move is sure to finish the surrounding enemies with a bang of force — and nostalgia.

6  Simba Summon (Kingdom Hearts 3)

The Lion King himself, Simba has helped Sora throughout the Kingdom Hearts series on many occasions, but none have been quite as awe-inspiring or daunting as his appearance in Kingdom Hearts 3. Appearing much larger than his actual cannon size, emerging from a hurricane of flames, and on fire of his own accord, the spirit of Simba answers Sora's call. With roars ablaze and powerful bounding leaps that shake and crack the earth upon landing, the Keyblade wielding hero rides atop of a godlike Simba, to the enemy's dismay.

5 Subzero Impact

"Subzero Impact" is a reaction command and defensive maneuver that has a counter-attack effect in the Frozen world final boss battle of Kingdom Hearts 3. It undeniably demonstrates the raw physical power that the Keyblade bestows upon Sora like never before. By twirling his weapon in a blocking formation, and teaming up with Elsa's snow monster Marshmellow, Sora halts — and then completely obliterates a gargantuan descending meteor that is surely big enough to destroy the entire Frozen world. Sending the giant creature atop of the meteor hurtling, while also preventing the destruction, this counter-attack is one of Sora's most stunning and epic feats of KH3.

4 Trinity Limit (Kingdom Hearts 2 & 2.5)

The second version of the "Trinity Limit" is one of Sora's strongest attacks in Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts 2.5. Whereas the first version relies mostly on Sora summoning strength from Donald and Goofy, this much more Final Fantasy inspired variation features an assortment of psychical and magical attacks by all three of the team members together, playing out much more cinematically than the attacks first version, and highlighting the trios unique weaponry.

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A bombarding melee, magical orbs, and a firework-like explosion are followed by a heartfelt joining of weapons by Sora and his two longtime pals that casts a powerful shimmering light on the battlefield — and in fans hearts.

3 Never Fear

Captain Jack Sparrow had swash-buckled into action by Sora's side before, but the duo is in their element during Kingdom Hearts 3. In the "Never Fear" team attack, Sora and Jack decimate their opponents together with veteran level sword skills using tornado-like slashes so graceful, they look choreographed — but that's not at all. In a showboating climax, Jack throws a handful of lit bombs into the air and the two use their weapons to precisely knock every bomb at the surrounding enemies just before they explode! Show-offs.

2 Eternal Session

The "Eternal Session" attack limit means so much in Kingdom Hearts lore. Rivals for most of the first game of the series, Sora, and his best friend Riku, finally battle it out side by side in KH2/2.5 against a common threat for the first time. When performing the Eternal Session attack both heroes are perfectly in sync, summoning energy blades from mid-air, and combining their trademark strengths to eradicate their foe. The big pay-off of this attack though, is how the two boys casually fist bump after the epic onslaught as if it was effortless! This shows fans just how immensely far these characters have come in friendship, and as fighters, while showing the sentimental care put into the series itself.

1 Union χ

By far Sora's greatest team attack yet, "Union χ" allows the wholesome hero to use the light of every past Keyblade wielder from the Kingdom Hearts: Union χ mobile series, in order to fend off millions of Heartless during Kingdom Hearts 3. Riding on a sky chain of floating Keyblades, and with every key of the Union χ past at his disposal, the attack is a clear indication that Sora has become the most powerful Keyblade wielding protagonist of the series. The breathtaking cinematics, triumphant music, and extraordinary power display of this team attack is sure to blow fans of the series away.

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