Since the series debuted in 2002, Kingdom Hearts has become one of the most wholesome video game series ever made. The first game documented Sora's quest to reunite with his best friends, Riku and Kairi. As if this wasn't wholesome enough, he has continued to assist his friends in any way he can throughout the series, even when the task can get quite dangerous.

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Sora is an extremely wholesome character, but he isn't the only one. Countless characters have been introduced throughout the Kingdom Hearts story, and though not all of them are as iconic as Sora, some are just as wholesome.

5 Strelitzia

kingdom hearts 4 strelitzia character

Though most Kingdom Hearts fans might only know Strelitzia from the Kingdom Hearts 4 trailer, she played a pivotal role in Kingdom Hearts: Union X [Cross], where she was chosen by Ava to receive a copy of the Book of Prophecies, alongside some fellow Dandelions. Sadly, she never got the chance to join her new comrades on their quest, as the forces of darkness made sure to bring a swift end to her life.

Strelitzia became a fan favorite because of her wholesome persona in Kingdom Hearts: Union X [Cross]. Unlike most of the said game's characters, Strelitzia was a loner whose sole wish was to make friends. She spent most of her on-screen time trailing after the unnamed playable character in the hope that they might notice her. She dedicated a great deal of time to learning about the player but never dared to introduce herself. Before she was able to get the chance to, however, she was struck down by Darkness, and her heart was lost. All Strelitzia wanted in life was to make friends, and while this may not seem like an overly compelling goal, it's incredibly wholesome.

4 Ephemer

Ephemer and Skuld in Kingdom Hearts: Union X [Cross]

Though Ephemer's appearance in Kingdom Hearts 3 was brief, it was the only reason Sora managed to survive to defeat Xehanort. Some fans may have been unfamiliar when this silver-haired boy, but those who played Kingdom Hearts: Union X [Cross] will know him to be one of the main protagonists of the title.

Aside from Chirthy and a few Disney characters, Ephemer is the first friend the player's character will make on their Kingdom Hearts: Union X [Cross] adventure. The pair shares a wholesome friendship during their time together, with Ephemer even recounting his time with the player to Master Ava. Sadly, the friendship is short-lived, as the player is forced to sacrifice himself to ensure Ephemer's survival. In Kingdom Hearts 3, Ephemer decides to return the favor by granting Sora his help to defeat the enemies blocking his path. Even from beyond the grave, Ephemer wears a smile on his face, knowing that he has the power to help all those who need it.

3 Ventus' Chirithy

Chirithy meets Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3

Though most Kingdom Hearts players will only know Chirithy from Kingdom Hearts 3, he was actually first introduced in the Kingdom Hearts: Union X [Cross] mobile game, where he acted as Ventus' closest companion. Most Chirithy are adorable and wholesome creatures, but Ven's Chirithy, in particular, is arguably the most notable.

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After the destruction of Daybreak Town, Ven's Chirithy decided to wait for his friend to finish living his life before reuniting with him. He spent countless years wandering The Final World, patiently waiting for Ven to join him, only for Sora to bring Chirithy to The Land of Departure, where the duo finally reconvened. Chirithy might have spent hundreds of years waiting for Ven to return to him, and though he had the option to seek him out himself, he chose not to, as he felt Ven was happier with his new friends, Terra and Aqua.

2 Sora

Kingdom Hearts 3 Sora taking a selfie in Toy Story World

Sora is undoubtedly one of the most wholesome video game characters ever created. First introduced in Kingdom Hearts 1, his sole purpose in life was to reunite with his missing friends, but he quickly became entangled in a sinister plot due to his possession of the Keyblade. He eventually found Riku and Kairi, but then needed to save them from their uncertain fates.

To awaken Kairi (whose heart was trapped inside him), Sora chose to impale himself with the Keyblade of Heart, thus freeing Kairi's heart. It was a noble display, made incredibly wholesome by the smile Sora chose to sport while doing so. Sora spared no time in impaling himself, as he knew he needed to do so in order to save Kairi. It is clear he places the lives of others above his own, but he never seems to grow weary of the toll this choice takes on him. He constantly sports a smile, no matter how bleak things get.

1 Ventus

Ventus in Kingdom Hearts 3

Ventus is arguably the most wholesome character in all of Kingdom Hearts. First introduced in Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, he quickly became a fan favorite due to his connection to Roxas, and also because of his childish personality and delightful nature. He values his friends above all else, and only begins his adventure in the hope of protecting them from the dark forces plaguing the Worlds.

What makes Ventus an especially wholesome character is how he has managed to remain so cheery after suffering so much. An example of this is seen in Kingdom Hearts 3, where he finds Terra-Xehanort waiting for him in The Keyblade Graveyard. Instead of approaching his lost friend with caution, he rushes to his side, only to learn that Terra's heart has been possessed. Even while knowing this, he refuses to give up trying to "light his way home." Ventus wants nothing more than to live a peaceful life with his friends, but doing so is easier said than done. Even so, this never stops him from being his wholesome self.

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