The Kingdom Hearts series follows the story of a young boy named Sora on his quest to vanquish the forces of darkness that plague the Worlds. His first adventure documented how he came to familiarize himself with the Keyblade, but all his ventures since have seen him expanding on his Keyblade-wielding abilities.

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Sora can now perform some truly astonishing feats thanks to his use of the Keyblade. While most of his new skills have been cleverly implemented by developers, over-relying on some can be game-breaking. As fans of Kingdom Hearts probably know, breaking the game can prove to be a fun experience, but only if it's done correctly.

5 Mini - Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep

Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep Lucifer

Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep is home to some truly fascinating abilities. The Mega Flare spell can be used to wipe out entire arenas, and Thunder Surge is usually the go-to move when facing the game's most difficult bosses. Though these two commands come very close to breaking the game, it's hard to ignore how overpowered the Mini spell can be, especially if the player manages to obtain it early.

When used, the Mini spell will shrink an enemy down to a microscopic size. It doesn't inflict damage when used, but it does provide players with an extremely fun method of defeating enemies. If the player wants to make the most of this spell, they should cast it at an enemy and immediately rush to where the enemy is standing. Then, they should run into the enemy, which will deal some serious damage. While the Mini spell isn't overly helpful during boss fights (as they are immune to the spell), it can make dealing with the game's normal enemies extremely fun and easy.

4 Balloon - Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

Riku casts Balloon in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

It may not sound like an overly powerful spell, but Balloon is arguably the most overpowered means of dishing out damage in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. When used, it allows Sora to call forth a collection of colorful orbs before launching them at his enemies.

As if Balloon wasn't already an overpowered spell, the advanced versions of the spell, Balloonra and Balloonga, serve to be even more lethal. To get the most out of how game-breaking these spells can be, the player should equip as many Balloon spells as possible and use them repeatedly during the game's more challenging battles. It can be extremely effective during the battle against Julius, as each Balloon will home in on the surprisingly agile foe, making it possible for players to deal damage from afar. Even at low levels, Balloon can serve to be a devastating power.

3 The Fenrir & Negative Combo Exploit - Kingdom Hearts 2

Sora faces Lingering Will in Kingdom Hearts 2

Though the Negative Combo ability may not sound like one of the best abilities in the Kingdom Hearts series, it undoubtedly is when it is used correctly. When equipped, Negative Combo permits Sora to deal fewer attacks before reaching a finisher, which allows him to deal his most powerful attack much more frequently.

While this isn't exactly game-breaking, the ability can also be used to stun-lock certain foes. The secret boss of Kingdom Hearts 2, the Lingering Will, is susceptible to this ability, which is strange considering how challenging the battle against him should be. With the Fenrir Keyblade equipped, alongside an extra Negative Combo ability, Sora need only jump and attack the Lingering Will to deplete his health. If done correctly, the Lingering Will will not be able to break out of Sora's combo, rendering the fight surprisingly easy to win. This technique is extremely fun to try out, especially if players are struggling to win the battle.

2 Counter Shield - Kingdom Hearts 3

Sora uses Counter Shield in Kingdom Hearts 3

Upon finishing the story of Olympus during the opening of Kingdom Hearts 3, Sora will obtain the Hero's Origin, an aesthetically pleasing Keyblade that possesses one of the most powerful attacks in the game. Activating this Keyblade's Formchange allows Sora to transform his Keyblade into a shield, and though this may not sound overly useful, it can be extremely helpful during challenging fights. The Counter Shield Formchange allows Sora to block for much longer periods. This can be a great help when learning an enemy's attack patterns, but it isn't really game-breaking.

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For those hoping to actually break the game, they must use Counter Shield at the appropriate moments. Blocking incoming attacks with Counter Shield allows Sora to absorb the damage being thrown at him. To make use of it, a well-timed counter will redirect the damage back to the enemy. What makes this technique especially game-breaking is how the damage from multiple attacks can be stored and redirected at an enemy whenever the player wishes and how the damage output can be increased if Sora blocks an incoming attack the moment it's about to hit him. Counter Shield can be especially fun to use during the Data Battles available in the Re Mind DLC.

1 Flowmotion - Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

Riku uses Flowmotion in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Advancing through a Kingdom Hearts world usually requires Sora to follow a set path, but this isn't the case in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. Shortly into the game's opening, Sora unlocks the ability to use Flowmotion, an unusual mechanic that allows the user to interact with certain objects in the environment.

With Flowmotion, Sora can spin around on poles and slide along rails, but the ability's most game-breaking feature allows him to scale walls. With this move, Sora can easily bypass certain fights, while flying to the end of an area. It can also be used in battle to stay out of an enemy's range. Sadly, some battle arenas prevent Sora from using Flowmotion, but the vast majority of them usually feature a surface he can use. Flowmotion makes traversal extremely fun while also making certain boss fights embarrassingly easy.

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