Square Enix has been sharing more information about its upcoming mobile title Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link, and the latest news involves in-game character creation and customization. Though Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link player character creation was confirmed by the development team, this is the first time that the game has revealed some details about the feature specifically.Even though no release date has been shared by Square Enix for the mobile title, Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link already has a closed beta test currently going on for a limited number of players based in Japan. This likely gives the community a sense of the progress of the game's overall development. What's more, the team has been providing the public with details like gameplay features and in-game events on social media. This gives the fanbase a preview on what they can look forward to when the game fully launches on mobile devices.RELATED: Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link Begins Revealing Gameplay Details, Events for Closed BetaSharing more information on the Japanese Twitter account of Kingdom Hearts: Dark Road, the Missing Link social media team posted a few details about the title's character creation and customization. According to the post, players will be able to customize the look of their character in the "change clothes" Kingdom hearts: Missing Link in-game feature. The post also featured a collage of screenshots, showcasing the user interface and customization samples that players can expect to see in the video game.

Players should note that the information shared by Square Enix is only valid for the Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link closed beta. This means that the details shared in the images can change in the complete game. The post also indicated that more character customization options will be provided once the game is fully launched. However, based on the images shared by the team, character creation is definitely more detailed and advanced compared to the other mobile titles in the Kingdom Hearts series such as Union X and Dark Road.

Unfortunately, the Kingdom Hearts community has no official release dates to go on regarding any of the JRPG series' upcoming video games. With details like these being shared by the team on social media, the fanbase is likely happy to see what kind of progress is being made in the future titles. Hopefully the next updates will focus more on the launch periods and time frames for each game. This will give Kingdom Hearts fans something to look forward to and dates to add to their personal gaming calendars.

Kingdom Hearts: Missing Link is in development for mobile devices.

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