Once you've completed your second visit to Traverse Town in Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix, you will gain access to more worlds in your search for King Mickey and Kairi. The first world you will come across after having the Navigation Gummi installed is Agrabah. Despite being a relatively small area, Agrabah is tricky due to how things have to be done in an exact order that is not clear. Before starting Agrabah, it is highly recommended that Sora, Donald, and Goofy should at least be Level 20. If you need to level up a bit, Traverse Town is a great place to do it.

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix: Best Places To Level Up

Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix has some very difficult spots, but leveling up can make some of those challenges easier.

Explore Agrabah

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After you've landed on Agrabah there will be a cutscene. Once it is over, you will immediately be attacked by a group of Heartless. Get rid of them and then look to the left to spot a chest containing a Mega-Potion. From there, turn right and enter the door to find a small storage room with a save point and another chest that contains another Mega-Potion. There is an additional chest in this room, but you cannot access it until you have access to the Green Trinity.

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Go back outside and head north. Kill the Heartless and then take a left to enter the Alley. This triggers a brief cutscene, followed by a battle with some more Heartless. Deal with them and then use the boxes nearby to jump up to the ledge where Jafar was during the cutscene. Interact with the keyhole to open a gate in this area. Loot the chest and then look to your right to spot some window shutters that you can jump on.

These shutters close if you stand on them too long, so move quickly.

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On the other side, jump up onto the boxes to reach the door that was previously locked. This takes you to the rooftops of Main Street. From there, jump onto the roof directly ahead of you. If you fall, you can go back into the Alley to make your way back up.

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Jump across and then jump to the side with the yellow canvases. Look ahead and jump across. To your left is a doorway with a pole inside. Climbing this pole takes you up to Aladdin's house. Before proceeding, however, go out the doorway and look down. Down on a ledge is a chest that contains a Mega-Ether. While you can reach it from here, there is no way to get back up this early on in the game, so you'll have to go through the Alley to get back up again if you decide to go for this chest.

Inside Aladdin's house, you will find two chests containing Scissors-G and an Elixir, a save point, and the Magic Carpet which is currently stuck. Interact with it to free it and then jump out the hole in the wall to follow it as it heads out to the desert.

Kingdom Hearts: 8 Differences Between The Original And The Final Mix Version

Kingdom Hearts Final Mix brought with it new features and additional content. Here are some big differences that fans may be unaware of.

Rescue Aladdin

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Once you jump out of the hole, head south toward the Plaza and then leave the city to enter the desert. Once there, interact with the Magic Carpet to take you to Aladdin whom is currently in a bit of a bind. Kill all the Heartless to trigger a cutscene. Once it is over, you will have the option to add Aladdin to your party while you are in Agrabah. Make sure to add him to the party as he will be needed later.

Following the next cutscene, you will be back in Agrabah. Deal with the Heartless that attack you and then jump up the two stacked boxes on the right side. The entrance to Main Street is blocked, so you will need to find another way to reach Aladdin's house.

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Loot the chest and then jump across to enter the doorway on the other side. This takes you back to the Alley. Jump across, go through the open doorway and head toward the entrance to Aladdin's house. Despite knowing that Jasmine is in danger, the next step is to stop and regroup at Aladdin's house. Doing so triggers a brief cutscene. Save before you go, and then jump through the hole once again.

Find Jasmine

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You will now be in Main Street, but all the doorways have been blocked. Get rid of the Heartless and jump up the nearby platforms. Go past the entrance to Aladdin's house and jump down to where the chest with the Mega-Ether was. Go through the doorway here. Use the window shutters to get across to the other side and loot the chest.

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Jump up to the top and then jump across to the other side where there is a chest containing a Fire Ring. Interact with the keyhole to open another doorway on Main Street. Head back to Main Street and climb up to the top. Look for the doorway near the yellow canvases. This doorway takes you to the entrance to the Palace. Drop down to trigger a cutscene and a boss fight.

How to Beat Pot Centipede

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This boss makes short work of the barricades soon after the fight starts. Attack it until it begins to move and then follow it. Watch out for the antennae on the back side of the boss, as they do a noticeable amount of damage. Destroy the pots that make up the boss's body and then attack the head. As the boss moves around the area, it will gather more pots to rebuild itself. Keep destroying the pots and then attack the boss to defeat it.

The Cave of Wonders

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Save your game and then head out to the desert. Approach the mound of sand to trigger a cutscene. In order to get into the Cave of Wonders, you must clear out the darkness from the eyes of the giant tiger head. To do this, you must jump up to the eyes and attack them. The tiger head will not make this easy for you, and will be thrashing around in an attempt to keep you off of it. It will aslo shoot out beams from its eyes that can be dodged or blocked.

In addition, it will periodically spit out Heartless and breathe fire. The best time to hit the eyes is when the head partially buries itself in the sand as it prepares to attack. It is possible to jump up onto the head while it is still up, but it isn't easy to pull off reliably. Instead, attack Heartless, dodge attacks, and wait for the head to burrow so that you can strike the eyes. Once the eyes have been cleared, you will be able to go into the Cave of Wonders.

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In the first area, be mindful of the boulder that regularly goes down the track. While you can use it to damage Heartless, it can also hit you if you are not careful. Go down the stairs (or jump down the chasm) to enter the Relic Chamber. On the other side of this new area, you will see a statue that can be activated from a distance if you have Aladdin with you. Use the "Call" prompt and Abu will touch the gem, causing a set of stairs to appear. There is also a chest that you can swim to that contains a Thunder Ring.

Once you are ready to proceed, go up the stairs that appeared after interacting with the statue to enter another area. Loot the chest, jump into the water, and approach the waterfall. Once you are close enough, Sora and the others will automatically swim up it. Interact with the statue in the next area to lower the wall that blocks your way. Grab the chests, use the save point, and then go up the waterfall that is nearby the save point.

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Go onto the platform and head to the right back into the water and past the stairs that go up. In this new area, swim onto the platform nearby and target the pillar. Shoot it with Fire to trigger a cutscene. Leave this room and head up the stairs. Go straight through Cave: Hall while dealing with Heartless and dodging the boulders and water traps. Enter the next chamber and keep going straight until you enter a room filled with treasure.

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There are two statues that can be interacted with that allow you to reach chests that are otherwise inaccessible. At this point, you can switch out Aladdin for your other party member so that you can activate the Red Trinity in this room. Save, check your items and equipment, and be ready for a boss fight once you enter the next room.

Kingdom Hearts: Hardest Bosses In The Games, Ranked

The Kingdom Hearts series is home to a collection of devastatingly hard battles, but these particular boss fights prove to be a cut above the rest.

How to Beat Jafar

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Jafar certainly doesn't mess around, and he immediately begins the battle by shooting a beam from his staff at you. While it doesn't do a lot of damage, it should still be avoided if possible. Jump onto the platform and damage Jafar as much as possible. Eventually, he will teleport to one of the other two platforms in this chamber. Throughout the battle, Genie will occasionally move towards you and attack. He moves slowly and will warn you as he approaches, giving you plenty of time to get out of the way.

If Jafar's hands begin to glow blue as he recites an incantation, immediately move out of the center of the room to avoid getting hit by a series of spinning ice blocks. Periodically, Jafar's staff will ignite in flames. While it can be dodged, try to block it as it is worth 12 EXP. Keep attaching Jafar while also dodging his attacks. After Jafar is beaten, jump up to the platform where Jasmine is on the ground to trigger a cutscene.

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Jump down into the new chamber to begin the second boss fight with Jafar. In this second battle, you fight Jafar indirectly by targeting Iago, who is carrying the lamp. Half the challenge of this fight is reaching Iago, as he is often out of reach. To complicate matters further, parts of the arena will move up and down. While all of that is going on, you will also have to watch out for attacks from Jafar as he throws giant fireballs at you. While the fireballs can be blocked, you don't get an EXP for doing so.

After a while, Iago will get tired and will land. This is a great opportunity to hit the barrier surrounding the lamp. Keep hitting the lamp and you will eventually defeat Jafar for good.

Escape the Cave of Wonders

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Following a cutscene, there will be a mini-game to escape the collapsing Cave of Wonders. Dodge obstacles and either hit boulders as they fall or avoid them as well. In the next area, there will be flames spewing out of the lava and blocks falling. Dodge the lava and blocks as much as possible and once you get through the next chamber, you will be in the clear and will have successfully completed Agrabah.

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX
Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMIX

PC , PS4 , Switch , Xbox One
March 9, 2017
Square Enix
Action RPG