Some people spend so much time thinking about whether or not they can do something that they never stop to think about whether or not they should. This rings true for the creator of this disturbing fan art that combines Sora, the beloved protagonist of Kingdom Hearts, and Mr. Clean, the mascot for the cleaning supplies brand by the same name. The result is horrifying, yet fans can't seem to look away from it. To be fair, it looks like a decent amount of work went into making the fanart, and in some sense of the word it is impressive.

Sora is known for being kindhearted to everyone, forgiving to a fault, and all around optimistic. He cares for his friends more than anything, and he's come to the rescue of the whole world several times over. By contrast, Mr. Clean doesn't seem to have any place in Kingdom Hearts, and his primary purpose is to sell soap and cleaning supplies. The two share very little in common, but this fan art changes that.

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The art below shows the standard image of Mr. Clean with his arms crossed, but there are a few notable differences. Players will likely notice the full head of hair first, as the typically bald mascot dons what looks to be a Sora wig. This edit was probably easy enough, but the rest of it is where the skill of the artist starts to shine. Rather than sporting his plain white shirt, Mr. Clean is wearing Sora's outfit from Kingdom Hearts 3. The artist did not hold back on this part.

Seeing Mr. Clean in Sora's extravagant clothing is certainly a sight to behold. The chains around his neck, the oversized gloves, and the shirt with far too many zippers are all there. The cherry on top that connects these two unlikely characters is the catchphrase "Simple and Clean" on the bottom. In the comments, other Redditors can't seem to decide whether the image is funny or disturbing, blessed or cursed, and many feel it belongs in r/blursedimage.

Internet investigators have already found the initial source of the art, which appears to be from a RedBubble store by artist KawaiiiAi. Players interested in the sticker for whatever reason can purchase it from their store for $2.50. Creativity is always welcome, and the Kingdom Hearts community tends to encourage creativity, but this blursed sticker is certainly something else.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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