The latest installment of the Kingdom Hearts franchise left fans with more questions than ever. Kingdom Hearts 3 revealed so many new storylines, character developments, and plot twists that brought on a swarm of fan theories that could explain what is happening, who is going to do what, and more.

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There are so many juicy theories that would be awesome to see come true and fans are already digging into every new piece of content Square Enix puts out in order to piece together the complex puzzle of Kingdom Hearts' plot. However, though there are some awesome fan theories being shared across the internet, there are also some pretty awful ones that fans of the series refuse to believe are true.

10 Could Be True: Sora Died & Has To Play The Reapers Game

At the end of Kingdom Hearts 3, Sora went to rescue Kairi after she was killed by Xehanort in the final battle at the Keyblade Graveyard. It is thought that Sora used the power of waking too many times, with him using it to revive all of the fallen guardians of light, so when he brought back Kairi, he perished in her place.

Though in the secret ending cutscene, it is shown that Sora awakens in The World Ends With You's version of Shibuya. TWEWY revolves around youth who have died and have to play a Reapers Game in order to return to life, which is what Sora may have to do at the start of the next game in the installment in order to come back to see his friends again.

9 We Hope Isn't: The Next Games Might Not Have Disney Worlds

As the franchise carries on over the decades, there have been more and more Square Enix games released outside of Kingdom Hearts. Though the thought of a Kingdom Hearts game without Disney characters and worlds in it sounds absurd, it might not be too farfetched.

Just like how the most recent game in the series lacked in Final Fantasy characters, the next game could focus more on Square Enix-created worlds rather than Disney ones. Though what would that mean for Donald and Goofy? Will we never see a Moana world? Fans will have to wait and see.

8 Could Be True: Yozora Is A Keyblade Wielder

After the incredible DLC addition to Kingdom Hearts 3, it became clear to fans of the franchise that the new character Yozora is going to become a more important figure in future installments. There is a theory that the mysterious new man could become (or already is) a keyblade wielder.

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In the DLC, Yozora is able to actually steal Sora's keyblade, which is only ever done before by Riku. Whether it was just a powerful new technology from Yozora's world or a sign that he is going to become a keyblade user, it has definitely left fans wanting answers.

7 We Hope Isn't: Sora Is The Master Of Masters

There have been some recent hints on who the Master of Masters really is since his identity is still hidden to fans. There's a theory that the ultimate puppet master of the events of the game franchise is none other than the future version of Sora. In a conversation with Luxu, the Master of Masters hints that his past may have actually occurred in the future.

He also reveals he never had a Master, which is true in Sora's case since he was never properly trained to become a Keyblade wielder. However, the Master of Masters' tone of speech and other phrases hint that this couldn't be Sora, or at least not the Sora fans know and love. He talks poorly of his former Keyblade wielding partners, and everyone knows Sora couldn't say a single bad thing about Riku.

6 Could Be True: All Of The Disney Worlds Were Once Connected

On multiple occasions in the Kingdom Hearts franchise, it is revealed that all of the worlds that players get to visit were once connected by light before the darkness took over and separated them all. This isn't officially confirmed, but it is suggested that there was a time when each world was once a part of a giant whole.

This has also been a topic of discussion for those who haven't even played the Kingdom Hearts games since Disney has been putting easter eggs in their movies for years that hints that each movie (or world) is connected and lies in the same universe.

5 We Hope Isn't: The Kingdom Hearts World Is Just A Dream

In a cutscene at the end of the Kingdom Hearts 3 DLC, Yozora awakens in a car from his dream of fighting Sora. He is in a car in a world that resembles the one players live in, hinting that Yozora may be from Earth. Whether this is true or not, it begs the question that Kingdom Hearts is just a video game in Yozora's world just as Yozora is a video game character in the Kingdom Hearts world.

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This would totally disrupt the mysterious aspects of the Kingdom Hearts timeline and would get rid of the ultimate fantasy of the story, simplifying it down to just being a weird dream. The cutscene emphasizes this possible explanation by ending it off with the first line of the original Kingdom Hearts when Sora says“I’ve been having these weird thoughts lately, like is any of this for real or not?”

4 Could Be True: Luxord's True Identity

In the cutscene mentioned in the point above, Yozora is woken up by his driver. The man speaks to him briefly, referring to him as "Commander." Though the driver's face isn't revealed in the game, a reflection from the rear-view mirror shows that he has blonde hair that resembles Luxord's pretty spot on.

His voice even sounds incredibly similar to Luxord's voice actors in both the English and Japanese versions. The Organization 13 member originating from Yozora's world would be a twist no one expected and it makes the silver-haired boy's story even that much more interesting to fans.

3 We Hope Isn't: The Arendelle Level Was Changed Last Minute

The world of Arendelle was a bit of a disappointment to fans. Basically the entire level is spent trying to climb up a mountain, and once the trio makes it to the top, they are knocked back down and have to do it all over again. The player never gets to experience fighting alongside any of the favorite Frozen characters like they typically get to do when visiting a new world.

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Theories suggest that there may have been another Arendelle world planned out until it was changed last minute, leaving only a sliver of the designed world and dialogue in the game. Why else would they spend so much cutscene time playing a recreated version of Elsa's "Let It Go" when they've never done that in the past?

2 Could Be True: The Book Of Prophesies Lies Inside The Black Box

The Book of Prophesies is told to hold all the secrets of the past and future, written by the Master of Masters himself. His trusted apprentices were told passages out of the book but were never granted to read all the secrets inside it. It supposedly has information on how the Keyblade War started and what lies at the end.

It has not been confirmed that the book is stored in the heavy black box, but knowing that the all-powerful book of knowledge could be just within many characters grasps is worth waiting to find out.

1 We Hope Isn't: We'll Never See What's Inside The Box

On the other hand, fans may never see what is inside the Black Box that is being dragged around by Xigbar, AKA Luxu.

The box is protected by Luxu, a being will immense knowledge and power, and contains something that was so shocking, even he was taken aback when he was told by the Master of Masters. It may be a twist that no one will ever know what lies within the box, keeping the power within locked away to never be used or abused.

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