Another update for Kingdom Hearts Dark Road has arrived, but the focus of its news isn't anything good. As it stands right now, the development team has delayed the game indefinitely.

Square Enix announced this through Dark Road's Twitter account last night. Precisely why the game received a delay wasn't specified, but the tweet claimed it was "due to current conditions," which could only mean the coronavirus. The pandemic has forced a lot of businesses and projects to come to a standstill.

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The development team apologized for taking so long to provide an update on the project, explaining that the lack of information came from the preoccupation of trying to find a way to salvage the KH: Dark Road's spring release. Considering the tweet's wording, it doesn't sound like the group managed to succeed.

The good news is that the next update won't take as long to get here as this one did. Dark Road's tweet claims that the account will make another announcement in early June. What exactly will be addressed wasn't stated, but the news will more than likely confirm whether or not Kingdom Hearts Dark Road is still on track for a spring release date or if it will be launching some other time down the road.

The latter possibility still has a chance of happening since Kingdom Hearts Union Cross continues to push out updates without any issues. The same Kingdom Hearts development team handles both games, so if one of the games can keep chugging along, things probably aren't as bad as they seem — that's the hope anyway.

Of course, Union Cross could announce delays as soon as tomorrow, but that doesn't seem likely. For starters, Union Cross is the bigger game of the two. It's been going on for four years and has an active player base. If the game needed suspending, the devs would have announced it right alongside Dark Road, if not before.

Dark Road's delay does beg the question of whether or not the other two Kingdom Hearts game announced alongside it ended up delayed as well. The games currently don't have any information released about them outside of the fact that they're in development. We do know that they have different development teams working on them, though. Maybe the other teams are having better luck and will have more details released soon.

Kingdom Hearts Dark Road is scheduled to release sometime spring 2020.

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