
  • "Xehanort, You're So Caught Up In Finding Shadows, You Forgot About the Light That Cast Them" - Sora scolds Xehanort with a serious line.
  • "I’ve Got Something You Could Never Imitate Too" - Sora shows deep care for Riku with heartfelt words.
  • "I Looked Everywhere For You!" - Sora expresses his desperation to find Riku with a heartbreaking quote.

Kingdom Hearts is one of the most popular yet convoluted franchises in gaming, and with it are some great characters. Fans probably already know Cloud, Squall, and Neku from Square Enix's properties, as well as the loveable cast from Disney's iconic films. There are also a lot of original characters in the series, including Sora, the main character.

Famous Actors You Might Not Know Are In Kingdom Hearts

The Kingdom Hearts series has a high-profile voice cast. Here are some actors you might've missed in major roles.

Sora is a keyblade wielder from Destiny Islands. After separating from his friends and ending up in a world full of Final Fantasy characters, he teams up with Donald and Goofy to find them. Throughout the series, they go on many adventures and battle against Organization 13, a group of Nobodies that is trying to recreate the Keyblade War. From the beginning of his story, Sora has been the source of many iconic Kingdom Hearts quotes, but some are arguably more noteworthy than others.

Updated on June 14, 2024, by Justin Flynn: The main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series, Sora, is one of the most charming heroes in gaming, and with most of the series' entries now available on Steam, even more gamers have a chance to experience him. On top of being a skilled Keyblade wielder and devout friend, he is also the source of many iconic Kingdom Hearts quotes, but some are arguably a little more memorable than others for various reasons. Whether he’s embracing his serious side or simply goofing around with his companions, the words Sora speaks tend to remain in the minds and hearts of all those who hear them.

17 "Xehanort, You’re So Caught Up In Finding The Shadows, You Forgot About The Light That Cast Them"

A Surprisingly Serious Line That Sora Uses To Scold Young Xehanort

Sora in Kingdom Hearts 3
Kingdom Hearts 3

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Switch
January 25, 2019
Square Enix
Action , Adventure

Towards the end of Sora’s visit to Toy Story’s Toy Box world in Kingdom Hearts 3, he is forced to step into a Corridor of Darkness in the hope of rescuing Buzz Lightyear from Xehanort’s clutches. Here, both he and Woody take a moment to lecture Young Xehanort about his obsession with darkness, pointing out how the villain’s attempt to strike fear into the toys of this world only further strengthened the bonds they share.

Once Woody is done insulting this version of Xehanort, Sora steps in to deliver one of the most powerful quotes in the Kingdom Hearts series. Not only does this line showcase how brave Sora can be when faced with danger, but it also reminds players that light and darkness are meant to co-exist, a concept that Young Xehanort seems to have forgotten. Sora is usually a bubbly and optimistic character, so this line proves to be quite refreshing due to how serious it is.

16 "I’ve Got Something You Could Never Imitate Too"

A Heartfelt Quote That Showcases How Deeply Sora Cares About Riku

Sora in Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts 2

PS2 , PS3 , PS4 , PC
March 28, 2006
Square Enix
Action RPG , Hack and Slash

After defeating Xemnas in Kingdom Hearts 2, Sora and Riku find themselves trapped in the Dark Meridian, a beach located in the Realm of Darkness. Believing that there is nowhere to go, the two heroes take a moment to share their feelings with one another, allowing players to learn a great deal more about their relationship.

7 Cutest Enemies In Kingdom Hearts

Though most Kingdom Hearts enemies tend to look intimidating, some are actually quite cute.

In the spirit of honesty, Riku reveals that he was always jealous of Sora, to which Sora responds by admitting that he always wanted to be like Riku. In response, Riku explains that one major advantage to being him (and something that his friend could never imitate) is that he has a friend like Sora. After a moment passes, Sora says, “I’ve got something you could never imitate too,” further showcasing how much he values Riku as a friend.

15 "I Knew You Were Gonna Pass With Flying Colors"

Showcases How Proud Sora Is Of Riku

Sora and Riku from Kingdom Hearts 2
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

July 31, 2012
Square Enix
Action RPG

When Sora and Riku took their Mark of Mastery exam in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Sora fell into darkness and nearly became Xehanort's thirteenth vessel. However, Riku, Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Lea managed to save their friend.

When they returned to Master Yen Sid, Riku became a Keyblade Master. Rather than being upset for not passing the test, Sora was really happy for Riku and told him how much he believed in him. This is a great quote to show how important strong friendships are in the Kingdom Hearts universe.

14 "There's More To A Heart Than Just Anger Or Hate. It's Full Of All Kinds Of Feelings. Don't You Remember?"

Even After A Lengthy Battle, Sora Still Attempts To Reach Out To A Powerful Enemy

Xemnas in the final phase of his boss fight at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2
  • Kingdom Hearts 2

Despite knowing a lot about the heart, Xemnas didn't understand the feelings that came with it. At the end of Kingdom Hearts 2, Sora tries to get him to remember the other emotions he believed Xemnas felt before becoming a Nobody, saying these words.

However, it wouldn't be until he was defeated in Kingdom Hearts 3 that Xemnas truly began to understand that there are other emotions involved. Before fading away, he remarks that having a heart likely requires incredible strength, bringing his character arc to a close.

13 "They Can Take Your World, They Can Take Your Heart, Cut You Loose From All You Know. But If It's Your Fate, Then Every Step Forward Will Always Be A Step Closer To Home"

A Line That Alludes To Kingdom Hearts 3's Ending

The main protagonists of Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

The opening lines of Kingdom Hearts 3 were words that some fans weren't sure if they'd ever hear. Little did they know that Sora was foreshadowing the events of the game. Toward the end of the title, the Guardians and Seekers finally face each other.

Kingdom Hearts: 8 Bosses That Should Have Been Harder

The Kingdom Hearts series is renowned for its challenging secret boss battles, but some of the series other boss fights are pretty underwhelming.

Before their battle could begin, however, the Guardians were defeated, and Sora lost everything that he cared about. He ends up going to the past to save everyone, allowing the new Keyblade War to begin. Refusing to give Xehanort the thirteen keys he needed, the villain struck Kairi down to achieve his goal. Devastated by this, Sora went on a forbidden journey to rescue her, sacrificing himself in the process. Though it may have been unclear at the time, this quote alluded to all of these events during the game's opening.

12 "You Deserve As Much As I Do To Be Your Own Person"

A Touching Line That Showcases How Sora Wants Everyone In His Life To Be Happy

Roxas in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
  • Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Sora and Roxas have always had a strange relationship. Without Sora, Roxas wouldn't have existed. However, Organization 13's Keyblade wielder used to believe that Sora was responsible for his suffering. At one point, the two were unable to co-exist at the same time.

Sadly, Roxas came to understand that somebody was needed more than he was, returning to Sora and allowing him to awaken. Determined to find a way to bring Roxas back, however, Sora said these words to him in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, setting the stage for his return in Kingdom Hearts 3.

11 "There's No Way You're Taking Kairi's Heart"

A Powerful Line That Showcases Sora's Determination To Keep Kairi Safe

Kairi and Riku at Neverland in Kingdom Hearts 1
Kingdom Hearts

September 17, 2002
Square Enix
Action RPG

Many Kingdom Hearts fans who have been around since the beginning know every word of this cutscene. In the first installment, Riku was possessed by Ansem. When Sora realizes this, he also learns that Kairi is a Princess of Heart and that her heart has been resting inside him since their world fell to darkness.

Sora says these words to a possessed Riku prior to their second battle in Hollow Bastion. This boss was one of the most challenging in the game, and PS2 players would have to watch the cutscene that plays before it every time they died since it couldn't be skipped. As a result, this line likely still echoes in the minds of those who played Kingdom Hearts when it was first released.

10 "When I Wake Up, I'll Find You. And Then There Will Be No Lies. We're Gonna Be Friends For Real"

A Line That Reveals How Quickly Sora Can Forgive Those Who Have Wronged Him

Namine at the end of Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories

PS2 , PS3 , PS4 , Xbox One , PC
December 2, 2008
Square Enix
Action RPG , Digital Card Game

In Chain of Memories, Sora, Donald, and Goofy enter Castle Oblivion, where they lose their memories while experiencing moments from their past. In exchange for these memories, Sora gains new ones that he believes he had forgotten and becomes very attached to a new character named Namine.

Kingdom Hearts: 8 Underrated Characters

Many of the characters in the Kingdom Hearts series are beloved by the majority of the fanbase, but these characters deserve some more love.

At the end of his side of the game, he learns that Namine is actually a witch that the Organization used to control his memories. After defeating Marluxia, Namine agrees to restore Sora's true memories to what they once were. She says goodbye to the Keyblade wielder, and this is his response. Even after everything Namine put him through, Sora is more than willing to forgive her actions because he knows she had no choice in the matter. On top of that, he also promises to be her friend when everything is back to normal.

9 "Heart Or No Heart, At Least He Still Has A Conscience"

A Powerful Quote That Sora Uses To Condemn Riku's Actions

Sora, Riku, and Pinocchio in Kingdom Hearts
  • Kingdom Hearts

Riku spent the majority of the original game looking for a way to save Kairi. In the process, he betrayed Sora, joined Maleficent, and became an antagonist throughout the majority of that installment.

When he met Sora inside of Monstro, he kidnapped Pinocchio, thinking that a puppet could help him find uncover a way to restore Kairi's heart. Sora told him how wrong he was for doing this, however, and was eventually able to save Pinocchio from whatever it was that Riku was planning to do. Not only does this quote showcase a more serious side to Sora's personality, but it also highlights how willing he is to protect others, even it means going against the wishes of one of his closest friends.

8 "I Looked Everywhere For You!"

A Truly Heartbreaking Quote That Highlights How Desperate Sora Was To Find Riku

Sora and Riku in Kingdom Hearts 2
  • Kingdom Hearts 2

Sora's journey began when he lost Riku and Kairi. Though the two had fought against each other in the original game, Sora was determined to find Riku and spent much of the following games attempting to do so.

Finally, finding him at the end of Kingdom Hearts 2, Sora cried and fell to his knees, happy to finally reunite with his best friend. The two then join forces to defeat the remaining members of Organization 13. This quote illustrates how deeply Sora wanted to reunite with Riku and further illustrated how much he cared him.

7 "A Scattered Dream That's Like A Far-Off Memory, A Far-Off Memory That's Like A Scattered Dream, I Want To Line The Pieces Up, Yours And Mine"

A Fascinating Quote That Gives Players A Brief Glimpse Into Sora's Mind

KH2 Sora Donald and Goofy
  • Kingdom Hearts 2

The opening lines of Kingdom Hearts 2 were just as mysterious as the beginning of the game. This title is most fans' favorite in the franchise, and many who played the game for the first time on the PS2 likely feel a great deal of nostalgia whenever they start the game over again.

Following these words, players get to watch a beautiful cutscene that briefly covers the events of the original game and that of Chain of Memories. The line itself showcases how Sora is somewhat unsure about what befell him prior to Kingdom Hearts 2's story, and those who hadn't played Chain of Memories by this point were likely just as confused as he was. It's a simple quote, but it does a great job in allowing fans a brief look into Sora's mind.

6 "It's All Right! You Can Stop Now!"

A Saddening Yet Hopeful Line That's Used To Remind Xion Of Who She Is

Sora and Xion
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

During the battle between the Thirteen Seekers and the Seven Guardians, Xemnas wanted Xion to defeat Lea. In an attempt to stop her, Sora asked her not to, and she began to furiously swing her Keyblade at him. As he blocked her attacks, he said these words in an attempt to release her from Xemnas' grasp. Roxas, being able to speak to Xion from within Sora, reminded her of who she really was, allowing her to regain control of her true self.

What makes this line especially heartfelt is how Sora goes about saying it. It would have been easy for him to engage Xion in battle after her first few swings, but instead, he chose not to fight, relying on heartfelt words to bring her back.

5 "A Real Leader Knows That Destiny Is Beyond His Control And Accepts That"

A Wise Yet Ironic Statement That Sora Uses To Lecture Xehanort

Xehanort in Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Kingdom Hearts 3

At the end of Kingdom Hearts 3, Sora learns what Xehanort's intentions really are. The villain wanted the world to return to a time before darkness went inside of people's hearts. In order to achieve this, he had hoped to defend the light.

Upon hearing that Xehanort wanted to be the leader of the light, Sora said these words. Despite being very insightful, they are also ironic, as Sora regularly attempts to change destiny when he is faced with an outcome he doesn't agree with. This tampering with fate eventually results in him vanishing from the world, proving that, though he can be the source of some truly inspiring words of wisdom, he isn't always willing to take his own advice.

4 "I've Been Having These Weird Thoughts Lately. Like, Is Any Of This For Real Or Not?"

A Mysterious Line That Began And Ended The Dark Seeker Saga

Sora in crystal in Kingdom Hearts 3
  • Kingdom Hearts & Kingdom Hearts 3 Re Mind

The only game to have a better opening quote than Kingdom Hearts 2 is the first game. The first words in the series that were ever spoken have recently become one of the biggest mysteries. In Kingdom Hearts 3's DLC, Re Mind, Sora meets Yozora. After a strange conversation, the two end up in Shibuya and fight each other. No matter the fight's outcome, players will see a cutscene in which Yozora wakes up in a car, the same way Noctis did in the trailer for Final Fantasy Versus 13.

Kingdom Hearts: Hardest Games To 100% Complete

Some Kingdom Hearts games are really difficult, and that's especially the case when trying to 100% them.

During this cutscene, both Sora and Yozora think these words to themselves, giving the quote a new meaning. As such, many Kingdom Hearts fans are excited to learn the true meaning of these words in Kingdom Hearts 4, but whether or not the game will provide an explanation for this line is still unclear.

3 "I Know Now, Without A Doubt, That Kingdom Hearts Is Light!"

A Confident Line That Sora Uses To Defeat Ansem

Ansem the Seeker of Darkness at Destiny Islands in Kingdom Hearts
  • Kingdom Hearts

Light and darkness have always been important elements in the Kingdom Hearts series. Throughout the first saga, Sora and his friends learned that the two must be balanced and that too much of one can cause chaos. However, in the first game, Sora didn't see the value of darkness. He fought against Ansem, who opened the Door to Darkness to bring the heartless into the Realm of Light.

Believing that the giant door was Kingdom Hearts, Sora said these words as Ansem perished, shocked at how powerful the light was. Though a lot of previously established information has been retconned, fans will always remember the epic conclusion of the first installment.

2 "We're Back!"

A Satisfying Line That Marks The End Of Sora's First Journey

Kairi reaches for Sora in Kingdom Hearts 2
  • Kingdom Hearts 2

Some fans believe that the ending of Kingdom Hearts 2 would have been a great place for the series to stop. After defeating Xemnas and the other Organization members, Sora and Riku end up in the Realm of Darkness. Earlier in the story, Kairi wrote a message inside a bottle and put it into the ocean, and this bottle ended up being found by Riku and Sora during the closing moments of the game.

The Door to Light finally opens, and the two friends make their way back to the home they hadn't seen for over a year. They fall from the sky and land in the water that surrounds their island. As they swim to the shore, they are greeted by Mickey, Donald, Goofy, and Kairi. With a smile on his face, Sora says this line to Kairi before returning her good luck charm to her. It's a truly satisfying quote that signifies the end of Sora's journey, though the post-credit scene slightly undermines the sense of finality it provides.

1 "My Friends Are My Power!"

Iconic Words That Sora Always Tries To Live By

The main characters of Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
  • Kingdom Hearts & Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Sora's most iconic line was originally spoken in the first game. After it was revealed that Riku was supposed to inherit Sora's Keyblade, Donald and Goofy chose to leave their friend behind in order to stay true to Mickey's request. Armed with nothing but a wooden sword, Sora later confronts Riku and tells him that he doesn't need the Keyblade, implying that his friends are the ones who make him truly strong.

Here, Goofy and Donald realize that Sora is more important to them than the quest they are on. On top of that, saying these words caused the Kingdom Key to return to Sora. This line has been spoken in other games in the series and serves as a great reminder of just how powerful friendship really is.

Kingdom Hearts: Every Game's Story, Ranked

Not all Kingdom Hearts plots are equally good. Here's how all of them rank up from worst to best.