The Kingdom Hearts series is chock-full of some truly fascinating creatures, but some stand out more than others. Certain creatures can become iconic depending on their purpose in the narrative, but some, such as dogs, have a much greater chance to thanks to their already approachable dispositions.

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Several dogs appear throughout the Kingdom Hearts series, but some are more memorable than others. Some act as party members and spend their time assisting Sora in combat, while others act as enemies and usually try to hinder the player's progress. Kingdom Hearts is a great example of how video games can use canines for a variety of different purposes.

8 Bad Dog – Kingdom Hearts 2

The Bad Dog in Kingdom Hearts 2

The Bad Dogs in Kingdom Hearts 2 are surprisingly cute creatures, but under no circumstances should they ever be approached without a weapon in hand. Sora first encounters these unpredictable canines during his visit to the Underworld where he witnesses a pack of them attacking Megara.

Though he scares the beasts away, he encounters many more throughout his journey. During his second visit to the Underworld, a group of three Bad Dogs shows up to assist Sora in his battle against some Dusks. It is rare for the Heartless to aid Sora in combat, but the Bad Dogs were an exception for this brief moment.

7 The Dog In The Bag – Kingdom Hearts 2

The dog from Twilight Town Kingdom Hearts 2

The opening of Kingdom Hearts 2 is a bafflingly sad one. It forces players to form a connection with Roxas, a young boy doomed to fade from the world due to the way he came into existence. Like every Kingdom Hearts game, however, this somber plot doesn't prohibit developers from incorporating some bizarrely comical moments.

While investigating the Seven Wonders of Twilight Town, Roxas will happen upon the Animated Bag. To stop this bag from moving around, Roxas will need to jump on top of it to tire it out. Upon doing so, a dog will emerge. Most dogs wouldn't take kindly to Roxas's behavior, but this particular canine doesn't seem to mind.

6 Skoll – Kingdom Hearts 3

Sora, Donald, and Goofy face off against Skoll Kingdom Hearts 3

Sora's journey to Arendelle in Kingdom Hearts 3 is far from what fans of the Disney feature would expect. Instead of battling Hans at the climax, Sora and his friends are transported to an otherworldly plane and forced to face an Emblem Heartless known as Skoll.

Skoll is arguably one of the most frightening Heartless in the Kingdom Hearts series. He spends the majority of the battle running circles around Sora before delivering a selection of deadly attacks. His desperate move sees him leaping into the sky and summoning a Dark Sun. To survive this attack, Sora must vanquish the floating Wolf Heads that surround him.

5 101 Dalmations – Kingdom Hearts

Pongo, Perdita, and their puppies in Kingdom Hearts

While exploring Traverse Town in the original Kingdom Hearts, Sora is likely to come across a house in the Second District belonging to Pongo and Perdita, two abandoned Dalmations. Their world was taken by the Heartless and their ninety-nine puppies are all missing as a result.

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Therefore, it is up to Sora to search each world he visits, locate the lost Dalmatians, and reunite Pongo and Perdita with their missing puppies. Pongo and Perdita will reward Sora for his efforts, but the best part of finding the Dalmatians is watching them lounge about their new home.

4 Cerberus – Kingdom Hearts

Cloud, Sora, and Hercules face off against Cerberus (Kingdom Hearts)

Sora's visit to the Olympus Coliseum in the original Kingdom Hearts started on a relatively endearing note. After being mocked by a short-tempered satyr named Phil, Sora signs up to compete in a series of battles to prove himself a hero. Things take a turn, however, when Cerberus, a giant three-headed dog, makes an appearance.

Hades originally planned to use Cloud to vanquish Hercules, but Sora's interference led the god of the Underworld to use Cerberus instead. Cerberus is by far one of the most intimidating enemies in the series due to his frightening size and terrifying abilities.

3 Pluto – Kingdom Hearts

Pluto holds a letter in his mouth (Kingdom Hearts)

Pluto is a fascinating character in that his roles throughout the Kingdom Hearts series tend to vary. His first appearance in the franchise saw him joining Donald and Goofy and their journey to find King Mickey before eventually getting separated from them.

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Pluto has a habit of turning up in the most unexpected places. He managed to wander into The World That Never Was during the events of Kingdom Hearts 2 where he came into contact with Axel. This unlikely companionship permitted the dog the chance to explore even more worlds before reuniting with Donald and Goofy.

2 Meow Wow – Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance

Meow Wow summon KH3

Meow Wow is first introduced in Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance. Its role in the game is to act as a party member and assist Sora and Riku on their quest throughout the Sleeping Worlds. Though it's not the most powerful companion available to the protagonists, it is arguably the cutest.

Meow Wow is designed as a hybrid of both a cat and a dog, but it mostly resembles a dog. Its puppy-like whimpers, spots, and canine muzzle all serve to prove this, while its adorable response to receiving affection solidifies it. Meow Wow is Sora's default Dream Eater, making it Sora's second-best canine companion. It returns in Kingdom Hearts 3 as a summon.

1 Goofy – Kingdom Hearts

goofy in a gummi ship

Goofy is, without question, the most reliable canine companion in the Kingdom Hearts series. He first meets Sora in Traverse Town where he helps the young Keyblade wielder defeat the Guard Armor. He offers Sora a place on his Gummi Ship shortly after and the two quickly form a strong friendship.

Like Sora, Goofy evolves a great deal throughout the series. Contrary to what his name would suggest, he is the smartest member of the party and will often devise solutions long before his companions have even noticed a problem. He is a great source of comic relief, but he shines much brighter during his serious moments.

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